This page list differences in the CrossRef registrants between the prior and current results:

DOI Prior (01 Dec 2024) Current (23 Dec 2024)
10.1603 Entomological Society of America Entomological Society of America (BioOne)
10.4212 Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) Canadian Society of Healthcare-Systems Pharmacy
10.5530 MANUSCRIPT TECHNOMEDIA LLP Manuscript Technomedia LLP
10.5557 Colegio Oficial de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de la Comunidad Valenciana (COBDCV) Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris i Documentalistes de la Comunitat Valenciana (COBDCV)
10.9767 Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis BCREC Publishing Group
10.12800 UCAM CCD UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia
10.14448 Wallace Center RIT Libraries
10.15223 International STM Association STM Services BV
10.15392 Sociedade Brasilieira de Protecao Radiologica - SBPR Sociedade Brasileira de Proteção Radiológica - SBPR
10.17205 NONE Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
10.17537 Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology of RAS (IMPB RAS) Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology (IMPB RAS – Branch of KIAM RAS)
10.17655 Cerceau Alda Research Institute
10.18794 Medical University of Silesia Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
10.21408 NONE Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
10.21439 IFCE Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará
10.21628 Revista FLAMMAE Corpo de Bombeiros Militar de Pernambuco
10.30618 Caleidoscopio - Edicao e Artes Caleidoscopio - Edicao e Artes Gráficas, SA
10.31032 BPAS Publishers LLP BPAS Publishers
10.32007 Faculty of Medicine University of Baghdad College of Medicine University of Baghdad
10.32685 Servicio Geologico Colombiano Servicio Geológico Colombiano
10.33215 SEISENSE Private, Ltd. SEISENSE
10.33221 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia Maju - STIKIM Universitas Indonesia Maju
10.33231 Asociacion Espanola De Historia Economica Asociación Española de Historia Económica
10.33684 Greo Evidence Insights+ Greo Evidence Insights
10.34218 IAEME Publication Chennai IAEME Publication
10.36446 Sociedad Argentina de Analisis Filosofico Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas
10.36479 Engineers Without Borders Australian Engineers Without Borders Australia
10.46608 University Bordeaux Montaigne Université Bordeaux Montaigne
10.47197 Federacion Espanola de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educacion Fisica (FEADEF) JURUFRA SL
10.47590 Medical University of Silesia Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
10.48045 European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP) European Association of Fish Pathologists e.V. (EAFP)
10.51260 Escuela Superior Politecnica Agropecuaria de Manabi Manuel Felix Lopez Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López
10.51997 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKes) YPIB Majalengka Universitas Yayasan Pendidikan Imam Bonjol Majalengka
10.53559 Societa Italiana di Malacologia (SIM) Società Italiana di Malacologia
10.53580 Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bandung Universitas Teknologi Bandung
10.53840 Penerbit Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor Penerbit Universiti Islam Selangor
10.53941 Australia Academic Press Pty Ltd Scilight Press Pty Ltd
10.54495 Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - OpenCiencia
10.55155 Universidad Nacional del Santa Dirección de Gestión de la Información Científica, Universidad Nacional del Santa
10.56078 Universite Rennes 2 - Maison des sciences de l'homme en Bretagne Université Rennes 2 - Maison des Sciences de l'Homme en Bretagne
10.56785 Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - OpenCiencia
10.56818 Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - OpenCiencia
10.57247 Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - OpenCiencia
10.57656 NONE Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie
10.60856 NONE Association Nationale Française des Ergothérapeutes
10.61155 Saber CDCH-UCV Sociedad Venezolana de Gastroenterologia
10.62267 Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - OpenCiencia
10.62720 Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - OpenCiencia
10.69518 Tribunal da Contas da Uni達o Tribunal da Contas da União
10.69861 M Abdur Rahim Medical College Dinajpur Medical College, Dinajpur
10.70939 Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - OpenCiencia
10.70943 Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Washliyah Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah Kalsel
