Аа Бб Вв Гг Дд Ее Ёё Жж Зз Ии Йй Іі Її И́и́ Кк Лл Мм Нн Оо Пп Рр Сс Тт Уу Фф Хх Цц Чч Шш Щщ Ъъ Ьь Ыы Ээ Юю Яя.

"from the Planets are amazing - Russian alphabet"

Early/Altic Cyrillic alphabet


Slavic Cyrillic letters А A Б Be В Ve Г Ge (Ghe) Ґ Ghe upturn Д De Ђ Dje Ѓ Gje Е Ye Ё Yo Є Ukrainian Ye Ж Zhe З Ze З́ Zje Ѕ Dze И I І Dotted I Ї Yi Й Short I Ј Je К Ka Л El Љ Lje М Em Н En Њ Nje О O П Pe Р Er С Es С́ Sje Т Te Ћ Tje Ќ Kje У U Ў Short U Ф Ef Х Kha Ц Tse Ч Che Џ Dzhe Ш Sha Щ Sha with descender (Shcha) Ъ Hard sign (Yer) Ы Yery Ь Soft sign (Yeri) Э E Ю Yu Я Ya Examples of non-Slavic Cyrillic letters (see List of Cyrillic letters for more) Ӑ A with breve Ә Schwa Ӕ Ae Ғ Ghayn Ҕ Ge with middle hook Ӻ Ghayn with hook Ӷ Ge with descender Ӂ Zhe with breve Ӝ Zhe with diaeresis Ӡ Abkhazian Dze Ҡ Bashkir Qa Ҟ Ka with stroke Ӊ En with tail Ң En with descender Ӈ En with hook Ҥ En-ghe Ө Oe Ҩ O-hook Ҏ Er with tick Ҫ The У̃ U with tilde Ӯ U with macron Ӱ U with diaeresis Ӳ U with double acute Ү Ue Ҳ Kha with descender Ӽ Kha with hook Ӿ Kha with stroke Һ Shha (He) Ҵ Te Tse Ҷ Che with descender Ӌ Khakassian Che Ҹ Che with vertical stroke Ҽ Abkhazian Che Ҍ Semisoft sign Ӏ Palochka Cyrillic letters used in the past Ꙗ A iotified Ѥ E iotified Ѧ Yus small Ѫ Yus big Ѩ Yus small iotified Ѭ Yus big iotified Ѯ Ksi Ѱ Psi Ꙟ Yn Ѳ Fita Ѵ Izhitsa Ѷ Izhitsa okovy Ҁ Koppa ОУ Uk Ѡ Omega Ѿ Ot Ѣ Yat