Template:Hadith classification

Distribution of Hadith
Pertaining to Narrator's Origin
Al-Qudsi (Sacred Hadith)Al-Mawquf (Stopped)Al-Marfu (Stopped)Al-Maqtu' (Sectioned)
In Terms of number of Narrators in the isnad
Al-Mutawatir (Successive)Ahaad (Singular)
Al-Mutawatir in meaningAl-Mutawatir in wordingAl-Mashhur (Popular), also Al-MustafidhAl-Majhul
Al-Aziz (Rare, Sound)Al-Gharib (Scarce, Strange)
Al-Mutlaq (Absolute)An-Nasabi (Related)
In Terms of Authenticity and Weakness
Maqbul (Acceptable)Mardud (Rejected)
Sahih lizatihAt-Ta'aridhAl-Dhaif
Sahih lighairih
Al-HasanAl-Jama' bain Al-AhadithFall in the Chain of IsnadSlander in Narrator
Al-Hasan LizatihAn-Naskh
Al-Hasan LighairihAt-TajrihVisible fallSlander in JusticeSlander in Confiscation
Al-HakamAl-Mu'laqAl-Kadhib, hadith name - Al-Maudu'Fahash Al-Ghalat, hadith name - Al-Munkar
Al-MursalIttiham bil-Kadhib, hadith name - Al-MatrukKathrat Al-Ghaflah, hadith name - Al-Munkar
Al-Ma'dhilAl-Bid'ahSuw Al-Hifz
Hidden fallAl-MubhamLazim
Al-MudallisMajhul Al-'InKathrat Al-'Awham, hadith name - Al-Mu'allal
At-TadleesMajhul Al-HalMukhalafat Ath-Thaqat
'Am TadleesAl-Fisq, hadith name - Al-MunkarAl-Mudarrij
Al-Mursal Al-Khafi'Al-Mudhtarib
Al-Musahaf wal-Mahrif
Al-Mazid fi Muttasil Al-Asanid

This template includes collapsible lists.

  • To set it to display all lists when it appears (i.e. all lists expanded), use:
  •  {{Hadith classification |expanded=all}} or, if enabled, {{Hadith classification |all}}  (i.e. omitting "expanded=").
  • To set it to display one particular list while keeping the remainder collapsed (i.e. hidden apart from their headings), use:
  •  {{Hadith classification |expanded=listname}} or, if enabled, {{Hadith classification |listname}}
  • …where listname is one of the following (do not include any quotemarks):
  • terminology, classification, studies, collections, related