

I tend to be attracted to controversial articles that present an unbalanced point of view. I defend the underdog, which is to say, I like to edit articles to make sure the minority opinion is included, whether I agree with that minority opinion or not.

Therefore I take a particular interest in propaganda articles, articles that smear a person who held a minority opinion, as well as articles that beautify a person with skeletons in their closet. I think the skeletons need to be aired, along with the good stuff.

Wikipedia is "strategic terrain" on the Internet for the formation of public opinion. Corporations and governments have wizened up to this fact, and now employ paid editors or "trolls" who attempt to make sure that their point of view is the dominant one, and to remove or discredit alternate points of view.

I am a strong believer in telling all sides of the story. So if your article reeks of propaganda, I might show up and start editing it.

I never give up. So, if you want to fight me on the content, Mr. Corporate Troll, I'm game.


  • History
  • Science
  • Religion
  • Politics
  • International Relations
  • Man-made Catastrophes

Pages I've Contributed To
