• Voltairine de Cleyre was born on November 17, 1866, in Leslie, Michigan.[1] She was the third daughter of Hector De Claire --> we have to deal with the name issue right upfront. See MOS:NEE and as an example FA Barbara Bush
  • There Voltairine grew up --> as per MOS:SURNAME and MOS:SAMESURNAME use surname and not Voltaire, unless it's necessary to disambiguate
  • She also recalled that, unable to afford Christmas presents, the two sisters made gifts for their parents out of scraps.[7] --> too much detail, drop
  • he would regularly complain about her writing letters to him in pencil. --> although I like the idea of adding this detail, it only leaves me wondering why: did he want her to use a pen? was pencil to expensive? did he want her not to write letters at all? But since we should not increase word count further, I vote for dropping this
  • Hippolyte Havel described --> he needs a bit of an intro, something along the lines of "Anarchist Hippolyte Havel described her earliest poems later
  • "beautiful spirit." --> "beautiful spirit". as per MOS:INOROUT
  • Each Sunday, her father tried to cheer her up with visits to the local park or taking her on ferry boat rides, but her homesickness only got worse.[21] --> too much detail, drop
  • Within a few weeks of arriving at the convent, she attempted to escape, crossing the river back to Port Huron and immediately setting off to St. Johns. But after seventeen miles of walking, she realized she would never make it home and turned back. --> keep but shorten to something like: Within a few weeks of arriving at the convent, she escaped but returned back, realizing she would never make it to St. Johns.
  • one letter from Adelaide was only released to her following her father's intervention --> drop
  • When she wrote to her mother before her fourteenth birthday, she was clearly happier and was beginning to display her improving literary skills in her letters.[32] --> drop, the gist is covered by preceding and following sentence
  • Weeks before she was due to graduate, she was already exhausted by her frequent punishment, as well as by a bout of catarrh. She was sent home to rest, but was warned by the nuns that she would remain under strict surveillance, which made her agitated and paranoid. After recovering, she returned to the convent. --> could easily be dropped
  • for which she finally graduated --> do we need finally?
  • a convinced freethinker --> de-link, was already linked before
  • under the pen names --> why is this plural?
  • seeing the "wonderful sweet things" of the world --> while it is nice to know she enjoyed the travel, I am left in this section with an unanswered key question: what were these lectures about? Is there anything more to say than the label freethinking?
  • de Cleyre's conversion --> De Cleyre's conversion as per MOS:LCITEMS. Check rest of article for this as well
  • people that had defended --> people who had defended
  • anarchists and regularly attended --> a comma is needed somewhere
  • some of the most powerful speeches of her career --> according to whom?
  • The affair deeply affected de Cleyre, who dedicated poems to people that had defended the Haymarket anarchists and regularly attended annual commemorations of the affair, where she delivered some of the most powerful speeches of her career. --> It seems to me this bit should come later. Now we're jumping around in time
  • was really a possibility --> was really possibile
  • until Lum's death --> in what year?
  • She paid for his medical education --> whoah! not toommany sentences ago she lived in poor conditions
  • first met Emma Goldman --> first met anarchist Emma Goldman
  • an interpersonal feud --> a personal feud
  • They personally disliked each other's partners and insulted each other's looks, with de Cleyre thinking Goldman to be "dumpy and unattractive",[117] while Goldman could not understand why men found de Cleyre so attractive when she lived such an ascetic lifestyle. --> this could easily be dropped
  • to an act of justice." --> to an act of justice".
  • In the early 1890s, --> a bit unfortunate that the start of the section is "By the turn of the century," Feels like we're jumping around for no good reason
  • had previously funded his legal defense --> again mysterious given "sustained poverty" a bit earlier. Needs an explanation
  • arguments with her partner increased --> sorry, I lost track who this is
  • arriving in Liverpool within a week and subsequently heading to London by train --> too much detail
  • showed her all of London's tourist attractions --> too much detail
  • She even traveled to visit Stonehenge, which she had wanted to see her whole life, and was mesmerized by the site and its surrounding countryside. --> --> too much detail


Just parking this here in case draft gets deleted:

