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Today is 10 Elul 5784. refresh


The Original Barnstar
Contributions to Eliezer David Greenwald. DreamSparrow Chat 12:58, 24 January 2019 (UTC)

List of frum active wikipedians


This list is based on שלאק's hypothesis only, and may be inaccurate or incorrect.

"אין מוקדם ומאוחר"
This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

Another styletip ...

Subset terms

A subset term identifies a set of members of a larger class. Common subset terms are including, such as, and among.

  • Don't use redundant subset terms (so avoid constructions like these: Among the most well-known members of the fraternity are included two members of the Onassis family; The elements in stars include hydrogen, helium and iron, etc.).
  • Don't use including to introduce a complete list, where comprising, consisting of, or composed of would be more accurate.

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