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1 https://tutorkeren.com/artikel/tutorial-membuat-remote-control-rc-dengan-kendali-smartphone-android.htm Rc bluethooth (Projek)
2 http://duwiarsana.com/membuat-saklar-suara-berbasis-arduino/ Saklar suara (Projek)
3 http://www.gilangajip.com/cara-membuat-pesawat-rc-jet/ Rc jet Brusless (Projek)
4 https://id.scribd.com/doc/115892391/Materi-Kalkulus-2-Integral kalkulus 2 (Matematic)
5 http://nationalgeographic.grid.id/read/131318241/kisah-marcel-marceau-menyelamatkan-anak-anak-yahudi-dengan-pantomim marcel marceau (history)
6 http://id.m.wiki.x.io/wiki/Unit_731 Unit 731 jepang (history)
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1 Dibawah ini adalah simulasi Orbit mars pada galaxy bimasakti
Orbit of Mars relative to the orbits of inner Solar system planets
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cerita malin kundang

The legend of Malin Kundang, as depicted on a 1998 Indonesian stamp

The story of Malin Kundang

Once upon a time, there lived a small family from the coastal area of ​​the island of Sumatra. They have a very nice and friendly boy, he is named Malin Kundang. Because the condition of their family is very worrying, let alone buying new clothes, to just eat every day they are difficult. That was the main reason for his father to find work in another area.

Their biggest hope was that his father would come home safely and bring new clothes, lots of money, and be able to repair his old house, a fragile surah eaten by termites. After months his father migrated, let alone the letter, the news of his presence was not there, Malin Kundang and his mother were very disappointed and sad.

Their biggest hope was that his father would come home safely and bring new clothes, lots of money, and be able to repair his old house, a fragile surah eaten by termites. After months his father migrated, let alone the letter, the news of his presence was not there, Malin Kundang and his mother were very disappointed and sad.

Now that little Malin had grown up, he became a handsome and handsome young man. Malin Kundang thinks of looking for work in other areas, given the difficulty of finding a job in his area, of course with the same hope, that when he returns to his hometown, he can become a rich person. Finally Malin Kundang also sailed along with a successful merchant shipbuilder in his village. While on the ship, Malin Kundang, who was curious, kept asking questions and studying cruise from his friends. Malin Kundang studied diligently about shipbuilding, and finally he was very proficient in that science.

He has visited more than 10 islands, but unfortunately on the day of the Nasution, suddenly the ship that Malin rides is attacked by pirates. All the property was confiscated, some of the crew were killed by pirates. Malin who had memorized the ins and outs of the ship, he hid until he didn't even find one, he survived. The pirates were destroyed by the pirates, Malin Kundang was swaying in the middle of the sea without knowing the direction. Good luck still siding with Malin, he was stranded on the beach. A weak body not eating lunch and dinner, Malin Kundang tried to walk to the nearest village from the beach. Malin was assisted by the villagers, after explaining what had happened to him. How shocked he was when he saw a fertile village, different from the arid deta place of birth and water trouble. The people who were friendly, accepted Malin well, with tenacity and perseverance in the village, Malin managed to become a rich man. It has many merchant ships with more than 100 people working for them.

Because he felt successful and rich, Malin married a girl, he and his wife sailed around the world for honeymoon. Finally he arrived on an island where he was born. Everyone who knew him, delivered the good news of Malin Kundang's return to his mother. With a very happy heart, his mother brought Malin Kundang's favorite food, but unfortunately he did not recognize his mother. He pretended, because he was embarrassed, his mother came up with an ugly look. "Malin Kundang is an ungodly child," the residents called him. Disappointed with the behavior of his son, his mother cursed Malin to stone. Malin Kundang, who was handsome and rich, finally slowly became a stone. Malin tried to apologize, but unfortunately his mother could not pull the curse until his whole body turned into a complete stone.

tema 1. Kedurhakaan terhadap Orang Tuanya
tokoh 1. Malin Kundang     2. Ibu Malin Kundang
penokohan 1. Malin Kundang : Protagonis dan Antagonis 2. Ibu Malin Kundang : Baik Hati dan Penyayang ( Protagonis )
Alur  1. Maju
latar 1. Latar Tempat:  Di Pantai Air Manis 2. Latar Waktu  :  Siang dan Malam 3. Latar Suasana : Bahagia dan Menyedihkan
amanat 1. Amanat :“ Janganlah durhaka terhadap orang tua apalagi terhadap ibu kita. Durhaka terhadap orang tua apalagi terhadap seorang ibu merupakan perilaku yang tercela dan sangat dilarang oleh agama. Ingatlah bahwa Surga berada di bawah telapak kaki  ibu. Oleh karena itu, berprilaku baik dan lemah lembut lah terhadap ibu kita.”
Sudut pandang 1. Sudut Pandang : Orang Ketiga.

Malin kundang

  1. ^ a b c Muhammad arasy wahyudi & Smidev Community, 36 Menit Belajar Komputer: Php Dan Mysql. Elex Media Komputindo.