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Image Title Date Collection More images
The Death of Hippolytus 1600 The Morgan Library & Museum
Le Temps 17th century Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Le Baptême du Christ 17th century Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Paysage au satyre endormi 1620 Musée Fabre
Massacre of the Innocents 1620s Condé Museum Le Massacre des Innocents (PE 305) by Nicolas Poussin
Saint Denys l'aréopagite couronné par un ange 1620 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen
The Death of Chione 1622 Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon
Victory of Joshua over the Amalekites 1623 Hermitage Museum
Death of the Virgin 1623 Saint Pancratius Church (Sterrebeek)
Midas and Bacchus 1624 Bavarian State Painting Collections Midas und Bacchus (528) by Nicolas Poussin
Bacchanal 1624
Museo del Prado
The Nurture of Bacchus 1620s Department of Paintings of the Louvre L'Enfance de Bacchus - Poussin - Louvre INV 7295
The Exposition of Moses 1620s Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Landschaft mit Juno und dem getöteten Argus 17th century Gemäldegalerie
Le triomphe d'Ovide 1624 Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica
Vénus et Adonis. Paysage de Grottaferrata (right half of Venus and Adonis) 1625 Musée Fabre Paysage avec Vénus et Adonis par Nicolas Poussin
Apollo and Daphne 1625
Bavarian State Painting Collections
King Midas Turns an Oak Branch to Gold 1625 Yale University Art Gallery
The Victory of Joshua over the Amorites 1620s Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Nymphs and a Satyr (Amor Vincit Omnia) 1625 Cleveland Museum of Art Nymphs and a Satyr (Amor Vincit Omnia) (1926.26) by Nicolas Poussin
Mercure, Hersé et Aglaure 1620s Beaux-Arts de Paris
Hannibal crossing the Alps on elephants 1625 No/unknown value
Apollo and Daphne 1625 No/unknown value
Midas, Pan and shepherds 1625 No/unknown value
Paysage au dieu fleuve. Paysage de Grottaferrata (left half of Venus and Adonis) 1625 Musée Fabre
The Massacre of the Innocents 1620s Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille
Bacchus-Apollo 1620s Nationalmuseum
The Nurture of Bacchus 1620s National Gallery
Bacchic Scene 1620s Museo del Prado
The Destruction and Sack of the Temple of Jerusalem 1626 Israel Museum The Destruction and Sack of the Temple of Jerusalem
Sleeping Venus Surprised by Satyrs 1626 Kunsthaus Zürich
Venus Weeping for Adonis 1620s Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen Venus Weeping for Adonis
Pietà 1620s Musée Thomas-Henry
Apollo and Daphne 1626 No/unknown value
The Death of Euridyce 1626 No/unknown value
The Agony in the Garden 17th century Metropolitan Museum of Art
Rebecca Quenching the Thirst of Eliezer at the Well 1626 No/unknown value
Vénus épiée par deux satyres 1626 No/unknown value
Scène bachique ou Nymphe et satyre buvant 1620s Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Apollo and the Muses on Mount Parnassus 1620s Getty Center
Apollo and the Muses on Mount Parnassus 1626 J. Paul Getty Museum
The Lamentation 1620s National Trust
Hatchlands Park
Nymph and Satyr 1626 National Gallery of Ireland
Virgin and Child in a Garland of Flowers 1626 Brighton Museum & Art Gallery
Bacchanale d'enfants 1626 Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica
Bacchanale d'enfants 1626 Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica
Midas à la source du Pactole 1626 Musée Fesch
Midas Washing at the Source of the Pactolus 1627 Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt 1627 Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Death of Germanicus 1627 Minneapolis Institute of Art La Mort de Germanicus par Nicolas Poussin
Venus and Mercury 1627 Dulwich Picture Gallery
Annunciation 1627 Condé Museum
Bacchanal Scene 1627 Hessen Kassel Heritage
Bacchanal with a Lute Player 1620s Department of Paintings of the Louvre Bacchanale à la joueuse de guitare - Poussin - Louvre INV 7296
The Triumph of Flora 1627 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Le triomphe de Flore - Poussin - Louvre INV 7298
Concert of Cupids 1620s Department of Paintings of the Louvre Concert d'amours - Poussin - Louvre INV 7299
Nymph with Satyrs 1627 National Gallery
The Return of the Holy Family to Nazareth 1627 Cleveland Museum of Art The Return of the Holy Family to Nazareth (1953.156) by Nicolas Poussin
Acis and Galatea 1620s National Gallery of Ireland Acis et Galatée - Nicolas Poussin - National Gallery of Ireland
The Holy Family with Saint John 1627 Toledo Museum of Art
The Flight into Egypt 1620s Worcester Art Museum
Landscape with Bacchus and Ceres 1627 Walker Art Gallery
Liverpool Royal Institution
The Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus 1628 Pinacoteca Vaticana
The Inspiration of Anacreon 1628 Landesmuseum Hannover
Et in Arcadia ego 1628 Chatsworth House
The Return of the Holy Family from Egypt 1628 Dulwich Picture Gallery
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine 1620s National Galleries Scotland
Cook collection
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine - NG 2319
Venus and Adonis 1620s Kimbell Art Museum
Cook collection
Manchester Art Gallery
Lamentation over the Body of Christ 1620s Bavarian State Painting Collections Lamentation of Christ by Nicolas Poussin
The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane 1628
L'Enfance de Bacchus 1628 No/unknown value
Scène pastorale 1628 No/unknown value
The Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus 1628 National Gallery of Canada
Venus and Adonis 1628 Rhode Island School of Design Museum
Moses Sweetening the Bitter Waters of Marah 1628 Baltimore Museum of Art
Echo and Narcissus 1629 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Écho et Narcisse - Poussin - Louvre INV 7297
Two Silver Birches, the Front One Fallen 1629 Albertina
Rinaldo and Armida 1629 Dulwich Picture Gallery
The Inspiration of the Poet 1629 Department of Paintings of the Louvre The Inspiration of the Poet by Nicolas Poussin (Louvre RF 1774)
The Apparition of the Virgin to Saint James the Great 1620s Department of Paintings of the Louvre The Apparition of the Virgin to Saint James the Great by Poussin (Louvre INV 7285)
Bacchanal 17th century Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ruhe auf der Flucht nach Ägypten 1629 Museum collection Am Römerholz
The Holy Family with St. John 1629 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
The Plague at Ashdod 1630s Department of Paintings of the Louvre La Peste à Ashdod - Poussin - Louvre INV 7276
Cephalus and Aurora 1630 National Gallery Cephalus and Aurora - Poussin - NG65
Sleeping Venus with Cupid 1630 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
The Assumption of the Virgin 1630 National Gallery of Art
Saint John Baptizing in the River Jordan 1630 J. Paul Getty Museum
Mars and Venus 1630 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
The Triumph of David 1630 Museo del Prado
Descent from the Cross 17th century Hermitage Museum
Helios and Phaeton with Saturn and the Four Seasons 1630 Gemäldegalerie
Amours chevauchant des boucs 17th century No/unknown value
The Nurture of Bacchus 1630s Condé Museum
Selfportrait 1630 British Museum
Snake 1630 Department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre
Cupids Hunting 1630 Hermitage Museum
Selene and Endymion 1630 Detroit Institute of Arts
Venus, Faun and Putti 1631 Hermitage Museum
Cupids and Geniuses 1631 Hermitage Museum
The Triumph of David 1630s Dulwich Picture Gallery
Midas transformant en or le rameau d'une yeuse 1630s Condé Museum
The Empire of Flora 1631 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden L'Empire de Flore - Nicolas Poussin - Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister Dresden
A Bacchanalian Revel Before a Term 1630s National Gallery A Bacchanalian Revel before a Term
Parnassus 1632
Museo del Prado Parnassus (Poussin)
The Companions of Rinaldo 1633 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Adoration of the Shepherds 1633
National Gallery The Adoration of the Shepherds - Poussin - National Gallery London
The Translation of Saint Rita of Cascia 1633 Dulwich Picture Gallery
Moses Striking the Rock 1630s National Galleries Scotland
Bridgewater Collection
Mars and Venus 1630s Toledo Museum of Art
The Crossing of the Red Sea 1633 National Gallery of Victoria
Landscape with a Man Frightened by a Snake 1633 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
The Abduction of the Sabine Women 1630s Metropolitan Museum of Art
Cook collection
The Abduction of the Sabine Women – Poussin – Met Museum of Art 46.160
The Adoration of the Magi 1633 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Le jeune Thésée retrouve l'épée de son père 1633 Uffizi Gallery
Uffizi Gallery
Tancred and Erminia 1634 Barber Institute of Fine Arts
The Hunt of Meleager 1630s Museo del Prado
Landscape with Ruins 1634
Museo del Prado
Hymenaios disguised 1630s São Paulo Museum of Art Hymenaios disguised - Poussin - Museu de Arte de São Paulo
The Adoration of the Golden Calf 1634 National Gallery L'Adoration du veau d'or - Nicolas Poussin - National Gallery
Rescue of Young King Pyrrhus 1634 Department of Paintings of the Louvre
A Dance to the Music of Time 1630s The Wallace Collection
Saint Cecilia 1635 Museo del Prado
The Nurture of Jupiter 1630s Dulwich Picture Gallery
The Abduction of the Sabine Women 1630s Rape of the Sabine Women by Nicolas Poussin
