The Life of Pluto The Life of Pluto is an animated TV series created by Bianca Dreher in very early 2021. Season one so far takes place in Dwarf City, the fictional town in which the main characters [Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Jupiter, Saturn, and Ceres] live for the summer. Only episode 1 is out so far, and the website it is streamable on is only available to a select few. Dreher said on Pinterest, "I came up with the idea out of the blue- I was bored and everything was still on lockdown. My show was private and only shared with about 7 other people, but the concept leaked. I never expected people outside of the viewers talking about my mini-project, created out of boredom. It's hard to manage creating the show while so many other things are happening. I'm frankly losing my mind."
The show went through copyright dilemma before episode 1 was even released with the group. When the script was created, problems insured. Dreher again on Pinterest states, "I couldn't even get past part on my series without drama. It happened so early, but it was caught and det with in civilized manner." The first episode is not available to the public yet. Bianca Dreher says when asked "When will you release to the public?": "I am planning on putting my website where The Life of Pluto is streamable up to everyone when the first season is done. It will have ten episodes total and the scripts are made, viewed, and ready. The animation is taking the time." While it is unclear when the show will publicly release, Bianca says; "hopefully soon."