User:Havarhen/List of bloated software

This is a list of software I find to be bloatware, and also why they are listed here. If someone find this article encylopedic they are free to move it off of my user page.

Microsoft Office


This office suite is sold in way too many editions:

  • Microsoft Office Student and Teacher Edition
  • Microsoft Office Basic Edition
  • Microsoft Office Standard Edition
  • Microsoft Office Small Business Edition
  • Microsoft Office Professional Edition
  • Microsoft Office Professional Enterprise Edition

I recommend that you start using Latex or Markdown, This is becuse it is more simple if you whant a full office stack, i recommend that you try open office

Microsoft Word

  • Animated text frame: Who needs a animated frame around their textual content?? D'oh! That's something you can't see on the printed paper.

Microsoft Powerpoint


This program has way to many effects, it's a presentation maker, not a film editor! It makes some people use too much time on finding the most fancy effect, stealing time from what it's all about.

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications


This script/macro engine has way too many functions, making it exploitable. You don't need to be able to format a harddrive from VBA! Too many viruses exploits less secure functions in this script language.

Microsoft Windows


A web browser and a media player is two programs that shouldn't be integrated into an operation system. Whutt why not?

MSN Messenger

  • Nudge: nudging people
  • Winks: sending flashanimations
  • MSN Games: having MSN Games built into this program makes the program much heavier, there exists many online playgrounds where one could play games against each other.
  • Radio: listening to internet radio(wut, what is this)

Internet Explorer


This browser is too much integrated with the operationsystem, making it much more exploitable.



Same as VBA



Firefox is a browser that was founded by some nerds in the USA and started as something positive but now it has become bloat as of February 8, 2021[1].

I hate rust


Rust is very bloated programing languge and it makes for very big binnarys, i think Firefox binary size is 800mg and you know thats big fat bloat, What should you use instead i am glad you asked you should use netsurf, Netsurf is a webbrowser that is writen in pure c(lang) that makes it very fast like szonick you can compile netsurf in 10minutes ore somting like that and the binnary size is 10kb or somting like that. Can i also add that firefox can't bea comiled with LibreSSL, Yeah i know it is tyrany.

I Love Gentoo


I might also add that firefox takes like 10hr to compile on My GENTTO box 10hr vs 10min huuuuh i know what you are thinking but firefox has full webstandard stuff and youl bea right. BUTT netsurf has support for half of the most common css stuff and it has support for javascript using Duktape engien.

This is the offical portrait of Donald trump president from 2017-2025

Stuff that i also hate about firefox

  1. The CEO of Firefox is a communist and wants to ban Donald trump from the internet,.[2]
  2. The CEO of Firefox is have bean rising his/hers Salary alot while laying of develepers.[3]
  3. Firefox is in bed with google and big tech, this is frigtining in it self that firefox, the Priacy browser is taking Monay from this communist organization Google, and google is spying on me why mann?
  4. Firefox has not 3cookies support blocked by defulte this is also very bad.
  5. Firefox has not support for gopher, why dosen't firefox has a gopher client builth inn by defulte huum?.
  6. Firefox dosen't support unveil(2) and Privilege Separation(∞) that OpenBSD uses, This makes it soo that folder can bee wronebole for attack. What i mean about Privilege Separation is that firefox dosent have the right to open every folder in the system onaly the folders it is granted by the system. Beacuse what if firefox gets a hack that makes it soo you can binnary exsplote it? humm.[4]

Stats Lines of code of Firefox over time?


In fact firefox has somting like 100mil lines of code and you know thats a lot alot, for just a webbrowser. A webrowser is so simple you can juse use Curl -s it is so simpel man bam bam you dont need every wone of thes drivers for you tosters and all of this javascript with 300 nodejs dependecyes, yeah firefox is blot yeah i know chrome and bing and all of the other webbrowsers are also bloat but firefox is very very very bloat beacuse it is open source. Kan henrey from singapor has made a video about this he has made some graphs and stuff about BLIK, Firefox, Chrome and netscape internet exsplorer.

What is am really saying is wee need a simpel web why can't wee just have gopher with bearSSL(LibreSSL and OpenSSL is bloat), irc and all of thes cool tecnologys.

Folks that are trying to compile Rust and firefox


This POOR(not ass in monay) guy is trying to compile rust and it is bloat.

Stuff that is also bloat


Firefox is bad but sometimes good

Chrome better than firefox

Blink wurese than firefox but better than chrome

Matrix (The chat system) and it prediceser discord.

  1. Matrix is chating client like matrix and it suckes beacuse if you run a server it uses very mutch ram it uses not good at all very bad, matrix should not bee used. You should use XMPP beacuse it is more develuped and has a sanne and simpel C Server implementasjon whitch is important. It also has some good c clients Whitch uses FIFO. Other than that you should use Tox or more spsicily Ratox whitch is a tox client for FIFO input very good it is just plain text and noe stupid ncurses intercase whitch is very very bloat.
  2. Use XMMP
  3. Use raTox
  4. Matrix is also maybe founded by moosad, Can wee trust the jwes?
  5. Matrix has also made a game, and games are bad.

