{{Death-date and age}} displays a person's date of death and age at that date. Besides calculating the age at death, the benefit of using this template is to allow for the inclusion of hidden microformat dates, which may be indexed or searched by software tools.

Note: The template may not calculate the age at death correctly if full dates (month, day, year) are not provided. For example, a person who was born in 1941 and died in 1993 could have been either 51 or 52 on the day of their death, depending on whether they had reached their birthday in their death year:

{{Death-date and age|1993|1941}} → 1993 (1994) (aged 52)
{{Death-date and age|May 1993|May 1941}} → May 1993 (1993-06) (aged 52)

When only the years are known, consider using {{Death year and age}} instead:

{{Death year and age|1993|1941}} → 1993 (aged 51–52)
{{Death year and age|1993|1941|5}} → May 1993 (aged 51–52)


{{Death-date and age| death date | birth date }}
{{Death-date and age| death date | birth date | death date display form with links, templates etc. }}


Examples of {{Death-date and age}} (colors for emphasis only)
Month first format: Sample below displays February 24, 1993 (1993-02-25) (aged 51), with invisible microformat dtend date: 1993-02-25
{{Death-date and age|February 24, 1993|April 12, 1941}}
Day first format: Sample below displays 24 February 1993 (1993-02-25) (aged 51), with invisible microformat dtend date: 1993-02-25
{{Death-date and age| 24 February 1993 | 12 April 1941 }}
Year only, year and month only: Sample below displays 1993 (1994) (aged 52), with invisible microformat dtend date: 1994
{{Death-date and age| 1993 | 1941 }}
Julian dates demo. Sample below displays 30 May 1672 (1672-06-10) (aged 49), with invisible microformat dtend date: 1672-06-10
{{Death-date and age| 30 May 1672 | 15 May 1623 | gregorian=9 June 1672 }}
Extreme dates: birth date is BC, death date AD. Sample below displays August 19, 14 AD (0014-08-20) (aged 75), with invisible microformat dtend date: 0014-08-20
{{Death-date and age| 0014-08-19 | 0063-09-23 | bce=b | August 19, 14 AD}}

Microformat output


Death date and age templates:

  • {{Death-date and age|31 December 2016|1 January 1980}} → 31 December 2016 (2017-01-01) (aged 36)
    31 December 2016<span style="display:none">&#160;(<span class="dtend dday deathdate">2017-01-01</span>)</span> (aged&nbsp;36)
  • {{Death date and age|2016|12|31|1980|1|1|df=y}} → 31 December 2016(2016-12-31) (aged 36)
    31 December 2016<span style="display:none">(2016-12-31)</span> (aged&nbsp;36)


{{Death-date and age|death date|birth date|additional parameters}}
Parameter Default
(required) 1 Death date. May be year only, year and month, year month and day, expressed in natural formats: e.g.: 24 August 1953, 1955-08-25, Sunday, December 7, 1941. If parameter three is not specified, the death date is displayed in exactly this format. This value as well as parameter 2 may not include links. If links or templates that do not evaluate as recognizable dates are desired, use parameter 3.
(required) 2 Birth date. For accurate results, if year and month only was specified for death date, year and month should be specified for birth date (that is, the degree of precision should be in agreement). Julian dates may be used, but both Death and Birth dates must be on the same calendar.
(optional) 3 The death date to display. This may include links or templates, or any combination of them, and overrides parameter 1. param 1
(optional) bce If birth date is BC, set to "b". If birth and death date are BC, set to "bd" or "d".
(optional) gregorian If Julian dates are used, this parameter is required. The date provided is used for emitting the correct microformat translation of the death date. param 1
(optional) dt This value if present is the ISO8601 value emitted to indicate microformat death (dtend) date. It overrides any calculated value.

Unusual dates


Julian dates


This template emits data in hidden microformat form. Technically, the requirement of this format is that all dates throughout time be expressed in the same calendar (the ISO8601 standard specifies this as gregorian), so julian calendar format dates cannot properly be used for this purpose. Proper emission of this invisible metadata requires that a gregorian calendar form be provided, even though properly speaking, gregorian dates did not exist prior to 1582. If accuracy of emission with microformats is a concern, the parameters death date and birth date that are displayed in the article may be provided in julian, and the correct gregorian death date form is provided in the "gregorian" parameter. Several calculators [1] that convert from Julian to Gregorian are available and are listed in the Julian calendar article. Example: Pope Adrian VI Special:PermanentLink/276562220:

{{death-date and age| September 14, 1523 | March 2, 1459 | gregorian= September 24, 1523}}

There are some rare circumstances where system limitations do not permit correct handling of a few dates. These should have no impact on correct age calculation except in extremely unusual circumstances. When these errors create incorrect microformat data, use the dt parameter.

  • some dates that would be valid in a non-Gregorian context are treated as out-of-range dates and converted to the next-best in-range values. For example, {{date|30 February 1712}} results in 1 March 1712 because – even though 30 February 1712 is a valid date in the Swedish calendar – February 1712 had only 29 days in the Gregorian calendar.
    • ten dates are not reformatted. These are 29 February & 1 March of the years 1000, 1100, 1300, 1400, 1500. The cause of this is the same as that of the Swedish 30 February 1712.

Dates with years less than 3 digits


Some dates with less than three digits will not be recognized. In these cases, use YYYY-MM-DD format for both death and birth dates. Use Parameter 3 to display the death date in the desired format. It is permitted to specify year only, or year and month only.

Supporting templates


Tracking categories


See also
