
Latest comment: 6 years ago by My Favourite Account in topic September 2018



I see nothing on the page that mentions the members or associated members listed here. Or indeed any mention of a World Cup competition in November in Northern Cyprus for 2006. There is a reference to a proposed competition for 2005 (in French) on Is this actually going to happen? Jooler 01:21, 17 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

The list of members, when this article was made, was based on the article in the Portugese wikipedia. The website of the NF-Board has not been updated since 2004, and is such a poor source to use. The Portugese wikipedia now lists a whole lot more countries than it did when this article was made, as well as many different sources. If anyone who spoke Portugese could do some work on this article, we could sort out the answers to your questions. Salmon 14:23, 23 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

You could also follow the forum at
Øistein Brennodden

I believe this is the new discussion forum

My Favourite Account (talk) 00:30, 22 September 2018 (UTC)Reply



The website listed in the article does not lead to the Federation's website, and has seemingly been dead for a while. Is there a new domain? --Differentgravy (talk) 22:51, 4 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Seemingly, this is the new site:

Aside from a Not secure notice, I got a blank white page for this link My Favourite Account (talk) 00:24, 22 September 2018 (UTC)Reply

Looks fairly amateurish. --Differentgravy (talk) 22:58, 4 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Who cares?

Membership/Viva World Cup


The membership currently stands at 9, as listed, plus the provisional members listed on the Portuguese page. Kurdistan is not a member, so I have corrected this. Also, in the provisory members, it is South Moluccas, and not the Maluku Islands. I have changed this also.

The other countries listed are "potential" members, and this list could be expanded. Negotiations have begun with some, but by no means all, of these territories.

The Viva World Cup will play in November, the venue is yet to be decided.

There will be an UNPO Cup in September in the Netherlands, which may be used as a qualifying tournament of sorts for the VIVA World Cup. It is possible that wildcard entries (i.e. provisional members) may be permitted in the Viva World Cup, should the quota of 8 teams not be met. This would allow teams such as Kosova and Chechnya the chance to compete.

I hope this clears up any issues. If a translation of the Portuguese page is needed, I also speak Portuguese.

Mark Cruickshank - Executive Committee, N.F-Board

Useful page


A page that has a list of all members, and when their FA joined NF-Board. Could help to add to the article, founding members and a timeline, etc. Anyone feel like taking on the task?

Information Overload


Regarding the information given in the "Members" section. It has been suggested that not having the various pieces of information listed there is "suppression", and that Wikipedia is "a collection of human knowledge". Does this mean that it should not be edited and have superfluous information removed? Is any of the information given in this particular section actually relevant? Why is it important to list the "affiliation ID", and the dates that members were granted their differing levels of status? I genuinly would like to know, because I don't understand why this is so. Hammersfan 09/10/07, 21.29 BST

The date at which each team became a member of the NF-Board is directly relevant to the accumulation of points in the current rankings. Furthermore, it is interesting information to see the progression of growth of the NF-Board, and to see which teams have most recently been added. This is completely lost in your "improved" version. Andrwsc 22:21, 9 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
Not to mention that the membership has a relevance on the specifics of a team's involvement. I don't know the exact details, but provisional membership in virtually all cases entitles the provisional member to attend meetings but not take part in functions - UEFA uses provisional membership to allow prospective candidates to attend meetings and become involved, while at the same time the provisional member(s) can't actually play in any tournaments, for example. If a more knowledgable person wanted to read about the members of the NF Board then they might well be interested to know which teams hold which membership, to know what tournaments they are able to participate in, for instance. Falastur2 22:36, 9 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
But there is no explanation about the information anywhere on the page - it's merely a table with ID and accession date on it. As regards the comment about it being interesting information about when teams have joined, none of the confederations have this information on their pages as far as I can see, and when more and more teams join, the table as you suggest it will become more and more unwieldy. The information about the rights of teams with provisional status can be included in the article, as can an explanation of how teams are ranked by the NF-Board. I just don't see the point of including what I think are superfluous dates. Hammersfan 10/10/07, 13.34 BST



