ክርስቶስሰምራ - Dukdadis
God sent saviour
My Pages
Amharic page ክርስቶስሰምራአማርኛ
French pageክርስቶስሰምራfrancais
wikidata pageክርስቶስሰምራwikidata
wikicommons pageክርስቶሰምራcommons

Hello I'm a wikipedian very happy to join the most interesting platform where one can contribute and learn a lot. I feel like I landed on a place where internet is really internet. I'm working on biography of saints specially in translating them to amharic and also creating new pages. One last of my many work is "ንጉሥ ካሌብ ጻድቅ (King Kaleb)" I hope I will stay long to contribute and learn more...

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