User:Hrcolyer/Wikiproject France/French Revolution/Template:French Revolution

Here is a suggested navigation box. Any comments? (Please put them below)
In particular:
Other themes (or some to be omitted), ordering the elements (and some to add or delete), what should auto-collapse.
Any illustration? (Houël Picture of Storming of Bastille?)
Can Feuillants be included in Monarchistes?
Hrcolyer (talk) 17:52, 24 November 2008 (UTC)
French Revolution

Periods: Ancien Régime|Pre-Revolution (Causes) * National Constituent Assembly * Constitutional Monarchy * Convention * Directory
1789: Convocation of the Estates-General * Storming of the Bastille * National Assembly * Serment du Jeu de Paume * Déclarations des Droits de l'Homme * Women's March on Versailles
1790: Civil Constitution of the Clergy * Abolition of Nobility * Abolition of the Parlements
1791: Flight to Varennes * Declaration of Pillnitz * Constitution of 1791 * Legislative Assembly
1792: Brunswick Manifesto * Royalist Revolts (Brittany . Vendée . Dauphiné) * September Massacres * National Convention * 1st Republic
1793: Louis Capet is guillotined * Committee of public safety / Revolutionary tribunals * Girondist are arrested * Assassination of Marat * Levée en masse * Terror (Law of Suspects) * Marie-Antoinette guillotined * anti-clerical laws
1794: Danton & Desmoulins guillotined * Supreme Being * Law of 22 Prairial * Battle of Fleurus * 9-10 Thermidor * White Terror and closing of Jacobin Club
1795-1799: 1795 Constitution * Directory * Treaty of Campo Formio * 18 Brumaire * Constitution de l'an VIII
Revolutionary Wars(by year): 1789 * 1790 * 1791 * 1792 * 1793 * 1794 * 1795 * 1796 * 1797 * 1798 * 1799 * 1800 * 1801 * 1802
Important Figures & Factions:
Royalists: Louis XVI * Marie Antoinette * Loménie de Brienne * Necker * Chateaubriand * Mirabeau
Feuillants: Lafayette
Girondins: Clavière * Roland de la Platière * Brissot * Mme Roland * Charlotte Corday * Condorcet
Montagnards: de Vieuzac * Danton * Prieur de la Cote-d'Or * Prieur de la Marne * Robespierre * Saint-Just * Desmoulins * Marat
Hébertistes: Hebert * Billaud-Varenne * Jacques Roux
Bonapartistes: Napoléon Bonaparte * de Cambaceres * Lebrun * Jacques-Louis David
Others: Talleyrand * Sieyes * de Sade
Influential Thinkers: Diderod * Montesquieu * Rousseau * Voltaire * Beamarchais
Cultural impact:
La Marseillaise * French Revolutionnary Calendar * Panthéon * Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité * A Tale of Two Cities * Quatrevingt-Treize * The Scarlet Pimpernel * Fête Nationale

I should add French flag in bottom section, and it should read Montagnard / Jacobin. Hrcolyer (talk) 18:04, 24 November 2008 (UTC)
Also, lacking 10th of August 1792. Hrcolyer (talk) 19:01, 24 November 2008 (UTC)