hello, my name is katy. i'm a 18 years old, and i am mixed race(white, mexican indian, arabic, jewish). my dad is white. my mom has spanish, mexican indian,arabic, and jewish ancestry(possibly black and/or gypsy too). my mom's spanish ancestors came from southern spain, which the people who live there are mixed race.My dad is a white american of geman,swedish, polish,and of brittish descent. i'm also a christian who's a part of the lutheran church. i'm too lazy to translate my userpage into spanish.

i support the social market economy, i'm pro-democracy, and anti-nationalist(but i'm no anarchist, or marxist). my prefered solution to the israeli/palestine conflict is the jews, and palestinians arabs uniting as one country, but my second option is the two-state solution. I also oppose the U.N. since they are weak and have double standards.

also i believe that god gave the holy land to the descedants of jacob, and many israelis, and palestinians are descendants of jacob.

switching subjects, i know for sure that I'm a descendant of miguel caldera's sister maria cid caldera. I suspect that I might be a descendant of miguel caldera too.

my userboxes http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/User:Crossovershipper/Userboxes