I'm finding it a little hard, from my position of knowing very little outside of what I've read here, to understand CSANF's relation with the NF. It's described as a member confederation - does that mean it's like UEFA to FIFA? I would have automatically assumed this, but with the introduction of the CSANF, it would seem that this confederation has gone out and recruited its own members, with the exception of Easter Island, and NF doesn't seem to be treating any of them as members of NF - where, say, Argentina is a member of both CONMEBOL (the FIFA South American confederation) and FIFA, the NF Board seems to treat affiliated teams as either NF-Board members or CSANF members, but not both. Is this the case? Or am I just getting confused, somehow? Falastur2 00:18, 27 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

It's like in CONCACAF and CAF where some of their members are not FIFA members (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guyana, Zanzibar).. it's like a pyramid, usually all members of the top (FIFA) are also members of the botton (confederations), but the opposite don't happen all the time. The only South American team in NFBoard is also member of till the moment there is no different between FIFA and NFB confederations Calapez 15:12, 27 October 2007 (UTC)]Reply

If you look carefully, you will see that the 'members' listed on CSANF's homepage are 'potential members'. So, not all of the territories/islands listed are actually members of the organisation. (talk) 03:52, 14 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Non sovereign states


I've deleted the last part of this sentence:

It is made up of teams that represent nations that are not recognized as sovereign states and which are therefore not eligible to become members of FIFA, football's world governing body.

Because it is simply not thrue:

Wu Bangguo (talk) 21:51, 24 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Taiwan is not a member of FIFA, Chinese Taipei Football Association is. The general rule is, that the new members have to be either internationally recognised, or the bid has to be supported by the association to which the area of the new association formerly belongs. For example in the case of the Kosovo FA it means that either Kosovo is judged to be an internationally recognised independent state, or the FA of Serbia accepts its bid. Another rule is, that the current conditions do not apply to associations that already are FIFA members – therefore previous examples are not relevant. - (talk) 15:47, 22 May 2008 (UTC)Reply
Not entirely accurate. The Gibraltar FA is affiliated to the FA (the English one). Back a few years ago, it applied for admission to UEFA and the British FAs championed its cause. It still had to go to a confederation vote, which was shot down when Spain's FA threatened a boycott on all UEFA competitions in protest. In this case, the FA accepting its admission wasn't enough to have it admitted. Falastur2 (talk) 19:29, 24 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

"Southern Lower Saxony"


I'm German, but I've never heard of "Southern Lower Saxony" as an entity of any type, much less as a nation. Unless this name refers to a region outside of Germany (in which case the wiki link and the flag would be completely misleading), this seems like a joke to me. --Roentgenium111 (talk) 13:05, 13 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

Verifiability of members


Can someone please provide a link to a website that lists the membership of the NF-Board? I can find some information on the 3 teams who took part in the initial VIVA World Cup, and the rsssf has the results of the 2008 edition, which adds a few more sides but that leaves the majority of listed teams as unverified. Thanks Stu.W UK (talk) 21:59, 16 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Hard to do, since the NF themselves took down all the useful content on their site and made it a glorified link to the VIVA World Cup website. I wasn't happy at that... Makes it a right hassle to research them now. Falastur2 Talk 22:51, 16 March 2009 (UTC)Reply Calapez (talk) 23:15, 16 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Thanks Calapez. I've added the link in the article.Stu.W UK (talk) 09:42, 17 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Dear sir, this page contains a list of members of NFBoard: It is an old article from Wikipedia - the year is not determined. Why not copy, and put an observation that is not an official list? In other research, I have other names that are not present in this page. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:33, 18 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Again I write to complement the possible list of countries affiliated with the NF-Board. I found this page where there are more details on this subject: — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:04, 20 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Notability of Members