10.70967 Israel Antiquities Authority - Digital Commons Journals Israel Antiquities Authority - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS
10.70968 Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Engineering Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Engineering
10.70972 NONE T.C. İçişleri Balanlığı Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı
10.70973 NONE Tribology Society Of India
10.70974 NONE Conférence des Recteurs des Universités Francophones d'Afrique et de l'OCéan Indien
10.70975 NONE Fundação Educacional Guaçuana
10.70976 NONE Beijing Zhonghui Traditional Chinese Medicine Journal Co., Ltd
10.70977 NONE MedMax Publishers
10.70978 NONE ACCOBAMS Secretariat
10.70979 NONE Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas
10.70980 NONE Instituto Superior Tecnológico LEMAS
10.70981 NONE Bilsan Basın Yayın
10.70982 NONE Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Minas Gerais
10.70983 NONE Centro de Investigación y Nutrición Continua
10.70984 NONE Wolkite University
10.70985 NONE Breda Publishing Press
10.70986 NONE Badan Riset dan Inovasi Daerah Kabupaten Buleleng
10.70987 NONE Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Baptis Bandung
10.70988 NONE Cankiri Karatekin Universitesi
10.70989 NONE Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University
10.70990 NONE Universidad Nacional de Concepción
10.70991 NONE Roads and Bridges
10.70992 NONE Yayasan Darul Fata
10.70993 NONE Dai Nam University
10.70994 NONE Xavier Institute of Social Service
10.70995 NONE Regional Association for Security and Crisis Management
10.70996 NONE MediMosaic Publishing Corporation Limited
10.70997 NONE Cebu Normal University
10.70998 NONE Instituto Superior Tecnológico Central Técnico con condición de Universitario
10.70999 NONE Instituto de Educación Superior Pedagógico Benigno Ayala Esquivel
10.71000 NONE Health and Research Insights
10.71001 NONE Hanoi School of Business and Management
10.71002 NONE STSL Press
10.71003 NONE Publications Bartimée
10.71004 NONE Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales /Kinshasa
10.71005 NONE Atlantic Society for Science Sarl
10.71006 NONE International Biathlon Union
10.71007 NONE Malaysia Society of Radiographers
10.71008 NONE Raw Data Library
10.71009 NONE Central European Academic Publishing
10.71010 NONE CMJ Publishers
10.71011 NONE ÁRÉDO 55 Kft.
10.71012 NONE State Institution - D. F. Chebotarev Institute of Gerontology NAMS of Ukraine
10.71013 NONE age1 Capital Management, LLC
10.71014 NONE Società Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica
10.71015 NONE Journal of Intelligent System of Systems Lifecycle Management
10.71016 NONE Human Nature Research Publisher
10.71017 NONE Dinkum Publishers
10.71018 NONE Earth Institute
10.71019 NONE Simplissimo
10.71020 NONE Public Health Corps Africa Ltd
10.71021 NONE Consell de l'Advocacia Catalana
10.71022 NONE Centro de Estudios Científicos y Desarrollo Académico (CECDA) S.A.S. B.I.C.
10.71023 NONE Yayasan Putra Sukamanah Sejahtera
10.71024 NONE Yayasan Tajuk Indonesia
10.71025 NONE Institut Agama Islam Almuslim Aceh
10.71026 NONE National University of Laos, Center for Scientific Journal Promotion
10.71027 NONE Oromia Police College
10.71028 NONE PT. Mawamedia Jayamusta Buanasiha
10.71029 NONE Institut Attaqwa KH. Noer Alie
10.71030 NONE MedCom-Pro Communication Agency
10.71031 NONE Kazakhstan Road Research Institute
10.71032 NONE Confevent
10.71033 NONE LTD "KSHP OMD"
10.71034 NONE Saber CDCH-UCV
10.71035 NONE Saber CDCH-UCV
10.71036 NONE Enlightenment Research Institute
10.71037 NONE Gyanvividha
10.71038 NONE Revista Práticas em Gestão Pública Universitária
10.71039 NONE Seutia Hukamaa Cendekia
10.71040 NONE Institut Riset dan Pengembangan Indonesia
10.71041 NONE Universidad Nacional Ecológica
10.71042 NONE Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School
10.71043 NONE Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies
10.71044 NONE Arts and Science Undergraduate Society
10.71045 NONE Sachsische Landesbibliothek, Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Dresden
10.71046 NONE Sachsische Landesbibliothek, Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Dresden
10.71047 NONE Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
10.71048 NONE Bokförlaget Stolpe
10.71049 NONE Yayasan Yaszoy Cahaya Nusantara
10.71050 NONE Establishment Kostanai social and technical University named after academician Zulkharnai Aldamzhar
10.71051 NONE Sakarya Üniversitesi
10.71052 NONE Wonford Press Limited
10.71053 NONE Publishing House Political Encyclopedia
10.71054 NONE Institute of English Studies, University of the Punjab