Cat Bohannon
Bohannon at the 2023 Texas Book Festival
Bohannon at the 2023 Texas Book Festival
United States
OccupationResearcher and author
Alma materColumbia University

Catherine "Cat" Bohannon is an American researcher and author. Her debut book, Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution, reached The New York Times Best Seller list for nonfiction in October of 2023.[1]



Bohannon was born in Atlanta, Georgia. Her father was a psychology professor at Emory University and her mother was a pianist.[2] Bohannon has a Ph. D. from Columbia University in the evolution of narrative and cognition. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing, also from Columbia.[3] Her writing has appeared in various publications, such as Scientific American and Science[4][5]

In 2023, Bohannon's book Eve: How The Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution was published. The book explores how women’s biology shaped human history and culture.[6] One claim in the book is that when it comes to biological and medical research and clinical drug trials women's bodies have long been overlooked because males have fewer "complicating" factors such as the estrous cycle.[7] The book won Foyles Non-Fiction Book of the Year.[8]

Bohannon was interviewed about the book by the Guardian, the Economist, NPR, KQED and the Times of India.[9][10][7][11][12]


  • Bohannon, Cat (2023). Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution. Cornerstone Random House. ISBN 9781529151251.

  • Jim McGetrickcorresponding author1,2 and Friederike Range1,2 have good overview across species, mixed results, function, evolution
  • Issues surrounding replicability and reproducibility of research findings in comparative psychology is of growing concern, sometimes even referred to as a “replication crisis”
  • Thus, replication remains an issue in the study of inequity aversion in non-human animal species.

Mien van Itallie-van Embden Christine Wttewaall van Stoetwegen Jeanne Fortanier-de Wit Liesbeth Ribbius Peletier

Anna maria van schurman Audre Lorde Savitribai Phule Caroline Norton Hannah More Emily Davison Mary Sykes


Animal perception of magic

Bicton google search page 12 https://www.google.com/search?q=bicton+clun&tbm=bks&ei=6fQuX7HYBMSBhbIP9se38A4&start=110&sa=N&ved=0ahUKEwjx8KWEpIzrAhXEQEEAHfbjDe44ZBDw0wMInQE&biw=1407&bih=722&dpr=1

The Dutch slave trade was the organised buying and selling of slaves from the 17th to the 19th century, primarily transporting slaves from West-Africa across the Atlantic to the New World. The Portuguese were the first of the Europeans to enslave Africans and put them to work on plantations in the New World. All the other European colonial powers than adopted this approach. In total an estimated 12 million Africans were shipped in the transatlantic slave trade, of which some 550,000 by the Dutch. The Dutch slave trade started in 1621 with the foundation of the Dutch West India Company. A trade traingle was set up with Dutch merchant ships leaving the Dutch ports with weapons, textile, and liquor, which were sold in West-African ports. There the traders bought slaves to be sold in the Carribean. Curaçao was a major hub. The ships were then loaded with cotton, sugar, coffee, cocoa and tobacco from the plantations before heading back to the Dutch provinces Holland and Zeeland. The Dutch West India Company held a monopoly on this triangular trade until 1730, after which private commercial traders joined in.

The Dutch also kept slaves in https://www.nationaalarchief.nl/beleven/nieuws/zoekhulp-slavernij-en-slavenhandel-in-nederlands-indie-1820-1900-online Slavenhandel en slavernij in de Oost

In de uitgestrekte Indische archipel kende slavernij een lange traditie. Lang voordat Europeanen rond 1500 voet aan wal zetten was slavernij in grote delen van Oost-Indië een wijdverbreid verschijnsel. Wanneer de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie begin 17e eeuw haar intrede deed in Azië, betrad ook zij de slavenmarkt. Tot slaaf gemaakten werden niet alleen ingezet op plantages, zij werkten ook als huisdienaars, scheepsladers en handwerkslieden. Slavernij in Nederlands-Indië was zeer divers en niet toe te spitsen op bijvoorbeeld een specifieke vorm van arbeid. Tot op de dag van vandaag hebben we beperkt zicht op de omvang van de slavernij in de Oost. Ook is nog weinig bekend over de omgang met slavernij onder Nederlands gezag in Nederlands-Indië. Het maakt slavernij in Oost-Indië minder vastomlijnd en zichtbaar dan in Nederlandse koloniën in de West - zoals Suriname, Berbice, Essequebo, Demerary en Curaçao - waar tot slaaf gemaakten uit Afrika werden geïmporteerd en tewerkgesteld op plantages.

