I like making articles for former Major League Baseball players. I fully encourage others to go complete what I start.
I am a participant in the following WikiProjects:
List of pages started
edit- Mike Anderson (pitcher)
- Sean Barker
- Sheldon Burnside
- Travis Chapman
- Jermaine Clark
- John Courtright
- Roland de la Maza
- Dick Drott
- Joe Edelen
- Ernie Fazio
- Ramón Fermín
- Jeff Fulchino
- Leo Garcia
- Steve Gibralter
- Keith Gordon (baseball)
- Steve Green (baseball)
- Creighton Gubanich
- Brad Gulden
- Nathan Haynes
- Dwayne Henry
- Cesar Hernandez
- Junior Herndon
- Jesse Hickman
- Keith Hughes
- Tim Hummel
- Fred Johnson
- Keith Kessinger
- Brian Koelling
- Andy Larkin (baseball)
- Larry Luebbers
- David Matranga
- Terry McGriff
- Keith Mitchell (baseball)
- Paul Moskau
- Paul Noce
- Pat Pacillo
- Steve Pegues
- Luis Pineda
- Kevin Polcovich
- Ross Powell
- Tim Pugh
- Prentice Redman
- Rosario Rodriguez
- Rico Rossy
- Chris Sexton
- Van Snider
- Glenn Sutko
- Greg Tubbs
- Jerry Walker
- Pat Watkins (baseball)