Talk:List of probability topics

Latest comment: 15 years ago by Tsirel in topic List updater

List updater


In subsection A below, listed are articles which are missing from the List of probability topics. They were found by looking in the categories in subsection C. One can add more categories to be searched to subsection C, see some suggestions in subsection D.

All this process can be restarted by clicking on the link at the bottom of subsection E.

Please note that anything around here is editable, but please don't modify the lines of the form

<!-- bottag:X:begin -->

or their order.

A: Articles missing from the List of probability topics


A Treatise on Probability -- Ambit field -- Anscombe transform -- B-convex space -- Bernoulli trial -- Big O in probability notation -- Cantelli's inequality -- Cauchy–Schwarz inequality -- Chain rule (probability) -- Collectively exhaustive events -- Concentration dimension -- Conditional dependence -- Conductance (graph) -- Contiguity -- Contiguity (probability theory) -- Covariance operator -- Craps principle -- Cue validity -- Decoupling (probability) -- Dempster–Shafer theory -- Dobinski's formula -- Dual total correlation -- E-net (probability theory) -- Ergodicity -- Euclidean random matrix -- Expected return -- Experiment (probability theory) -- Fractional Poisson process -- Fréchet inequalities -- G-expectation -- Geometric probability -- Gibbs state -- Goodman–Nguyen–van Fraassen algebra -- Hidden Markov random field -- High-dimensional statistics -- Impossibility of a gambling system -- Imprecise probability -- Inclusion–exclusion principle -- Independence (probability theory) -- Independent and identically distributed random variables -- Indicator function -- Jessen–Wintner theorem -- Join (sigma algebra) -- Khmaladze transformation -- Kinetic scheme -- Krichevsky–Trofimov estimator -- Laplace functional -- Law of truly large numbers -- Lebesgue space -- Limiting density of discrete points -- Lindeberg's condition -- Lottery (probability) -- Luce's choice axiom -- Marginal likelihood -- Markov blanket -- Markov information source -- Markov random field -- Mean dependence -- Multiscale decision-making -- Nonextensive entropy -- Nonlinear expectation -- Pairwise error probability -- Percolation theory -- Polya urn model -- Posterior predictive distribution -- Postselection -- Pregaussian class -- Principles of the Theory of Probability -- Probabilistic argumentation -- Probabilistic encryption -- Probability measure -- Probability vector -- Problem of points -- Proofs of convergence of random variables -- Pseudocount -- Ramaswami’s formula -- Random function -- Random matrix -- Reciprocal distribution -- Residual time -- Rollo Davidson Prize -- Ruin theory -- Schuette–Nesbitt formula -- Seven states of randomness -- Sigma-algebra -- Stability postulate -- Stochastic geometry -- Stochastic optimization -- Subjective logic -- Subjectivism -- Sunrise problem -- Survival function -- The rich get richer (statistics) -- Total correlation -- Total variation distance of probability measures -- Tree diagram (probability theory) -- Tsallis entropy -- Uncertainty theory -- Unit measure -- Usual hypotheses -- A posteriori probability -- Amplitude-shift keying -- Availability -- Banach's matchbox problem -- Circular error probable -- Class of 9s -- Empirical probability -- Exponential mechanism (differential privacy) -- Gambling mathematics -- High availability -- Self-sustainability -- Stars and bars (combinatorics) -- Statistical interference -- Bennett's inequality -- Berry–Esseen theorem -- Cheeger bound -- Correlation inequality -- Doob's martingale inequality -- Entropy power inequality -- Gauss's inequality -- Hoeffding's lemma -- Hölder's inequality -- Kunita–Watanabe theorem -- Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund inequality -- Multidimensional Chebyshev's inequality -- Pinsker's inequality -- Sanov's theorem -- Vitale's random Brunn–Minkowski inequality -- Vysochanskiï–Petunin inequality -- Algorithmic probability -- Bayes linear statistics -- Bernoulli stochastics -- Calculus of predispositions -- Classical definition of probability -- Common cause and special cause (statistics) -- Frequentist probability -- Fuzzy logic -- Ignorance space -- Inverse probability -- Knightian uncertainty -- Pignistic probability -- Probabilistic proposition -- Propensity probability -- Algorithmic Lovász local lemma -- Arrival theorem -- Aumann's agreement theorem -- Bapat–Beg theorem -- Bartlett's theorem -- Bertrand's ballot theorem -- Borel–Cantelli lemma -- Burke's theorem -- Bussgang theorem -- Cameron–Martin theorem -- Campbell's theorem (probability) -- Clark–Ocone theorem -- Condorcet's jury theorem -- Continuous mapping theorem -- Dawson–Gärtner theorem -- Dominated convergence theorem -- Doob decomposition theorem -- Doob's martingale convergence theorems -- Doob–Dynkin lemma -- Doob–Meyer decomposition theorem -- Dudley's theorem -- Dynkin's formula -- Dynkin's lemma -- Feller's coin-tossing constants -- Fernique's theorem -- Freidlin–Wentzell theorem -- Girsanov theorem -- Gleason's theorem -- Gordon–Newell theorem -- Hammersley–Clifford theorem -- Hewitt–Savage zero–one law -- Integral representation theorem for classical Wiener space -- Isolation lemma -- Isserlis' theorem -- Itō's lemma -- Karhunen–Loève theorem -- Kolmogorov continuity theorem -- Kolmogorov extension theorem -- Kolmogorov's three-series theorem -- Kolmogorov's zero–one law -- Krylov–Bogolyubov theorem -- Leftover hash lemma -- Lovász local lemma -- Lukacs's proportion-sum independence theorem -- Lévy's modulus of continuity theorem -- Minlos' theorem -- Palm–Khintchine theorem -- Pickands–Balkema–de Haan theorem -- Poisson limit theorem -- Poisson scatter theorem -- Raikov's theorem -- Reversed compound agent theorem -- Reversible diffusion -- Schilder's theorem -- Sklar's theorem -- Structure theorem for Gaussian measures -- Tanaka's formula -- Wiener–Khinchin theorem -- Berkson's paradox -- Bertrand paradox (probability) -- Bertrand's box paradox -- Borel–Kolmogorov paradox -- Exchange paradox -- Monty Hall problem -- Necktie paradox -- Nontransitive dice -- Simpson's paradox -- Sleeping Beauty problem -- St. Petersburg paradox -- Three Prisoners problem -- Two envelopes problem -- Wason selection task --

