The Stress Rock of Mohammed Ali Tewfik of Egypt


First Encounter


Mohammed Ali was on a stroll by the Nile with his wife enjoying the landscape. Mohammed Ali was a romantic and highly educated gentleman, so it wasn't out of his nature to notice a beautiful red rose on the ground. As he bent down to grab the rose he was surprised to find a beautiful, shiny, and symmetric rock. So he took the rock and put it in his coat pocket and went home. He then placed it on his dresser beside his bed.

Finding the Second Rock


On another stroll, under the influence, Mohammed Ali tripped on a small yet eye-catching rock, and felt deja-vu so he decided to keep the second rock. Once he got home he put the rock beside the first rock on the dresser.

The Discovery


On the second day, Mohammed Ali wondered what to do with these rocks. So as he was thinking he was moving the rocks in his hands, when the idea came to him to use the rocks as a mode of stress relief. So every time he gets frustrated, Mohammed Ali would use the rocks as therapy for his stress.



1844 - Health problems


This was the year Mohammed Ali began losing his mind slowly. His workers began noticing some strange things, he began having random chills, hitting his head on the wall, and eating grass and flowers when hungry.

Stress Rock road to fame


In 1848, Mohammed Ali's condition began to worsen. He was admitted to a mental hospital in Turkey but his condition was not going to get any better, so they decided to take him back to Egypt and pass the rule down to his son Ibrahim Basha.

On a big banquet event in the palace, Mohammed Ali was locked in his room to prevent him from embarrassing them in front of the guests. It was around dinner time when Mohammed Ali got very hungry but didn't have access to food. On an impulse he started eating everything in the room and decided to give the rock a try. He picked up the first rock and swallowed it whole.

Two hours later he began having severe pain in his abdominal region and went to the restroom. After several attempts, it was finally released with so much pressure and hard work, which made him continue the rest of his life on a wheel chair.

His son Ibrahim Basha tried to make the prince feel better so he told the sewage workers that whoever finds the stress rock will be rewarded. When the Stress Rock traveled to the sewage area it was then discovered by a young man by the name of Metwaly A.S. Metwaly decided to keep the Stress Rock because he knew that it's worth would at least double it's worth over time. So Metwaly made the Stress Rock a family heirloom.

The Rock's Worth


Today this Stress Rock of Prince Mohammed Ali is worth about $134,720. The story of the Stress rock has been passed down for generations, despite many attempts to discredit it. The Stress Rock is present and is in the very container in which Metwaly used to store it in from more than 150 years ago.