How Technology Changes the Way We Work.


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The development of technology has helped businesses manage more effectively. With a mobile phone, we can access the internet instead of accessing it on a computer quickly, anytime, and anywhere. In order everyone to easily access technology, the interface and operation designs become more friendly. An example is that technology makes us feel excited with learning. Moreover, it helps businesses make reports quickly such as payroll, financial report, searching results, to-do list management, and doing transactions and payments. Some technologies in the industry that support businesses in their work and improve business efficiency. “Top 5 Tech Essentials” that a small business needs are cloud collaborations, mobile payments, smart devices, cybersecurity, and social media apps. Cloud computing technology serves the need to update and respond quickly to information; it supports the interaction in work between employees, between businesses and customers. Also, it helps people in reducing the use of cash and improving the payment through online payment. To do so, smart technology devices are required to make online transactions. However, to ensure the security of customers and users, cybersecurity must be well invested and managed. All the above activities are done through social networks, so “social media apps and platforms are free for users”. In conclusion, businesses need to access technology quickly and improve frequently to make work easier and more convenient. In addition, they need to keep up with market trends and to not lose to competitors.("Adapting") [1]

Technology in the workplace has a significant impact on business performance, growth, and industrialization. Businesses inevitably face difficulties in management when technology demand is increasing; they need to invest to upgrade technology regularly to improve work efficiency and business results. While young workers easily adapt to technology because they believe that technology makes their lives better, many employees are struggling to adapt to the new technology. According to Jayne Smith, “many employers are still struggling to adopt a strategy that incorporates technological change, such as automation.” (Jayne) Businesses and employees face many barriers and challenges such as the budget for technology investment is still limited, “requirement of new processes” and internal training, staff lack skills and mutual support, and obstacles in coordination between departments. It shows that in order for a business to have access to new technology and work effectively, it needs to go through obstacles about budget and training.(Smith) [2]

The stages of change and evolution of technology within the workplace and how technology is changing the way people work through every ten-year-period. In the 1950s, the workplace had many employees who were working with typewriters and telephones, and they were supervised by managers. From the 1960s, the early computer came out and changed the way people worked. The workplace had fewer people; they had breaktime, and they started to get used to the computers and handheld calculators. The birth of fax machines, laser printers, floppy disks holding 1.44MB of data, and the local network had changed the way people work quickly in the 1970s; “Computers began to find their way into the workplace. A typical computer back then would have only a basic word processor, as well as the first-ever spreadsheet.” From the 1980s to 2020s, technology is upgraded regularly; employees work with computers, and they are always updated with new knowledge applied to computers. Also, the office is arranged more professionally with modern technology equipment to meet the needs of working. Technology has helped shorten working time and consume fewer human resources than before. Computer technology, social networking, and mobile technology have developed strongly as an essential need of life. In addition, technology devices are increasingly compact and easy to carry anywhere. The development of technology has helped people reduce commuting time; they can work, study, and shop online. Furthermore, they use entertainment apps from their technology devices more than before. It can be seen technology not only changes the way people work but changes their lives as well.("The history") [3]

Nowadays, human life is surrounded by technology. The development of technology creates many opportunities for everyone in every field of business; it increases sales for wholesalers and retailers. In the article, Joshua also gives some opinions of big corporations’ CEOs. According to their opinions, technology helps people access and respond to information more quickly. Also, it helps people in electronic transactions and payments faster and easier. People can work through new technology anytime, anywhere through the network and that increases work productivity. In addition, with the applications of technology, that helps people work more scientifically. While some opinions point out the benefits of technology, there are some that argue that people are dependent on technology and bound by them. (Null) [4]

According to Thompson in the article “New ways of working in the company of the future” (2017) on the web page OpenMind, he argues that in a society that is technologically advanced and gender-equal, working effectively is the most important. People do not have to come to the office to work from 9am to 5.30pm, but they can work from home and complete their assigned tasks. People can choose jobs and work more flexibly, so businesses need to offer flexible recruitment and job selection policies. The development of technology has helped people have more advanced views and thoughts; they work smarter and more efficiently; they are no longer controlled in terms of working time by managers, instead of work efficiency; they can work anytime and anywhere they want. Furthermore, technology changes the work culture such that businesses need to change the way of decentralization and management. That causes companies to increase revenue due to increased work efficiency. Besides, technology also opens up opportunities for the self-employed; they can do business on their own without being bound by employers' rules. In addition, the changing of personnel recruitment helps businesses increase their revenue. Part-time work model helps businesses to reduce management costs. In fact, working part-time will help employees work more efficiently and have a more objective view. This article also indicates a new working model that applies for employers and employees. Employers and employees need to work together in the basis of cooperation and flexibility; work performance will be based on outcome criteria, not time; every individual will make his own work plan to ensure results and due date. In conclusion, the development of technology has led to a change in the way people work, manage, and work culture. It helps people work more comfortably, flexibility, creatively, and efficiency. Therefore, employers also need to change their business model and management model accordingly in line with the development of technology. (Thompson) [5]


Adapting to the latest technology trends for your business. (2021, March 27). Accion Opportunity Fund.

Smith, J. (2020, March 30). Employees struggle to adapt to new workplace technology. Workplace Insight.

The history of the workplace. (2020, September 25). Condeco.

Null, J. D. (1994, June 15). How has technology changed the way you do your job?

Thompson, P. (2017, 12). New ways of working in the company of the future. OpenMind.