
Latest comment: 17 years ago by Kalicatres

Hi. My name es Antonio Bolivar from Madrid, Spain. At 1984,with my friend, Eduardo Soto, we developed a photo contest that we called Maratón Fotográfico.(PhotoMarathon) We offer it to Madrid council and they sponsored it with Kodak and a photo laboratory called Albacolor. We celebrate 4 consecutive editions from 1985 to 1988 with Madrid Council and Kodak, and later we did several other PhotoMaraton in Lisbon, Santiago de Compostela, etc. We are surprised now to see at wikipedia that this Photomarathon was first held at Copenaghen in 1989. We have plenty of all kind of material to prove what we say.

Kalicatres 21:43, 24 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

First photomarathon in 1985, not 1986


The reference to the first photomarathon, supposedly held in 1986, shows that was the 2nd photomarathon in Madrid. This is clearly embedded in the poster.