About me


My name is Stacey Flewelling and I'm a 37 year old Gender Fluid Pansexual from Burlington, Ontario, Canada. I was born 25 April, 1978 in a little town called Espanola, Ontario.

I am an environmentalist and quite militant about it. We have only one home and it's time that we start taking better care of it. I'm partially pro-life. I believe that abortion should be restricted to those who are victims of rape, incest, or have issues medically. Using it as a method of birth control is disgusting, however, I can support first trimester abortions. Much beyond that, I find it reckless and immoral.



I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I love Heavenly Father, and I think Jesus Christ was pretty amazing. He was not only peaceful, but He taught how to love, how to be charitable, and most of all -- how to be a good person in life. I'm very proud to be LDS. It truly is a gorgeous religion and a peaceful one at that.

I also follow portions of Scientology although I do not profess to be a Scientologist. I find merit in some of L. Ron Hubbard's teachings and apply them daily to my life. I subscribe to the notion that communication is indeed the universal solvent and that everything can be solved with it.

Astrology & tarot

 This user is a Taurean.

I am a Taurus, rising Sagittarius, moon in Gemini. I'm also the Horse in the Chinese zodiac. I have a strong affinity for elements relating to my astrological designations, more so with fire and air, over earth. I can pretty much do charts for people with ease and I can read tarot cards with 95% accuracy.

Top 5 favourite things

My Wikistress
This user obsessively drinks lots of Water and can be considered Aquaholic.
 This user enjoys electronic music.
 This user prefers the metric system.
  This user prefers cold weather.
  This user's favourite colour is blue.
 This user prefers Mozilla Firefox.
ENFPThis user's MBTI type is ENFP.
 This user witnessed all of Discovery - STS 114's mission.
 This user witnessed all of Discovery - STS 121's mission.