I am the E D I T O R, the error exterminator, the seeker of typos and broken English! LOOK UPON ME IN F E A R !

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gabber, Pokémon, YouTube, Wikipedia(420th wall break intensifies), AMPLE paper, Super Mario 64

Also Please respond to my m e s s a g e s

surreal(the greatest quotes)


How can someone so mucky stir coffee with glowing paper towels?

Watch out for those inaccurate moles! They might sprinkle sparkly stuff over you!

Don't mop up kitchen spills with squeaky swords - hide beneath fictional things!

I was three-inch in the haze of a wax rhesus monkey, but heaven knows I'm sleeping now...

If you want to stir-fry singing Dickens novels, you'll need to cocoon a lab coat.

Pretend to be a bull, attach electrodes to a machine-gun; just don't hate a sniper.

Why don't Furbys oven-roast stones?