10.71055 NONE Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Rahmat Emmanuel
10.71056 NONE Washington Library Association
10.71057 NONE Community Organizing Journal
10.71058 NONE PNAD Digital Publishers
10.71059 NONE Zentrum für Qualität in der Pflege
10.71060 NONE Distance, Open and E-learning Practitioners Association of Kenya
10.71061 NONE Chandhar Research Labs Pvt Ltd
10.71062 NONE Editora Mizuno
10.71063 NONE Doupe Private Limited
10.71064 NONE St. Paul's University
10.71065 NONE Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár
10.71066 NONE Nyíregyházi Egyetem
10.71067 NONE Magyar-Egyiptomi Baráti Társaság
10.71068 NONE Sapiens Ediciones
10.71069 NONE Institute for Historical Studies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
10.71070 NONE Hong Kong Longwaan Academic Publishing Co., Limited
10.71071 NONE Midwives Alliance of Asia
10.71072 NONE Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation
10.71074 NONE Karabuk University - Computer Engineering and Software Engineering Departments
10.71075 NONE Global Smallholder Studies Academy
10.71076 NONE Thoracic Surgery Residents Association
10.71077 NONE Romanian Committee of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the Romanian Academy/History of Science Department
10.71078 NONE International Association of Teachers of Kazakh Languages
10.71079 NONE American Society for Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Healthcare
10.71080 NONE Aura Publishing
10.71081 NONE Society for Applied Research Aspects
10.71082 NONE Kunduz University
10.71083 NONE Uşak Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi
10.71084 NONE Bilim Eğitim Kültür Akademi Derneği
10.71085 NONE Centre for Children Literacy and Lifelong Learning
10.71086 NONE International Academic Institute for Science and Technology
10.71087 NONE PT. Matra Cendikia Abadi
10.71088 NONE Asosiasi Psikologi Forensik Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia
10.71089 NONE Universitas Siber Asia
10.71090 NONE Scientific Center Association for Cooperation and Cultural Development
10.71091 NONE Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology
10.71092 NONE Gulf Index Electronic Publisher
10.71093 NONE Communication Professionals LLC
10.71094 NONE Gema Cendekia Institute
10.71095 NONE Asosiasi Dosen dan Praktisi Ekonomi Nusantara (ADPEN)
10.71096 NONE Cankiri Karatekin Universitesi
10.71097 NONE International Research Publication and Journals
10.71098 NONE Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade de Pernambuco
10.71099 NONE Magyar Zenetudományi és Zenekritikai Társaság
10.71100 NONE Széchenyi István Egyetem Deák Ferenc Állam-és Jogtudományi Kar
10.71101 NONE Sociedade de Psicanálise Iracy Doyle
10.71102 NONE Studio IPA Creative LTDA
10.71103 NONE Asociación Mexicana de Ciencias en Soldadura, Metalurgia e Ingeniería, A. C.
10.71104 NONE Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Pakistan
10.71105 NONE University of Burundi
10.71106 NONE E.L.A. Project
10.71107 NONE iConclusions Publishing House
10.71108 NONE National Aviation Academy
10.71109 NONE Department of Physics, Mustansiriyah University
10.71110 NONE National Ophthalmology Centre Named After Academician Zarifa Aliyeva
10.71111 NONE Science Tech and Trading L.L.C. Oman
10.71112 NONE Omniscens
10.71113 NONE Asia Technology Research Institute
10.71114 NONE Instituto Theodoro Ratisbonne
10.71115 NONE Journal of Medical Science and Engineering
10.71116 NONE University of Debrecen/ Debreceni Egyetem
10.71117 NONE CLS Event and Publication Private Limited
10.71118 NONE Malaysian Veterinary Medical Association
10.71119 NONE The Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery
10.71120 NONE The University of Lahore
10.71121 NONE Universidad Evangélica Boliviana
10.71122 NONE Indian Geophysical Union (IGU)
10.71123 NONE Aytin Publications
10.71124 NONE International Journal of Mathematical Modeling Simulation and Applications
10.71125 NONE Sport Economics Research
10.71126 NONE Arundhati Research Foundation
10.71127 NONE Universitas Sintuwu Maroso
10.71128 NONE Yayasan Panca Bakti Wiyata Pangandaran
10.71129 NONE CV Cendekia Publisher
10.71130 NONE Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction
10.71131 NONE Universitas Kristen Cipta Wacana
10.71132 NONE Société Burkinabé de Santé Publique
10.71133 NONE İnönü Üniversitesi - Faculty of Pharmacy
10.71134 NONE Mathias Corvionus Collegium Alapítvány
10.71135 NONE National Institute for Research and Development in Constructions, Urbanism and Sustainable Spatial Development URBAN-INCERC
10.71136 NONE Centro Universitário Ateneu
10.71137 NONE Editora Faith
10.71138 NONE Türkiye Kamu Yönetimi Enstitüsü