Gowron's User Page

Gowron 09:13, 19 April 2006 (UTC)

Lost & Found


After some years living in a caravan whilst building a new house, taking on a new job, I lost my credentials to this site.

As of this morning I accidentally found them.

Its been so long I'm not sure where to start again.


Sunset at rear of my house, Scotland

In the mid 1970s was first Welshman to make it all the way to the dizzy heights of the British Mens Ski team. One tries to forget. . . . . . . . ...

Norh Wales Javelin Champion, tried to forget that as well. . . . . . . . having put most of North Wales into darkness, for a night, through a piece of naughty fortune, especially for the javelin, by managing to put the object precisely over all three main power lines in Capel Curig.

Scraped a BSc. in "Biochemistry & Molecular Biology" (UEA) and an M.A Computer Science (Bangor NW) in High Speed Data Acquisition.

Built hardware for the automation of data acquisition and programmed the processing software to manage the data from scintilation counters, DNA * Protein sequence input routine and overlap matching. (Stanford University, CA 1985 - 1987)

Built the "Cummings Life Science Centre Comnputing Facility" (VMS & UNIX, Apple & PC) , Chicago University (1987 - 1992) - DNA/Protein sequencing, xray crystalography numerical processing & imaging (hardware and software).

UNIX Systems Administration for Oil companies (Exploration & Resvoir Management), City Councils, Finance etc..... "dogs body" really.

Program automated websites using Apache/PHP/PERL/UNIX SHELLs/MySQL under most flavours of UNIX (including Apple MacOSX and Linux). nOTE: lthough Linux is not a UNIX but a kernel, everything else you see and use is GNU (see Richard Stallman and Co.).

An interesting UNIX information site to look at is UNIX Timeline.



In terms of Wikipedia, its important to use words with their original meanings and not fake new meanings with no supporting documentation, though I can't spell or as some would have it - type properly (or visa versa). See Kangchenjunga, Himalaya, Yeti and Welsh names.

UNIX is key to the survival of the human race, it is mostly free, it is green, its is generally unseen but does all the REAL work.