=X#ibit _ ∆



A material-reality resistance strategist in the people's republic of Berkeley, California a state of independence

DOB 9a.m. 1958 September12, Los Angeles CA- "Triple Virg, Libra riser". Intense nevertheless. "Dogs and women like him."-Mark Glover, 1979. Inglewood CA.
Private schooling offered some social-mobility among more educated and stable classes.
I am blessed to say I've been able to maintain life-long social relationships- Some since 1st grade.
Private schools also taught us how to read, and to hold stupid issues around sex.
Likewise a religious/abusive nuclear-family trapped me within dysfunctional cycles-including manic/depression and substance abuse- throughout my life.
therefore I am also Persona-non-Grata AEternis, Barrington Hall, UCB- For which I'm eternally Dead.

Contact: WRITE T0 ME ON FACEBooK Pleeze? I'll never need to see you ever again฿^D} ... Oh, and- Love your Plant (Pet- Farm- MafiaDon - DrugThug -Avatar- God)- keep it alive. Keep it away from me....

Current Associations: 2010

    • Aro gTér lineage of Nyingma buddhism, a lineage transmitted by an historically modern woman within a vital tradition

" particularly suitable for those with jobs and families, and therefore limited practice time" in fact actually requiring full engagement with modern life- and explicitly friendly to sexual minorities (which other paths find an insurmountable hang up. & Such a simple human thing too... Oh well: GIGO).

Aro's lack of buddhist tendencies to retreat from & put down 'the world', a fear which slowly poisons larger "White Buddhist" sanghas, as well as a minimized use of ritual, veneration & use of symbolic objects- make it inherently less materialistic than more popular brands of practice. Therefore it's emptier and more real than most of the buddhist imports on the market. AND it's the first Tibetan form to have liberated itself from material Tibet in favor of the real deal- With our generation, Aro's yop teachers are now non-Tibetan. If that's not evidence of a paths' own deep and true longing for liberation...

Sh*t I've been into:

crucial moral /"spiritual" insights in a persuasive format. This is helpful since morality is usually supplied to culture via religion- and all our religions appear fully disreputable, whether hypocritical,
dependent on inventions such as "love" or just impenetrably decadent representations of 'archaic revival' observations.
    • Buddhism, which teaches Reality is not approached via some specific language; and that forces and/or gods such as "Love" do "exist"- internally as Self; yet no god exists outside of Self. All fully consistent with a Christian Communion.
At the same time this realization answers a childhood question:
I have "CommUnion" with the internal 'God'
(a substitute for YHVH / Allah /Brahma /Trinity,
but a mere God is what I was asked to process).
So- Now What? What happens to ME after such realization?
A: Mahalila.
    • Physics' investigation, an insight into materialism- 'the proper respect of our precious material reality' (as Alan Watts put it).
    • Bio Energetics. The thrumming razor of science via experiment as opposed to the fake Big Budget Science via hordes of petulant academics propping up their Theory-sanctioned educations.

I met Dr.Meg Patterson who discovered the tech & famously treated Pete Townsend and who tried to capitalize on it in the USA before she died, but in frustration with the AMA monolith, in the end she turned to the same underground technique of the populist patent-jumper she resented (or envied)- Bob Beck whose protocols for an electronics-modulated energetic health, as pioneered by Raymond Royal Rife are now famous- prob'ly because of KPFK's many Roy of Hollywood shows with him.

The intrinsically imperial "Health Care" scam which despite the legislated denial & protection knowingly oversees production of childhood disasters like autism via ignoring endemic deficiency or commercial poisonings Thimersoral or MERCURY INJECTION. NPR forbids this discussion. They even substitute the word "Aluminum" for "Mercury" in the "This American Life" series . .
    • Cancer Control Society ; all pioneers & Utopianists who struggle against for-Profit payment for disease) allopathic-industrial lobbies such as Morris Fishbein's ongoing criminal enterprise, the AMA. Along with the FDA, the AMA were originally created by surgical and interests in toxic patent-medicines for blatantly low financial ends. Though they did use socially-conscious language in their press relations, history today clearly reveals the AMA in particular was created to eliminate far more successful competing health practitioners- including specifically Morris Fishbein's original nemesis, Charlotte Gerson's Hoxey formula, a popular and successful cancer treatment of the 1920's which had already built several USA hospitals before the AMA was organized. Fishbein made clear he desired control of this cancer-cure action but had been denied financial control over the Formula by its naive owner. Ultimately Fishbein bought his hospitals and ruined this useful technology for North America.