Websites that are bloat and evil


Wikipedia, wikicommons and wikidata What i don'nt like about thes websites is that they are written in PHP

youtube: (I like that i can just Use mpv "" and just get the video with out anny drm stuff

twitter (Kinda good ween trump was on it, but than Jack dorse came and killed him), But jack doorsy is sometimes cool i gusse?( And i also like twitter hashing system for makeing thess twittes its not like facebook with all of thess php stuff

instagram: (THis is a evil website)

facebook: (this is alsoe a every every a evil website) bloat bloat bloat and is bad news ass weell, it has mutch javascript is a little bit better than vg because it doesn't use that much Javascript but it is statist and the state runs it so you should not trusted them. They are like Pravda but Norsk. Pravda was a Russian website that lied to the russian people not good at alle.

basically all of Internet is bloat with Javascript PHP. and stuff.

Softwar that is harmful or bad /with alternatives ass welll


Bittorrent: Is also very bad becuse every software client is bad and bloated becuse every client uses, libtorrent is just a stupid c++ libary thingy and is very bloat very big binnary not good at all. btpd is a good suckless klient dosent have evert feture it needs but it can download some linux isos and thats great, it dosent support hashV2 and hashHYBRIDE. I migh also add that btpd is just 13.1k lines of code with is kinda good. But i think i have a better client but it is not develuped yeat, i dont have the link but yeah very klient but 20k lines of code



Linux also sucks it is very bloat just use OpenBSD. But if you have to use linux use Gennto or this version of gennto oasis is a very minimalistic distro that uses

Here is a list of the best linux distors from 1 is the best and 100 is the worst in that order

1. oasis
2. Gennto
3. Funtto
4. Artix (with runit, butt it has sv)
5. Parabola GNU/Linux-libre
6. All arch based distors that dose not follow systemd as int system
7. Arch
8. All Arch based distros that har sytemd based
9. That debian based distor that dose not use systemd
9. Debian: debian based distors
10. Ubuntu based distors
11. hana mantana distor
12. bebian distoro
13. Red hat distoro
14. That distro that linus torvald uses.
15. Slackware.
16. Adolf hitler distoro
17. Erna solberg distoro
18. Freebsd
19. Netbsd
20. Jeg kommer ikkje på flere distroer så jeg skriver dete diktet slikt at eg får det tjuvende tallet, for da høyres det meir officielt.

X11 is the perfect form of bloat it has something like 800.000LOC and is very buggy. You should probably use something like wayland.

If you really need you use X11 i recommend that you use dwm, other than that you should use Xfce if you want a Desktop environment.

But you should really use velox if you are gonna use wayland, or you can use dwl.



Android is also very bloat it is written in Javascript and has many stupid features like idk can't remember but not good man.

  1. You should not use Android and insted use becuse is a very good Linux distoro for you phone it is so simpel that you can just ssh into it $ssh johs@ip-addrese-telfonnummer and bamm bamm you got all of your sms msm irc itc, itspg and all of the good stuff, with a simpel rss client sfeed and sfeed_curses you got all what you will every need from a phone.
  2. Or you can use some other Android ROM that respects your piracy.

Just thinking about it rss is also very bloat, don't get me wrong, it is a good technology but it is also kinda stupid with all of the </></<> you get a headache that is not good for your brian i think it is better to just use twtxt.txt, twtxt.txt is so simpel and i just like it. other than that i recomend you to us microformats, that is also very good to have a simpel standard for websites and stuff for robots and for humans.

Games that are bloat but fun to play


There are allot of bloat in the gaming industry, but i must give these an exemption because they are open source. So I guess I can't hate them just becuse they are bloat.

It is a game leak ore somting like that? 1.3m lines of code(LOC) thats cracy man what that very mutch lines of code nigger.

its mario but TUx= 675.4k Lines of code(LOC)

[openage] This is the perfect type of suck, it is written in c++ and yeah not so mutch lines of code ass tux but very mutch inn dead 222.2k(LOC) this kinda sucks becuse you need the assets not free assets very bad i know.

Opera browser


Sadly this good Norwegian web browser has started to become bloatware, adding all too many functions.

  • M2 Mail Client: Mail clients should not be included in the browser, that's to quite different things. This makes the mail client taking time from the real coding. Also it's not as good as many other standalone mail clients.
  • IRC Chat Client: This is another example of stuff that shouldn't be included in a web browser. Same as the M2 Mail Client, it's not as good as many other standalone IRC clients.
  • The default view one is getting after installing Opera for the first time is somewhat untidy having too much panels and toolbars open in addition to a sidebar.
  • The preferences window is also somewhat untidy, and has way too many options to chose from
    • Sounds: What's the need for having a function to play a sound when the browser starts or exits?

Netscape Browser


When the software engineers created this Mozilla Firefox based web browser, they added way too many functions and features to a lean browser.


  1. ^ "Mozilla Welcomes the Rust Foundation | The Mozilla Blog". Retrieved 2023-03-03.
  2. ^ "We need more than deplatforming | The Mozilla Blog". Retrieved 2023-03-03.
  3. ^ PiratePixel (2022-11-18). "Can someone explain why Mozilla's CEO salary doubled in 2021?". r/browsers. Retrieved 2023-03-03.
  4. ^ "Privilege Separation - Why OpenBSD rocks". Retrieved 2023-03-03.

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