United Nations General Assembly Resolution 34/37

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 34/37, titled Question of Western Sahara, is a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly about the situation in Western Sahara, which was adopted on 21 November 1979 at the 34th session of the General Assembly. It became the eighteenth United Nations General Assembly document concerning the situation of that territory.

UN General Assembly
Resolution 34/37
Flag of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
Date21 November 1979
Meeting no.A/34/PV.75
CodeA/RES/34/37 (Document)
SubjectQuestion of Western Sahara
Voting summary
  • 85 voted for
  • 6 voted against
  • 41 abstained

The resolution reaffirmed "the inalienable right of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination and independence, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the Charter of the Organization for African Unity and the objectives of the UN General Assembly Resolution 1514, and the legitimacy of their struggle to secure the enjoyment of that right.". It also welcomed the Algiers Agreement between the Polisario Front and the Mauritania as an "important contribution in the process of achieving peace", while "deeply deplores the aggravation of the situation resulting from the continued occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco and the extension of that occupation to the territory recently evacuated by Mauritania", urging Morocco to "join the peace process and to terminate the occupation of the territory of Western Sahara".[1]

Draft resolution


On 21 November 1979, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/34/37 by a recorded vote of 85 in favour to 6 against, with 41 abstentions and 20 countries not voting.[2] The table below shows related voting results:

For Against Abstain
  Afghanistan   Central African Republic   Bahrain
  Albania   Equatorial Guinea   Bangladesh
  Algeria   Gabon   Belgium
  Angola   Guatemala   Burma
  Argentina   Morocco   Canada
  Australia   Saudi Arabia   Chad
  Austria   Chile
  Bahamas   Colombia
  Barbados   Denmark
  Benin   Egypt
  Bhutan   France
  Botswana   Federal Republic of Germany
  Brazil   Iceland
  Bulgaria   Indonesia
  Burundi   Ireland
  Byelorussian SSR   Israel
  Cape Verde   Italy
  Congo   Ivory Coast
  Costa Rica   Japan
  Cuba   Jordan
  Cyprus   Lebanon
  Czechoslovakia   Luxembourg
  Democratic Yemen   Malaysia
  Ecuador   Netherlands
  El Salvador   New Zealand
  Ethiopia   Norway
  Fiji   Paraguay
  Finland   Philippines
  German Democratic Republic   Portugal
  Ghana   Qatar
  Greece   Spain
  Grenada   Thailand
  Guinea-Bissau   Tunisia
  Guyana   Turkey
  Haiti   United Arab Emirates
  Honduras   United Kingdom
  Hungary   United Republic of Cameroon
  India   United States
  Iran   Uruguay
  Jamaica   Yemen Arab Republic
  Kenya   Zaire
  Papua New Guinea
  Saint Lucia
  São Tomé and Príncipe
  Sri Lanka
  Trinidad and Tobago
  Ukrainian SSR
  Soviet Union
  United Republic of Tanzania
  Upper Volta

See also



  1. ^ Question of Western Sahara Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly at its 34th session: A/RES/34/37 - A/34/PV.75 - 21 November 1979
  2. ^ "Question of Western Sahara : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly - Voting record". United Nations Bibliographic Information System - Dag Hammarskjold Library. Retrieved 3 October 2012.