A number of the teams listed here are yet to play a game and as such I wonder whether they each need a wikipedia article or whether it would be better to redirect to a new page called something like 'NF-Board Associations without competitive teams'? Stu.W UK (talk) 09:42, 17 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

No wikilink to the team then, or link the region. -Koppapa (talk) 20:13, 21 September 2016 (UTC)Reply



I fear the NF-Board is inactive or non-existing anymore.I tried to contact their General Secretary and president, but no response. No response on Twitter and non-existent on Facebook. The homepage hasn't change a single word since it was launched. There is also no word about another VIVA somewhere. Is there any proof that they are still existing? NikauTokelau (talk) 15:35, 12 August 2013 (UTC)Reply

EDIT: Maybe that is the reason for all the links beeing dead? From the references 1,4,5,8,9,10 and 11 are not working and from the external links the second one (Press news), the forth (Membership list) and the fifth (Fedefutbol) are dead or contain zero information. NikauTokelau (talk) 15:54, 12 August 2013 (UTC)Reply

EDIT 2: I changed the page and deleted all the unproven "facts" to better point at what the NF-Board is: A football organization (not federation!) which has a great history and might still exist. According to 2 homepages and much more confusing and chaotic material around (there is a new organization with a different name) it is absolutely unclear if the NF-Board is still existing. I am not an insider in any way. So if someone with internal knowledge comes around he could explain us more and maybe add more info.NikauTokelau (talk) 11:44, 4 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

EDIT 3: TO NikauTokelau -- I reverted the page because you are misinformed. You say there are two sites for the N.F.-Board but one of the sites you listed for your loose claim of conflicting information has a 301 "Moved Permanently" error which seem the result of an attempt to move the URL to the new site at Instead the move points to the old URL. Likely the result of an IT person who made a mistake while moving it. As such there is only one official NF-Board site and it is at Please refrain from further edits or deletions until you consult that official site for information. As you have wiped out whole swaths of relevant information I have reverted the page back to one without most of your deletions but with some of the updated information for you to use as a STARTING POINT. The full member list is on the site under Members. It is not hard to read. If for some reason this is a problem and you keep deleting relevant information then I will have to ask others for assistance in what looks like vandalism. The only one confused here seems to be you. The N.F.-Board is not "inactive". I have a letter from the N.F.-Board to FA Cascadia which explicitly mentions the 2014 VIVA World Cup. It can be viewed here: - Your deletions and changes seem to serve nothing more than to make things look murkier than they actually are. So I ask again that you consult the NF-Board's official website at before making any further edits regarding what you view as relevant facts.All3pts (talk) 15:34, 7 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Happy to see you are contributing to the talk finally! When I started editing there where 2 "official" pages. You are right, one of them seems to be dead now for some reason. I am not doing any vandalism at all. I just try to do a informational and neutral article out of it. I just again edited it a little bit and erased some wrong, NFB promo and irrelevant information. I did not touch the members list again, though. Nevertheless I still prefer to have a member lists of active FAs (huge work) or of just the VIVA playing teams. Still many of the FAs mentioned are inactive (Sardinia), never played (Southern Cameroon) or never heard of the NFB (Somaliland, Easter Island). But you are wrong, the official teams list them as members. But some of those members are non-existent (South Lower Saxony) or never have heard of the NFB (Somaliland). There are at least 20 of the members who are not connected to the NFB in any way I think. So I doubt we should just repeat that dubious info on wiki.NikauTokelau (talk) 08:18, 8 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Relationship to ConIFA


Is this related to ConIFA in any way? I think ConIFA should be mentioned in the article, with an explanation of the similarities and differences. 2A02:8109:9340:136C:8CB1:CFCD:8297:438A (talk) 00:25, 3 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

