Daemon born.

Demons within human flesh. Said to be spawn of that which is considered evil. Humans in which do not coincide with humanity. A human that is only physically a human. They lack apathy. Emotions. And even proper judgement. With an inability to tell right from wrong nor sympathize with humans who know of such things.

To be a daemon You need to fall into multiplicative criteria. -in your most innocent moment (birth) create the most harmful sin(death) -born in a Viel (the embryotic sack in which encompass the fetus) -have an awakened third eye (capability to see spirits and in rash cases inability to tell spirits and humans apart)

A Daemon is similar to that of a demigod. A demigod falls directly from the celestial realm. Where as a daemon is born directly from the negative realm. Daemons are often stillborns inhabited by that of demonic souls. Fathered and even parented by negative energy(demons) This is of course due to the demons being directly involved within a daemons conception. (Experience such as a negative effect sickness,injury, malnutrition, etc) Demons capable of fostering a daemon are currently known to be among high tier celestials (dukes princes dutchess kings queens of hell). Daemons exhibit physical as well as spiritual traits such as high physical strength or intelligence and spiritual growth and acceptance.

Daemons are most commonly but not always considered evil beings.