1982-1984 ...

    • Notorious crasher @ Barrington Hall Berkeley CA USA (Int'l. Society of Onngh Yanngh Consciousness)
    • where I earned :
      • The "Anne Frank Award" from the 'Yardbirdz Club' for devotion to self-imposed studies on supressed topics; & acted as an
      • Social-Education Librarian with Dr. Louis Schwartz
    • How to learn more:

June 1980

    • A.A., El Camino College, Torrance CA USA: California Colleges are so well staffed that ECC Left me aware of only how indifferent- to incompetent much of UCB's instruction is.

Personal History


How I Spent My 'Seventies:


-Latterly- - - reborn into expanding endless summer at Westchester High ('GO COMETS'), Playa del Rey CA: where early evidence of catastrophic climate shift & revelations of "The Revealing Science of God: The Dance of Dawn" sends flowered rainbows to all. Westchester High School was also a clever cradle to beach psychedelia - being hailing distance to the waves, beautiful beaches, and "the bean fields" of Hughes Aircraft.

          • Howard Kaylan and
          • Mark Volman - who together are 'Flo & Eddie' -ie. 'The Turtles':
            Legendary voices behind rock/pop hits incl. (T.Rex' 'The Slider' and 'Electric Warrior' LPs), The Stones, &
            legendary years of minstrelry & motel tourist's holidays with F.Zappa.
          • Squeaky Fromme -Lynette Fromme: Charlie's Girl, Ronald Reagan botherer, and poor shot.
          • Star Turner - sweet yet scorching daughter of lovely Ike T. See, we were near Inglewood CA. Also, we had numerous
          • Soul Train Dancers attend Westchester High, from westward migration of the historically large black population of South Central LA and proximity to Paramount where 'Soul Train' still records.

I Spent My 'Sixties


wishing I were an orphan, tortured by values of superstition, authoritarianism, education & personal malice developed via
the 'peculiar institution' of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and its' organs:

Brushes with Glamour:

          • Glamour is the Brush, baby. Spackle it on!

Personal statement re: "Phread & Leo in Friendship" [film]


My name gets tossed in Barrington Hall- OK, but... From [[Talk:Barrington Hall]

I was not a narcotic addict when Mr. Dick Wolf lensed the BA 'Disorientation' film "Phread & Leo (Make Friends!)". There was no heroin on-set. There is nothing even ID'd as heroin in the film. I was there... And heroin was not called for. It's not at all a piece about heroin. I would have known if it were. I wrote the film. There was a short fast-motion bit concerning substance abuse lensed for the film, where we referred to our culture's obsession w/ aphrodisiacs- w/objectified sex. The white powder prop used here was apparently "real" costly- an attempt at some genie-guided authenticity. But of all the options our prop-master offered, it was an unsatisfactory black-market cola-product. The episode was directed largely by me and the entire business was intended facetiously- as irony- rather than to make any suggestions that... "the subject matter of the film is heroin"- or opiates, or narcotics or aphrodisiacs or of any such interest. The notion of such a consistent association is dis-spiriting to me. And from my POV, this scene is the only scene one might alter; it's disconnected. But then the philosphical subject of the film had to do with nothing "external". The piece was a monument to the possibility of shared internal states.

Rhe wonderfully abstract momentumn of the Phread & Leo-&/Leo & Phread- comes from a formula: "Friendship" = "Loyalty" + "Fun" . I recall all this still b/c (from my POV) I largely directed this film- with the valuable technical expertise and assistance from my comrades Ralf and Phread MG. I'm able to feel proud of this brief record of time. Unlike some others, I'm not embarrassed by the pretenses of my art nor am I shamed to be mentioned here (or anywhere). My irony is not to hide any (or the lack) of my intentions behind - but rather I find it is a face for my profoundly degrading angers- as well as an occassional "sometimes" space to launch McLuhanesque "probes" from.