Current perspective


Israel, Jonathan I. (1995). The Dutch Republic: Its Rise, Greatness, and Fall 1477–1806. Oxford History of Early Modern Europe. ISBN 9780198207344.

A Key to Dutch History: Report by the Committee for the Development of the Dutch Canon Canon van Nederland Author Commissie Ontwikkeling Nederlandse Canon Editor F. P. van Oostrom Publisher Amsterdam University Press, 2007 ISBN 9053564985, 9789053564981

https://reviews.history.ac.uk/review/545 The Dutch Slave Trade 1500-1850 https://www.bol.com/nl/f/geschiedenis-van-de-nederlandse-slavenhandel/9200000095055842/ https://www.deslegte.com/geschiedenis-van-de-nederlandse-slavenhandel-1840514/

British slavery: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jun/20/gladstone-wellington-peel-britain-pro-slavery-british-history-abolition


Racism today is result of https://nos.nl/artikel/2339122-slavernijverleden-zie-je-nu-terug-in-black-lives-matter-demonstraties.html



no excuses: https://nos.nl/artikel/2339240-geen-excuses-voor-slavernijverleden-wel-herdenkingsjaar-in-2023.html


Reparations: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jul/09/british-slavery-reparations-economy-compensation







Old Donkeys stuff


tools for reliable source: - https://en.wiki.x.io/w/index.php?sort=relevance&search=moose+reliable+sources+noticeboard&title=Special:Search&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&advancedSearch-current=%7B%7D&ns4=1

possiblities: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/01/brexiters-burn-eu-flags-army-veterans-mourn-european-departure-200131180117889.html





leftovers [13]




Beginning Two and a half years after the 2016 referendum in which Britain voted by 52% to 48% to leave the Europian Union, four friends were discussing their frustrations with the ongoing Brexit affairs after work in the Birdcage, a pub in Stoke Newington. Then Prime Minister Theresa May had just decided not to put her withdrawal agreement to a vote in the House of Commons.[A] All four men have a Greenpeace connection; Oliver Knowles and Ben Stewart are employees, and James Sadri and Will Rose had previously been involved with the environmental activists group.[18] They had all voted to remain in the EU.[19] .. Cameron tweet .. not delete .. next day .. --> how do you get the other 4, the real ones into the story? Hypocrisy --> physical side, ladder, paste, illegal borrow .. afford --> photo, tweet...

More --> still illegal

Formal --> limitations of their approach --> decided to go formal --> last illegal=boris fuck business


The United Kingdom had joined the Europian Union precursor, the European Economic Community, in 1973.[20] In 2012, leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister David Cameron, Foreign Secretary William Hague and Downing Street Chief of Staff Ed Llewellyn conceived the plan of using a European Union referendum as a concession to energise the Eurosceptic wing of the Conservative Party.[21] The Conservative Party's manifesto for the 2015 general election promised to first negotiate better arrangements for Britain within the EU, and subsequently hold a referendum about staying in or going out. [22] After the election, Cameron's new government put the European Union Referendum Act 2015 before the House of Commons,[23] who voted by 544 to 53 in favour.[24] After having renegotiated with the EU,[25] Cameron announced that the referendum would be held on 23 June 2016.[26]

The UK Government formally recommended to the British people that the UK should remain a member of the European Union, under the renegotiated terms.[26] The campaign to remain was led by advocacy group Britain Stronger in Europe.[27] The cross-party group Vote Leave, which was founded in October 2015 by political strategists Matthew Elliott and Dominic Cummings, became the official campaign to leave the EU.[28] It involved Members of Parliament from the Conservative Party, Labour Party and the sole UKIP MP, Douglas Carswell along with MEP Daniel Hannan and Conservative peer Lord Lawson. Labour MP Gisela Stuart served as chairman and Leader of the Vote Leave Campaign Committee as Co-Convenor with Michael Gove MP, of the Conservatives.[29] The campaign was also supported by a number of prominent politicians; including outgoing Mayor of London Boris Johnson, who became a key figurehead for the Vote Leave campaign. A number of Vote Leave principals, including Douglas Carswell, Michael Gove, Bernard Jenkin and Anne-Marie Trevelyan, were also members of the influential IPSA resourced European Research Group. Vote Leave co-operated with Labour Leave, Conservatives for Britain and Business for Britain throughout the referendum campaign.[30]