NF-Board defunct


I did change the article, including the fact that the NF-Board is defunct since January 2013 and deleting the "membership info" as defunct organisation, obviously, cannot have members. However, my change was undone, without explanation, even though I even provided sources. What do you think? I found at least 20 articles claiming the NF-Board to be defunct since January 2013. The only "proof" of existence is a homepage, that did not change since mid-2014. I tried to contact the NF-Board: No replies, half of the mentioned email addresses on their homepage are dead. I spoke to a few teams and a few "Board members" who all said they have not been in touch since mid-2013 and thought the NF-Board is not existing anymore. So, which drives Wiki to believe they are exisiting? — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2A02:908:CD20:FF20:B6B6:76FF:FE1B:91D0 (talk) 13:03, 20 September 2016 (UTC) There are lots of organizations or events that have disappeared, the list of teams or more are staying, to show that there was in the organizations. There are teams that have been part of this federation. It is as if you wanted to talk to FIFA, IOC or to the page of your government. You could have the email address of any other running certain body not at all. No one will answer. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2A01:E34:EE0E:ABD0:B854:9C74:3C1F:E26D (talk) 13:40, 20 September 2016 (UTC) We must show the member or former member who is part of that change your federation like forced passage. I'll take an example: NF-board has disappeared, but the federation had members, we must show them. WWII to finish, but the death his generals remained in the history books. If tomorrow FIFA disappears for a new organization, it will show members with one of them. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2A01:E34:EE0E:ABD0:B854:9C74:3C1F:E26D (talk) 13:51, 20 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

I understand your point, but I do not really agree. Most teams listed as "former members" have never been an active member of the NF-Board, they are simply listed on a self-made homepage. I spoke to many of those teams and a few, including (but not limited to) Kiribati, Easter Islands, Pohnpei, Yap, Franconia, Szekely Land, Somaliland have never heard of the "NF Board" or declined that they have ever been a member. Based on such facts it seems that the source (the self-made homepage) is not at all a reliable source. The same is true for people named there as "Board members". The few that answered denied to ever have been a Board member of the NF-Board and first heard of that by my mail. Other teams like "Ola Bola" are totally obvious jokes. Ola Bola is a movie about the Malaysian national team and no team in itself. "Ola Bola" also is not listed on the single source given (the wix-page). For many more teams there is no proof of existence at all. Google has zero (useful) results for "FA Peul", "FA Himalaya", "FA Labaj", "FA Iles d'Or", "FA Wallonie", Casamance, Cossacks and many. This is why I propose: Leave the "VIVA World Cup" teams in and all other teams for which a proof of existence and link with the NF-Board exists, but delete the others as there is no value for anyone in naming them. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:00, 20 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

He must know that some of these teams have not necessarily play the game for nf-board, but they were able to tournaments around the world as UNPO CUP CSNAF, Micronesian games, you name it, you know not good enough topic. You said earlier that you had not managed to speak to the nf borard, ect ... you talk to whom and on what site? You know that talking to people it is not a proof, Kiribati is part of the nf board, since it is passing there is little on the conifa. Ola Bola yes it is a film about the passage in malaysia asia cup in 80 years. It is possible that at the time the nf-board wanted to add new teams in its league. Himalayas that was probably what would have represented the tribes and ethnic groups in the height of the Himalayas. I advice you to take a look at the site UNPO. There are still places in the world where there is no pc, no internet, no phone, tv, then create a site on google. I take an example: a tree falls on the floor of a forest, you're not in this drill, but this tree yet makes noise. I will further research and if there are changes to I would. But you do not just delete without evidence, you understand. I'll talk repeats on a forum, twitter or even on their official website, is not a proof. You do not have that look in English, you must also look at times in several different language, it's a very big job. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2A01:E34:EE0E:ABD0:B854:9C74:3C1F:E26D (talk) 18:49, 20 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

Status / Historical record keeping


It seems to be general consensus (see above section) that the NF-Board is defunct. So the article only has historical relevance. That said, I would like to discuss its content again, especially looking at the members listed. As mentioned above, many of the mentioned members have never been active. Some never played a "NF-Board match", other seem to have never existed as an actual football team.