The Triumph of Bacchus 1630s The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
The Birth of Venus 1635 Philadelphia Museum of Art Le Triomphe de Neptune - Nicolas Poussin - Philadelphia Museum of Art
Saint John Baptising the People 1630s Department of Paintings of the Louvre Saint Jean baptisant le peuple (Louvre INV 7287)
The Conquest of Jerusalem by Emperor Titus 1635 Kunsthistorisches Museum Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by Titus - 1556
Triumph of Pan 1630s Royal Collection
The Triumph of Pan 1636 National Gallery
Choice of Hercules 1630s National Trust
The Rape of the Sabine Women 1637
Department of Paintings of the Louvre L'enlèvement des Sabines - Poussin - Louvre INV 7290
Landscape with Travellers Resting 1637 National Gallery
Landscape with a Man scooping Water from a Stream 1637 National Gallery
Landscape with Saint Paul the Hermit 1630s Museo del Prado
Pan and Syrinx 1637 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Moïse enfant foulant aux pieds la couronne de Pharaon 17th century Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Saint Margaret 1630s Galleria Sabauda
Venus, Mother of Aeneas, presenting him with Arms forged by Vulcan" 1637 Art Gallery of Ontario
Camillus and the Schoolmaster of Falerii 1630s Norton Simon Museum
Camille Delivers the Schoolmaster of Falerii to His Pupils 1637 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Camille Delivers the Schoolmaster of Falerii to His Pupils - Nicolas Poussin - Louvre INV 7291
Et in Arcadia ego 1638 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Poussin - Et in Arcadia Ego - Louvre INV 7300
The Israelites gathering Manna in the Desert 1630s Department of Paintings of the Louvre Les Israélites recueillant la manne dans le désert - Poussin - Louvre INV 7275
Extreme Unction 1638 Fitzwilliam Museum
Duke of Rutland collection
Marriage 17th century Duke of Rutland collection
National Gallery
Confirmation 17th century Duke of Rutland collection
National Gallery
Eucharist 17th century Duke of Rutland collection
National Gallery
Ordination 17th century Kimbell Art Museum
National Gallery
The Holy Family 1638 Condé Museum
Theseus Finds His Father's Sword 1638 Condé Museum
Moses Saved from the River 1638 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Moïse sauvé des eaux (Louvre INV 7271)
Vénus présente à Énée les armes forgées par Vulcain 1638 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen
Jupiter als Kind von der Ziege Amalthea genährt 17th century Gemäldegalerie
The Continence of Scipio 1640 Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Walpole collection
Hermitage Museum
The Continence of Scipio (Poussin)
Landscape with Saint John on Patmos 1640 Art Institute of Chicago Landscape with Saint John on Patmos by Nicolas Poussin (Art Institute of Chicago)
Landscape with St Matthew and the Angel 1640 Gemäldegalerie
A Dance to the Music of Time 1640 Scottish National Gallery
The Baptism of Christ 1640s National Gallery of Art
Samuel H. Kress Collection
Moses and the Burning Bush 1641 Statens Museum for Kunst
The Institution of the Eucharist 1641 Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Time defending Truth against the attacks of Envy and Discord 1641 Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Miracle of Saint Francis Xavier 1641 Department of Paintings of the Louvre
The Holy Family 1641 Detroit Institute of Arts
Ecstasy of Saint Paul 1643 John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
The Testament of Eudamidas 1644
Statens Museum for Kunst
The Sacrament of Extreme Unction 1644 National Galleries Scotland
Bridgewater Collection
Moses Trampling on Pharoah's Crown 1645 No/unknown value
Duke of Bedford
Ideal landscape 1645
17th century
Museo del Prado Landscape - Nicolas Poussin - Prado P02310
Moses Turning Aaron's Staff into a Serpent 1640s Department of Paintings of the Louvre
The Sacrament of Confirmation 1645 National Galleries Scotland
Bridgewater Collection
Study of Two Men Walking 1646 National Museum of Ancient Art
Study of Heads 1646 National Museum of Ancient Art
The Sacrament of Baptism 1646 National Galleries Scotland
Bridgewater Collection
The Crucifixion 1646 Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art
The Sacrament of Marriage 1640s National Galleries Scotland
Bridgewater Collection
Moses Saved from the River 1647 Department of Paintings of the Louvre
The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist 1647 National Galleries Scotland
Bridgewater Collection
The Sacrament of Penance 1647 National Galleries Scotland
Bridgewater Collection
The Sacrament of Ordination 1647 National Galleries Scotland
Bridgewater Collection