With a majority 51.9% against 48... the UK voted to leave the EU. Cameron resigned. May won the Conservative Party and become Prime Minister on ... On March 29 2017 Article 50 triggered. In June 2017 May called a snap election. She lost her majority, needed DUP to prop up. In December 2018, two and a half years after the referendum, the Withdrawal Agreement May had managed to negotiate with the EU was rejected by the House of Commons.

Beginning Soon after May retracted .., four friends, give names, debated the political situation in the Birdcage pub in Stoke. Tweet by Cameron.. What started as joking ended up with an action plan. X of the 4 had activist experience...

Take-off A bit more

Formation How do we reach outside the bubble? Crowdsource. Would require formalisation, and the illegal part as an essential.

Channel4 interview https://twitter.com/Channel4News/status/1190322660854652928 Remain campaign had lacked a certain passion and a certain edge\ and the future of our country was being decided and no one was as much as sitting in the road and we decided that we were going to chase down these Brexitteers and hold them to account for their quotes maybe two years too late but carrying a ladder, a 90 quid ladder from b&q and two buckets of wallpapepr paste and we were going to do some activism on this INTERVWR:were you thinking we're going to get into the newspaper, or we'll go on social media? what I was thinking was is this going to be cathartic we had watched the failure of the politicaland media class through the chaos of late Brexit not holding the Brexiteers to account for what they had promised during the referendum So we felt this was a Brexit accountability project. So in putting up the Cameron tweet, that was actually just a proof of concept. Do we know how to get a billboard up? The real poject were the other four posters that we had printed up at the same time which were quotes from Brexiteers promising effectively the sunlit uplands and that Europe would crumble before the awesome might ofBritain's negotiating position. So there was the Michael Gove quote, 'If we vote to leave we hold all of the cards and can choose the path we want And there were various others like that INTERVWR: I mean in terms of hypocrisy and the uselessness of politiciansit's obviously not just on the Brexit side. Totally INTERVWR SO why aren't you pointing out the uselessnessand hypocrisy of the remainer side as well? Yeah, because we have a political agenda obviously. We are remainers. That said I think the lies, lunacy and hypocisy of the Brexiteers who are running the country and are responsible for delivering this project really are what needs to be challenged. Another thing is that the media in this country and particular the print media have a very profound agenda where they allow these examples of hypocrisy to go unchallenged and therefore someone else needs to move into that space. 50 minutes on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsyLT4-uE9g

Secret Greenpeace campaign? 1:29 2 work, 2 had years ago some involvement nobody at greenpeace knew we were doing this it is done in spite of rather than because of our greenpeace careers

We come from a campaign background 2:22

we had spent many months moaning down the pub looking at Brexit deteriorating into the madness that it is

May had just pulled the Withdrawal bill because she didnt have the vote I remember seeing that Cameron tweet this tweet sums up the failure of the political class - 3:20 we just had a chat how unfortunate it would be if he deleted that tweet it was kind of a historical document so had a conversation how to turn it into a tweet you cant delete you could put it on a flag and fly it with a plane over london or put them on stickers and put them on lamp posts and then we looked through the window and there was a big a 6 meter by 3 meter billboard on the A10 and we said you know we could put it on there and we got really excted about it for a few minutes but as is the case with aging dads in their late 30s early 40s we're never gonna have time to run an anti Brexit guarilla campaign in the evening we forgot about it until the next day on our whatapp group our colleague james popped up and said I found somewhere to print these things lets go out and do it so a few weeks later on jan 9 we put it up

we didnt pay for it, we borrowed media real estate from companies that could afford to lend it to us we just didnt ask them to borrow it.. 4:20 one interpretation of this could be criminal damage i still feel actually these billboards represent a visual pollution in our environment we requisitioned one of these sites to further a public service campaign

https://twitter.com/david_cameron/status/595112367358406656 Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband. 3 May 2015

