BlueCanary9999, also known as Arnold Nathan Onimuss, born February 30, year unknown, is a young Wikipedian, a dedicated internet-goer, and alive. He claims to live somewhere over the rainbow. He is considered by many to be a nerd, and proudly so. He also administrated a few forums loosely focused on Nintendo Wifi. On the Wikipedia political spectrum, BlueCanary9999 falls midway between an inclusionist and a delusionist.

This is his pirate theme song. He would also like to add that Captain Red Hook is the best accordion man to sail the seven seas, hands down, and Commandercrazygonutz is the best commander of warriors under the sun!

Contacting outside of Wikipedia

  • E-mail address:
  • AIM address: BlueCanary9999
  • YIM address: BlueCanary9999
  • MSN address:

A sonnet to Wikipedia


BlueCanary9999 loves Wikipedia so much that he wrote a sonnet to it. Here's how it goes:

A Corny Sonnet Wooing Wikipedia
How doth I love thee, Wikipedia?
My second home, my second family,
Yet just a free encyclopedia
With a soul so simple but lovély.
Thy jigsaw globe, a twinkling bright star.
The fair sun in thy background, like the sun.
But the best parts ‘bout thee, th’articles, they’re
Thy vast knowledge, which cannot be outdone.
Thy community, how’ver, is the cause
Of thy success and thy high quality.
Editors work in and out of their laws,
Yet teamwork cuts the need for polity.
But, you’re here to make the best source that’s free,
And this is the reason why I love thee.

Wikipedia accomplishments


Other Wiki contributions



Babel and Grammar
it-1Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano.
IntS-4Tihs tweedler uses über Internet slang that will pwn you.
nws-NThis user bellyfeels newspeak.

USThis user uses American English.
theyThis user considers singular they standard, modern, informal English usage, so avoids it on Wikipedia.
mankindThis user supports the use of gender-neutral language.
.  TheThis user puts two spaces after a period.
Wheaties, Cheerios, and Rice Chex This user prefers the cereal comma.
  This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
 This user prefers Windows computers and is frustrated by Macs. 
WPThis user contributes using Corel WordPerfect.
 This user contributes using Adobe Photoshop.
 This user contributes using GIMP.

 This user loves history.
 This user enjoys polka music.
 This user enjoys computer and video game music outside gaming.

 This user is interested in politics.
libThis user is a liberal.
 This user is a capitalist.

 This user reads science fiction.
 This user enjoys the works of George Orwell.
DuneThis user knows that fear is the mind-killer.
 This user enjoys writing.

agn This user is agnostic.
 This user trusts Wikipedia as a reliable source.
  This user prefers to use Wikipedia over Citizendium, or any other online encyclopedia.
 This alleged user can be said to maintain an ill-defined policy or other custom of neutrality or other ambiguity-related quality on some or all issues that may be potentially controversial to some alleged people.

Utterly Miscellaneous
 This user is proud to be one with penguins.
STAR WARSThis user would shoot Greedo first.

ENDThis user has no more userboxes.