Landscape with a Man killed by a Snake 1648 National Gallery
Landscape with a Man washing his Feet at a Fountain 1648 National Gallery
The Baptism of Christ 1648 musée du Grand Siècle
The Judgement of Solomon (first study) 1648 Beaux-Arts de Paris
Landscape with the Ashes of Phocion 1648 Walker Art Gallery Landscape with the Gathering of the Ashes of Phocion by his Widow (Poussin)
The Funeral of Phocion 1648 Earl of Plymouth Paintings of Phocion by Nicolas Poussin
Eliezer and Rebecca 1648 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Eliézer et Rébecca (Louvre INV 7270)
Landscape with Diogenes 1648 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Poussin - Diogène jetant son écuelle - Louvre INV 7308
The Judgement of Solomon 1648
Landscape with Travellers Resting, known as A Roman Road 1648 Dulwich Picture Gallery
Rebecca and Eliezer at the well 1648 Fitzwilliam Museum
The Holy Family on the Steps 1648 Cleveland Museum of Art The Holy Family on the Steps (1981.18) by Nicolas Poussin
Tancred and Erminia 1649 Hermitage Museum Tancred and Erminia by Nicolas Poussin (Hermitage Museum)
The Judgement of Solomon (second study) 1649 Department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre
The Judgment of Solomon 1649 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Le Jugement de Salomon - Nicolas Poussin
Landscape with Polyphemus 1649 Hermitage Museum Paysage avec Polyphème (Nicolas Poussin)
Discovery of Achilles on Skyros 1649 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Moses Striking the Rock 1649 Hermitage Museum
The Ecstasy of St Paul 1640s Department of Paintings of the Louvre Le Ravissement de Saint-Paul - Poussin - Louvre INV 7288
The Assumption of the Virgin 1640s Department of Paintings of the Louvre
The Holy Family with Saints Anne, Elizabeth and John the Baptist 1649 National Gallery of Ireland
Self-Portrait 1649 Gemäldegalerie
Landscape with Orpheus and Eurydice 1650
17th century
Department of Paintings of the Louvre Orphée et Eurydice - Poussin - Louvre INV 7307
The Adoration of the Shepherds 1650s Bavarian State Painting Collections
Schleißheim State Gallery
The Worship of the Golden Calf 17th century
Études de casques antiques 17th century Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Self-portrait 1650 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Autoportrait - Nicolas Poussin - Louvre INV 7302
The Holy Family with Saint John and Saint Elizabeth in a Landscape 1650s Department of Paintings of the Louvre
The Blind of Jericho 1650 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Les Aveugles de Jericho - Poussin - INV 7281
Narcissus with Two Nymphs and Echo 17th century Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Lamentation over the Dead Christ 17th century Metropolitan Museum of Art
Landscape with a Woman Washing her Feet 1650 National Gallery of Canada
La Vierge à l'Enfant avec saint Jean-Baptiste 17th century Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Musées Nationaux Récupération
Musée des Arts Décoratifs
The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and Saint Elizabeth 1650 Fogg Museum
Harvard Art Museums
L'orage 1650 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen
Portrait de Nicolas Poussin d'après son autoportrait 1650 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Landscape during a Thunderstorm with Pyramus and Thisbe 1651 Städel Museum
Landscape with a Calm (Un Tem[p]s calme et serein) 1651 J. Paul Getty Museum
The Holy Family 1651 J. Paul Getty Museum
The Finding of Moses 1651 National Gallery
Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
National Museum Cardiff
The Holy Family with the Infant St. John the Baptist and St. Elizabeth 1651 Norton Simon Museum
Coriolan supplié par sa famille 1650s musée Nicolas-Poussin
The Death of Sapphira 1650s Department of Paintings of the Louvre La Mort de Saphire - Poussin - Louvre INV 7286
Noli me tangere 1653
Museo del Prado
Nativity 1653 Bavarian State Painting Collections
Annunciation 1653 Bavarian State Painting Collections
Schleißheim State Gallery
The Adoration of the Shepherd 1653 Yale University Art Gallery
Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery 1653 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery by Niccolò Possino (Louvre INV 7282)
Moses exposed by the river 1654 Ashmolean Museum
Holy Family with St Elizabeth and St John the Baptist 1655 Hermitage Museum
The Annunciation 1650s National Gallery
Esther before Ahasuerus 1655 Hermitage Museum Esther devant Assuérus
Saints Peter and John Healing the Lame Man 1655 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist 1655 John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Achilles on Skyros 1656 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