In this case the drug abuse trope is the one scene I might consider altering. It seems dull as well as disconnected in a film that is otherwise compellingly- and lovingly constructed to evoke an abstract apotheosis. I hope others can soon begin to share what is there. HilarLeo Hey,L.E.O. 16:42, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

Shorter Vershn- Heroin Wars, and Ruins of War, and the Solar Inversion of Mars

When Mr. Dick Wolf lensed the BA 'Disorientation' film "Phread & Leo (Make Friends!)" There was no heroin on-set. There is nothing even ID'd as heroin in the film. I wrote the film, and heroin was not called for. And I was there. There was a short fast-motion scene concerning substance abuse, referring to obsessive consumption- & aphrodisiacs as objectified sex. Yhe humor was undeveloped and did not leave the screen. But unfortunately a "white powder" prop used on-set was apparently "real"- & of all the options the prop-master offered, it was an unsatisfactory-quality black-market cola-product- a failed attempt at authenticity which sabotaged the effect. The episode was directed largely by me and the entire business was intended facetiously- as irony- rather than to make any suggestions that "the subject matter of the film is heroin"- or narcotics or insufflated aphrodisiacs. Such narrow notions say more of the debasing of USA arts' culture than me or this short. From my POV, the bit is the only scene one might want to alter in thiis piece. It's disconnected. But then the entire subject of the film had to do with nothing external. It had to do with- was a monument to- the possibility of shared internal states. Unlike some others, I'm not embarrassed by the pretenses of art nor am I shamed to be mentioned here (or anywhere). I hope others can soon be allowed to begin- or to re-familiarize themseleves w/what is here. The wonderfully abstract momentumn of Phread & Leo comes from a formula: "Friendship" = "Loyalty" + "Fun" . HilarLeo Hey,L.E.O. 22:03, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

personal sub-pages


Sound poem: 'Glamour'
Custom Color Sigs
Hilarleo/Editing tools



Jonathan King


An objective editor needs to stop the mess - Little Grape seems to be Purples who was blocked from editing ages ago (see history) as does PrivateMusings and a real mess of a previously good article seems to have exploded. Emotive agendas (use of words like "children", removal of references to past work, lack of serious consideration for the court cases - I'm American so don't know the Brit legal system but basic research illustrates many issues within seconds). I'm not getting involved again but the Pro-King/Anti-King battle has to stop now! Can you help? (talk) 09:16, 30 June 2009 (UTC)

The IP address range above corresponds to a hotel in Tivoli, Italy where King is currently staying.
Reported at: http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Wikipedia:COI/N#Jonathan_King_caught_POV-pushing_his_own_article Little grape (talk) 18:47, 30 June 2009 (UTC)

Yes Jonathan, Tivoli, fine place- perfect for your crowd in the season. live it up! Hilarleo Hey,L.E.O. 14:37, 15 March 2011 (UTC)

Royal Rife


What a miserable article. Most days my interest with WP is about steering folks away from it's Capitalist-poisoned distortions. But this article is simple slander under the guise of a Science-ism bogosity

They'll challenge these, my edits, away:

" It's clear enough. Perhaps even more clear, is the naively repetitive nature of the article. It's feathered with multiple boilerplate-like iterations of a single Argument from authority, representing a consistent POV based on those very falsities which User:Orasis references for you, ie.: As there has never existed consistent evidence that any AMA-FDA process reliably cures any cancer, the article's every mention of Rife-tech users "dying", due to any imagined lack of AMA/FDA approved interventions (eg., chemo), telegraphs a message of bad faith manipulation. Further assertions that Rife-tech promoters were fairly convicted and justly incarcerated on the basis of that same fallacious theory - as if a blatantly political trial should be understood beyond social context - would tend to contribute to a further appearance of cabal bad faith among any article's apparently corporately-allied editorship. Hilarleo Hey,L.E.O. 19:41, 19 August 2018 (UTC) "

No, I must disagree: the *wording* is perfectly clear. What is less clear is your own writing. Perhaps you meant to point out the sentence is a 'fallacy' as an Argument from authority based on a conflict of facts (ie., those paradoxes supporting any corruption-of-power). But the sentence does not fit any usage of WP "Wikipedia:Weasel word", as you'd have seen if you'd perhaps bothered to link to the actual term. Human-based editing takes some patience. Please understand that while Evidence is always a matter for human opinions, we do not come here to do research or argue for justice. WP is an echo-chamber of our Lowest-Common-Denominator. As such it inevitably reacts positively towards power in politics, a preferential shelter for every Establishment. Contrarian contributions must internalize this or they succumb to it. But I must say, the contrarian attempts to reform this article have resulted in this talk-page providing all the evidence of thought-control that an editor could want. I'll be referring to it for years. Hail Cerebus! - Hilarleo Hey,L.E.O. 16:31, 19 August 2018 (UTC) "