"It is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects."

Nikola Tesla

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This is my cat. Cats are much cooler than humans by far. :)

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About me

This user is first of all a human being.

 This user loves Wikipedia and isn't afraid to show it with this userbox.

wiki-1This user is a beginning Wikipedia editor.

This contributor to Wikipedia is female.

 This user is cisgender and supports the rights of nonbinary and transgender people.

 This user lives in the
United States of America.

 This user believes in the rightful rule of the first and only Emperor of the United States, Joshua Norton.

enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.

es-1Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.

fr-1Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.

la-1Hic usor simplici latinitate contribuere potest.

Art-3This user is an advanced Artist. They might have created a work of art or two.

   ✦   🟄 .      ・゚⋆   .   *꩜     ・      *
This user aspires to be an astrophysicist.
🟄 ・    ・゚ ⋆ ✦   ⋆    ⋆   ‧͙       🟄   *

φThis user aspires to be a mathematician.

 This user writes poetry.

 This user is a novelist.

 This user writes plays.

12 This user is in grade 12.

 This user aspires to go to university.

  This user is an autodidact in a wide range of subjects that they never took in school or college.

 This user is self-educated to an advanced college level.

 This user loves knowledge.

 This user supports open-mindedness.

 This user is interested in philosophy.

 This user likes Bertrand Russell.

 This user is fascinated by number theory.

 This user is interested in

 This user loves problem solving.

 This user likes geometry.

 This user is interested in
DNA and genetics.

 This user belongs to mitochondrial DNA haplogroup. L3

 This user is interested in Chemistry.

This user's favorite chemical element is Astatine.

  This user is interested in

 This user is interested in

 This user is interested in biology.

  This user is interested in

 This user enjoys gardening.

 This user loves to eat fruits and vegetables.

 This user talks to plants.

 This user is a soprano.

 This user knows intermediate
music theory.

 This user plays the flute.

 This user plays the pan pipes.

 This user plays the recorder.

 This user enjoys chess.

 This user is interested in history.

 This user is interested in
ancient civilizations.

 This user is interested in Late Antiquity.

 This user is interested in the Early Middle Ages.

 This user is interested in the
Middle Ages

This user is interested in the Renaissance period.

 This user is interested in the scientific revolution.

✡︎This user is interested in

 This user is interested in
art history.

 This user greatly admires
Abraham Lincoln.

 This user is interested in the life and times of Alexander the Great.

  This user is interested in
the life and times of
Frederick the Great.

 This user enjoys photography.

 This user enjoys Greek mythology.

 This user likes to crochet.

 This user enjoys cooking and baking.

 This user enjoys pottery.

 This user loves to read.

 This user is interested in linguistics.

 This user is always fascinated as they search their family history and build a family tree to see what black sheep will turn up next.

 This user is of multiple ancestries.

 This user is an art lover.

 This user enjoys painting.

 This user is interested in psychology.

 This user admires all expressions of nature. 

 This user loves all kinds of animals. 

 This user loves cats. Meow-meow!

 This user is interested in the concepts of destiny or fate.

 This user believes that it is destiny you saw their user page.

 This user can write in calligraphy.

 This user prefers to read sacred texts in their original language whenever possible.

 This user respects the beliefs and religions of others.

   ✦   🟄 .      ・゚⋆   .   *꩜     ・      *
This user is a pantheist.
🟄 ・    ・゚ ⋆ ✦   ⋆    ⋆   ‧͙       🟄   *

:)This user is an optimist.

  This user supports equality for everyone.

This user believes race does not exist except as an oppressive social construct and will oppose racism by any means necessary.

 This user is a moral universalist.

randThis user opposes Ayn Rand's objectivist philosophy.

 This user is a physicalist who believes everything that exists consists of matter and energy.

 This user believes that Hell is other people.

 This user is influenced by the philosophy of Diogenes.

 This user is a huge fan of
Henry David Thoreau.

 Friedrich Nietzsche has
influenced this user.

 This user likes Voltaire.

 This user is an introvert

 This user is an aromantic asexual.

 This user is a lucid dreamer.

SYNThis user is a synaesthete.

 This user is autistic+ADHD a very common combination.

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 This user has POTS.

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STPDThis user has been diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder.

BP2This user has bipolar II disorder.

GADThis user lives with generalized anxiety disorder.

OCDThis user lives with obsessive–compulsive disorder.

 This user suffers from panic attacks.

 This user suffers from
selective mutism.

DSPSThis user suffers from Delayed sleep phase syndrome, and for this reason is seen as not taking life too seriously.

 This user lives with photophobia.

 This user is proud to wear contact lenses.

 This user likes to use eyeliner.

I'm suffering from extreme
userbox overload.