The day after we vote to leave, we hold all the cards and we can choose the path we want Michael Gove. 9 April 2016. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2018/mar/28/11-brexit-promises-leavers-quietly-dropped

How much did Get ready for Brexit cost? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/oct/25/get-ready-for-the-impossible-brexit-ads-still-counting-down

Three other studies came to the opposite conclusion. McGetrick and Range challenged the validity of one of them, a study by Horowitz involving dogs choosing between a fair and an unfair human, on the grounds of methodological problems, mainly there being no other dog present at the time of choosing.[31][32] But

Brucks, Marshall-Pescini, Essler, McGetrick, Huber, and Range obtained results in their buzzer task study with pet dogs that does represent a legitimate challenge to earlier findings. Dogs were asked to press a buzzer with their paw in exchange for food rewards. Refusals rates to continue differed in conditions but were simply due to the absence of reward and not related to comparison with what the partner received. The dogs did exhibit significantly more stress signals in the reward inequity condition. McGetrick and Range summarized all findings as we should continue on the assumption that dogs display a primitive form of inequity aversion.[33]

Dudley Miles

Apart from the key finding that inequity aversion is not uniquely human, research to date has found that species cooperating naturally is not a good predictor of the presence of inequity aversion. Species that breed cooperatively (e.g., marmosets and tamarins) do not show the effect. Species that

fission-fusion species are

findings - species that breed cooperatively: no aversion. mar- mosets and tamarins - prediction: long-term partnership no ia, because switching costs too high. in chimps: new friends vs life-long, yes indeed

advantageous ia found in children, but not until around age 8,[34] and not universally.[35]

not universal in primates[36]

neuro: Whereas neurons in the OFC and in the striatum only encode own rewards in a social context,39,40 ACC neurons distinguish between rewards to self and to others,41 and medial prefrontal neurons track rewards and action of partner monkeys.[37]

mice: Social inequality aversion in mice: Analysis with stress-induced hyperthermia and behavioral preference https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S002396901730070X


  1. ^ May pulled her meaningful vote on 10 December 2018.[17]




