Espen Tversland is a norweigan born(1970, Kristiansand) artist living in Brønnøysund, Norway. He works in several artistic expressions often in collage style digital artwork. His art education started at Kunstskolen i Bergen 1994-1996 and ended at the Statens Art Academi, Oslo 1998-2002. He studied under Kjell Bjørgenen and Dagmar Demning.

Artist Statement

In my art I expresses my thoughts and emotions about human drive drive. Mankind’s brilliant discoveries and achievements against the cost and consequences of them through history, culture and an uncertain future.

My artwork is made from my imagination, research and memory after making trips to explore landscapes of the North ,which is also part of my home.

Since 2007 he has been working with concepts of North and polar areas. He patisipated the Dark Ecology Journey, 2015, Air Barents " imaginations of the North", Svalbard 2017 and joined the Arctic Circle Expedition in 2019. All important for his artistic study and work.

Website: Espen Tversland


2018 AgderArtcenter

2014 Public Art screens

2010 Sculpture arena Øst

2007 Bodø kunstforening

Annual National and regional exhibits

2005,21 Northern region , Atom retrospective department

2007,08,16,17,20 South region

2012 Eastregion

2003 National Autumn Exhibition

Selected group and filmfestivals

2020 Strangelove Time based Media Festival

2019 Nordic Music Days, Sad Truth ; Bodø

2019 Besides the Screen , Vicoria, Brasil

2019 Best of Punto y Raya Festival world wide video tour

2018 Punto y Raya Festival Wrocław, Polen

2017 3° Edition of Dobra Festival Internacio nal de Cinema Experimenta , Rio de Janeiro , Cinematheque of the Museum of Modern Art

2016,17,18, 20 Norlandia group exhibition, public space , Stormen Bodø

2014 Oslo Screen festival

2013 Rom for kunst, Oslo S

2008 PolArt, Tromsø Art Association

2000 Ultima Festival , Oslo