

Maybe this article needs to be disambiguated? According to the 1913 Webster's:

Lorcha, n. Pg. (Naut.) A kind of light vessel used on the coast of China, having the hull built on a European model, and the rigging like that of a Chinese junk. --Admiral Foote.

I'm not sure how to do that, nor whether it is the right thing to do. I just came here looking for an article on that kind of boat. Phil56 (talk) 21:00, 28 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

For what it's worth, the lorcha style of boat is mentioned in James Clavell's novel "Shogun" (page 815 of my old Dell paperback edition). It's because of that that I'm here looking it up. Timothy Campbell (talk) 13:50, 24 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Personally, I would wish to see a page for Lorcha the Chinese type of sailing vessel, and a page for the yacht named "Lorcha" (if indeed it is notable). However I did not take any action along these lines. (This would mean two shorter pages, but I'd be happy with that in the case of the Chinese boat type - it would be more than a dictionary definition, and could of course be expanded on). The disambiguation page at Lorcha would need attention too. Philip Howard (talk) 17:39, 5 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

I agree that the Chinese sailing vessel needs its own page, an the yacht (if it is notable) another. Having the two subjects on one page is unacceptable. DuncanHill (talk) 00:52, 10 December 2010 (UTC)Reply
Current page is appallingly unclear, an entirely unencyclopaedic amalgalm of two scarcely related entities. If the sailing family's activities generate any notability, it is under their names, not that of their boat. Kevin McE (talk) 08:21, 10 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

As above, but I will duplicate in talk page. V. Joe (talk) 13:30, 10 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

" == First Circumnavigation == + The [[Vũng Tàu shipwreck]] is an example of a lorcha. - After the Howard-McCall family launched the boat in 1981, they sailed it in their home waters on Lake Ontario until July 1, 1983 when they set off from Toronto with their two children, Penny, 6, and Peter, 4, in what turned into a 5 year circumnavigation of the world, sailing back into Toronto Harbour August 28, 1988. In their meandering sailing track they covered more than {{convert|40000|nmi|km|-4}}, crossing the Equator four times, for a complete circumnavigation of the world. They crossed the [[Atlantic Ocean]] three times, the [[Pacific Ocean]] once, and the Indian Ocean once and completed a full circumnavigation of the globe. - - Throughout this trip the couple wrote a series in the Toronto Star 'Family Adventures on the High Seas' and two consecutive books based on their travels. The first, ''[[All in the Same Boat]]'', was based on the first leg of their journey. The second of their books was ''[[Still in the Same Boat]]''. - - == Second Circumnavigation == - In the early 1990s, the boat was sold to an unknown buyer. After trading hands twice by would-be long distance voyagers who did not make their dream trips, the sailboat was bought by Josh Sutherland in the late 1990s. He subsequently sailed the boat from [[Toronto]] and circumnavigated the world, as the original owners had done, but taking about eight years to do so as he stopped in various places to work along the way. - - == Present == - ''Lorcha'' is currently being sailed by Captain Steven also from Toronto. She is currently in warmer waters of FL and the Bahamas. ==Notes and references==

V. Joe (talk) 13:35, 10 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

Thanks. I've fixed the incoming links to the dabpage Lorcha - most were about the type of boat, a few about the town in Valencia. There is one incoming link here about the yacht, from the article All in the Same Boat. DuncanHill (talk) 13:49, 10 December 2010 (UTC)Reply