Proposal Delete all teams that did not play an official "NF-Board match". The other way around this means: Keep all the VIVA World Cup participants and teams with a definite source of some existence and historical action (like Seborga, Sealand or Esperanto) NikauTokelau (talk) 17:02, 21 September 2016 (UTC)NikauTokelau (talk) 17:58, 21 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

There are member lists published, like here with join dates or here (already in article). Probably those should be followed, no matter if they ever played a match (which could be hard to prove anyway). -Koppapa (talk) 20:11, 21 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

Re Koppapa: The main issue is: If you further investigate those membership lists of the NF-Board, you will find out that many (if not the majority) of such members never existed. We are speaking of football teams or Football Associations at least here and I personally think that there is zero value in placing a name on a list if never ever 11 people existed that stand for that team. And this is the point I would like to discuss. Does the community see any value in copying a list of names of an organisation that does not exist? Thanks to your feedback, first of all! I dived a bit deeper today and tried to find sources for each and any team and its existence. I will further propose in more detail which members I personally think are worth to be listed (because they exist) and which are totally valueless: Keep: - All the teams bold now, which means teams that played VIVA World Cups, except for Southern Cameroon, which shouldn't be bold as they never played a VIVA World Cup, but the "UNPO Cup", which was not a tournament of the NF-Board: [1] - Chechnya (better: Chechen Republic of Ichkeria), South Moluccas, West Papua, South Cameroon: [2] - Cilento: [3] - Romani People [4] - Sardinia [5] - Sealand [6] - Seborga [7] - Chagos Islands [8] - Tibet [9] - Esperanto [10] Delete: - Yap and Pohnpei, who both have never been a member of the NF-Board and got angry about appearing on the list without any notice about it [11] - South Lower Saxony (no proof of existence of a team, mail contact to their "press speaker" says: "It was a joke and we only went to a single meeting and celebrated, but we never had a team) - Franconia (only played under the roof of CONIFA. According to mail contact to the "president" they applied to the NF-Board on the meeting on which it collapsed and never heard of them again) - Gagauzia (only ever played in the ELF-Cup, which was not organised by the NF-Board, but was a kind of "counter movement" of Northern Cyprus) - Labaj (no proof of existence and to be fair, I could not even find out which place/people this should represent) - Szekely Land (only active within the CONIFA system. According to mail contact to the "president" they were never formally approved as NF-Board members, but applied) - Cossack, Iles d'Or, Rijeka, Wallonia, Himalaya, Casamance, Massai, Peul (no proof of existence) - Somaliland (only active within the CONIFA system. "Info@..." contact says by mail "that we only heard of the NF-Board mid-2015 and never applied for membership) - Rapa Nui (according to all sources I find, they are a member of the CSANF, not the NF-Board) - Kiribati (exists and played in 2011, but only within the OFC system. Mail contact to the "president" says "We never tried to join the NF-Board") Unclear/Discussion: - Saugeais: Only ever played Raetia, but after the NF-Board ceased to exist [12] - Skaneland: Only ever played Souther Schleswig, but after the NF-Board ceased to exist [13] - Cascadia: Applied and were accepted, but never had a team [14] - West Indies: Applied and were accepted, but never had any matches [15]NikauTokelau (talk) 15:00, 22 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

  Pohnpei   Yap

Good work. -Koppapa (talk) 20:06, 23 September 2016 (UTC)Reply


September 2018


Can Cilento be added as a former member? They have a national team,   even a team flag. My Favourite Account Talk 01:39, 22 September 2018 (UTC)Reply

Hmm, when diod they play. After 2013 they belong to the CONIFA article. -Koppapa (talk) 04:32, 22 September 2018 (UTC)Reply
That is why they are in the list of former members? For when they played, see the 3rd link below. My Favourite Account Talk 22:35, 22 September 2018 (UTC)Reply