  1. ^ "Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction". The New York Times. Retrieved 3 December 2023.
  2. ^ Guest, Katy (30 September 2023). "How women drove evolution: Cat Bohannon on her radical new history of humanity". The Guardian. Guardian News & Media Limited. Retrieved 4 December 2023.
  3. ^ Rittman, Carliann. "Writers to Watch: 10 Noteworthy Nonfiction Debuts, Fall 2023". Publishers Weekly. Retrieved 3 December 2023.
  4. ^ Bohannon, Cat (July 2014). "When Arousal Is Agony". Scientific American.
  5. ^ Bohannon, Cat (September 30, 2011). "Between Two Poles The Book of Ice by Paul D. Miller Mark Batty, Brooklyn, NY, 2011. 128 pp. $29.95, C$34, £21. ISBN 9781935613145". Science. 333 (6051): 1827. doi:10.1126/science.1213910. S2CID 129787733 – via CrossRef.
  6. ^ Womersley, Kate (October 10, 2023). "Eve by Cat Bohannon review – long overdue evolutionary account of women and their bodies". The Guardian.
  7. ^ a b Mosley, Tonya. "'Eve' author says medicine often ignores female bodies. 'We've been guinea pigs'". npr. Retrieved 4 December 2023.
  8. ^ "Foyles Books of the Year". Foyles. Retrieved 3 December 2023.
  9. ^ Guest, Katy (September 30, 2023). "How women drove evolution: Cat Bohannon on her radical new history of humanity". the Guardian. Retrieved March 9, 2024.
  10. ^ "Cat Bohannon is on a mission to recognise the role of women's bodies in human evolution". the Economist (Podcast). January 3, 2024.
  11. ^ Kim, Mina (October 5, 2023). "Cat Bohannon Rewrites the History of the Female Body in 'Eve'". KQED.
  12. ^ Bhattacharji Rose, Jaya (December 30, 2023). "Why Cat Bohannon wrote 'Eve, How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution'". Times of India.
  13. ^ "A campaign to put politician's words on billboards has hit £30k in nine hours". The Big Issue. 2019-01-18. Retrieved 2019-03-28.
  14. ^ "Led by Donkeys: How four dads made asses out of Westminster". Evening Standard. 2019-03-29. Retrieved 2019-04-19.
  15. ^ "Lessons from the ads that captured the People's Vote march". CampaignLive.co.uk. Retrieved 2019-03-28.
  16. ^ Marsh, Sarah; Quinn, Ruth (2019-03-23). "Brexit march: '1 million' rally for people's vote - as it happened". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2019-04-05.
  17. ^ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-46509288. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  18. ^ Cite error: The named reference Sherwood was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  19. ^ Krishnan Guru-Murthy (presenter) (1 Nov 2019). Led by donkeys. Ways to change the world. Channel 4 News.
  20. ^ Wilson, Sam (1 April 2014). "Britain and the EU: A long and rocky relationship". BBC News. Retrieved 2 June 2016.
  21. ^ Tribune, Chicago. "Fateful O'Hare Airport pizza meeting sealed Brexit vote deal: British media". Chicago Tribune.
  22. ^ The Conservative Party Manifesto 2015 (PDF). Conservative Party. p. 30. Retrieved 16 May 2015.
  23. ^ "European Union Referendum Bill 2015–16". Parliament of the United Kingdom. Archived from the original on 31 May 2015. Retrieved 24 September 2015.
  24. ^ "EU referendum: MPs support plan for say on Europe". BBC News. Retrieved 17 May 2016.
  25. ^ McKinney, Conor James. "Explaining the EU deal: an introduction". Retrieved 12 June 2016.
  26. ^ a b "EU referendum: Cameron sets June date for UK vote". BBC News. 20 February 2016. Retrieved 17 May 2016.
  27. ^ "EU referendum: Lord Rose says it is 'patriotic' to remain in the EU". BBC. 12 October 2015. Retrieved 12 October 2015.
  28. ^ Jon Stone (13 April 2016). "Vote Leave designated as official EU referendum Out campaign".
  29. ^ George Parker (13 March 2016). "Michael Gove and Gisela Stuart to head Vote Leave group". Financial Times. Retrieved 14 March 2016.
  30. ^ Cite error: The named reference voteleavetakecontrol.org was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  31. ^ Horowitz 2012.
  32. ^ McGetrick & Range 2018, p. 5.
  33. ^ McGetrick & Range 2018, p. 6.
  34. ^ McAuliffe et al. 2017, p. 3.
  35. ^ Blake et al. 2015, p. 258.
  36. ^ talbot.
  37. ^ Sirigu & Duhamel.





Background -delusions -truman show movie Definition Cases Cause Treatment Related delusions

- it took months - years to register in my mind p=2

media life book:

review of suspicious minds book:

Psychiatr Hung. 2016;31(4):359-363. [Effect of culture to delusions: Introduction of the Truman Show delusion]. [Article in Hungarian] Varga ÉJ1, Herold R, Tényi T. Author information Abstract "People accepts the reality of the unfolded world" - says Peter Weir in his writing from 1998. The movie Truman Show demonstrates the life of a man, who - without knowing that - lived his life more than thirty years long at real time in a reality show. We could see the Truman Show delusion in international scientific literature in the past years, like a new, cultural formed shape of persecutory and grandiose delusions. The background of its maturation is given by the changed social norms and cultural effects, what let anybody to may get celebrity - without any vocation or hard work - within fifteen minutes and turning into the focus of millions. Patients, whom looking for the meaning of the feeling of "being changed" (depersonalisation, derealisation) constantly finds the answers in a kind of a directed reality, broadcasted by the television or other medias, where the people round them are playing pre-written roles. Similar as the Capgras sympton - they are different compared what they sound to be, need to execute tasks to avoid the unknown threats or gaining rewards. The paper gives not only a short overview about this rare psychopathological symptom, but also introduces this through three case studies observed at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Pecs, Hungary. PMID 28032584