The Holy Family with Saint John Saint Elizabeth and Saint Joseph Praying 1650s Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Holy Family in Egypt 1650s Hermitage Museum The Holy Family in Egypt (ГЭ-6741) by Nicolas Poussin
Saint Frances Announcing the End of the Plague in Rome 1657 Department of Paintings of the Louvre La vision de sainte Françoise Romaine - Poussin - Louvre RF 1999.1
The lamentation over the dead Christ 1657 National Gallery of Ireland
The Infant Bacchus Entrusted to the Nymphs of Nysa The Death of Echo and Narcissus 1657 Fogg Museum
Harvard Art Museums
The Infant Bacchus Entrusted to the Nymphs of Nysa and the Death of Echo and Narcissus(Nicolas Poussin, Cambridge)
The Flight into Egypt 1658 Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon Holy Family by Nicolas Poussin
The Baptism of Christ 1658 Philadelphia Museum of Art
Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun 1658 Metropolitan Museum of Art Landscape with Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun (Nicolas Poussin)
Landscape with two nymphs 1650s Condé Museum
The Four Seasons 1660 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Four seasons by Nicolas Poussin
Summer 1660s Department of Paintings of the Louvre L'été ou Ruth et Booz - Poussin - Louvre INV 7304
Eliezer and Rebecca 1660s Fitzwilliam Museum
Landscape with Hercules and Cacus 1660 Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John 1660 Leicester Museum & Art Gallery
Paysage avec Agar et l'ange 1660 Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica
Winter 1660s Department of Paintings of the Louvre L'hiver ou Le Déluge - Poussin - Louvre INV 7306
Autumn 1660s Department of Paintings of the Louvre L'Automne - Poussin - Louvre INV 7305
Spring 1660s Department of Paintings of the Louvre Le Printemps - Poussin - Louvre INV 7303
Apollo in Love with Daphne 1664 Department of Paintings of the Louvre Apollo in Love with Daphne - Nicolas Poussin - MI 776
Paysage avec figures 17th century Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Abrégé de la vie des plus fameux peintres : Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665) 18th century Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Serapis et Isis, tête de femme 1788 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Homme allongé et appuyé sur un baton 1788 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Deux personnages debout (recto) ; Femme drapée debout (verso) 1788 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Six dessins 1788 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Femme à mi-corps ; Etudes d'après la colonne aurélienne dite "antonine" 1788 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Un soldat romain (recto) ; Léda et le cygne (verso) 1788 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Tête de Christ 1788 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Quatre études 1788 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Tête de femme de profil ; Personnage agenouillé 1788 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
Seven Sacraments Seven Sacraments by Nicolas Poussin (first series)
Et in Arcadia ego Et in Arcadia ego by Poussin
Gefechtsszene Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Putti spielen mit einer Taube und einem Hasen Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Testament de Nicolas Poussin Archives nationales
Massacre of the Innocents Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
Lot with his two daughters serving him a drink
Adoration of the Shepherds Gemäldegalerie
La cascade Musée des beaux-arts de Liège
Titus triumf Nationalmuseum
The Rape of Europa Nationalmuseum
Studie av bronshäst Nationalmuseum
The Triumph of Galatea Nationalmuseum
Studie till Venus i snäckan samt delfiner Nationalmuseum
Nourishment of Zeus (Jupiter) Nationalmuseum
The Finding of Queen Zenobia Nationalmuseum
The Triumph of Galatea Nationalmuseum
Venus and......unleserlich Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Seven Sacraments by Nicolas Poussin (first series for dal Pozzo) Seven Sacraments by Nicolas Poussin (first series)
Seven Sacraments by Nicolas Poussin (second series for Chantelou) Seven Sacraments by Nicolas Poussin (second series)
Playing cherubs Schloss Weißenstein
The Capture of Jerusalem by Titus The Capture of Jerusalem by Titus (Poussin)
A Path Leading into a Forest Clearing
Study for the Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite or the Birth of Venus
Dancing Votary of Bacchus
Studies of Antiquities (recto); Studies of Antiquities (verso)
Two Studies of an Ancient Statue (recto); Scylla and a Centaur (verso)
End of auto-generated list.