I shall attend to the above soon! Michael Hardy 19:04, 18 October 2005 (UTC)Reply
Yes, very soon! :) Oleg Alexandrov (talk) 19:50, 29 November 2005 (UTC)Reply
I did, not soon and only a bit :) Boris Tsirelson (talk) 07:40, 2 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
Now I REALLY did, but not here; see Catalog of articles in probability theory. Boris Tsirelson (talk) 21:39, 22 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

B: Place here articles not wanted either in the List of probability topics or in subsection A.


Normal sequence

C: Categories to be searched


The bot will look for potential additions to the List of probability topics in this list of categories. You may add any other categories to this list, for example from subsection D below. Use the format [[:Category:XXX]] (the colon (:) shows up twice!).

Category:Probability theory -- Category:Applied probability -- Category:Probabilistic inequalities -- Category:Probability interpretations -- Category:Probability theorems -- Category:Probability theory paradoxes --

D: Potential searchable categories


Move up to subsection C any categories which the bot should search for missing articles in the List of probability topics.

Category:Algebra of random variables -- Category:Central limit theorem -- Category:Decision theory -- Category:Dempster–Shafer theory -- Category:Ergodic theory -- Category:Exotic probabilities -- Category:Large deviations theory -- Category:Probability journals -- Category:Probability theorists -- Category:Random matrices -- Category:Stochastic algorithms -- Category:Stochastic processes -- Category:Theory of probability distributions -- Category:Games (probability) -- Category:Risk -- Category:Stochastic models --

E: Articles in List of probability topics not in categories


May be redirects or articles which should be removed/categorized.

Constant random variable -- Infinite divisibility (probability) -- Punnett square -- Point process -- Hardy–Weinberg principle -- Kullback-Leibler divergence -- Coefficient of variation -- The Doctrine of Chances -- Gambler's ruin -- Wiener equation -- Markov process -- Markov partition -- Aleatoric -- Metropolis algorithm -- Queueing theory -- List of probability journals -- Extractor (mathematics) -- Pachinko -- Autoregressive integrated moving average model -- Random field -- Correlation function -- Zipf's law -- Stability (probability) -- Lottery machine -- Credal set -- Brownian motion -- Edgeworth series -- Poker probability (Texas hold 'em) -- Illustration of the central limit theorem -- An inequality on location and scale parameters -- Spurious relationship -- Financial mathematics -- Cumulant -- Box–Muller transform -- Stochastic process -- Risk -- List of statistical topics -- Market risk -- Truncated distribution -- Branching process -- Integral geometry -- Poker probability (Omaha) -- Hidden Markov model -- Negative probability -- Standard deviation -- Relative frequency -- Probabilistic Turing machine -- Markov property -- Kurtosis -- Bayesianism -- Time series analysis -- Rule of succession -- Geometric standard deviation -- Hewitt–Savage zero-one law -- Ergodic theory -- Gauss-Markov process -- Continuous-time Markov process -- Probable prime -- Algebra of random variables -- The man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo -- Chapman–Kolmogorov equation -- Martingale central limit theorem -- Standardized moment -- Location parameter -- Wick product -- Lévy process -- Jump diffusion -- Index of coincidence -- Anomaly time series -- Process with independent increments -- Parrondo's paradox -- Chernoff's inequality -- Statistical regularity -- Law of Truly Large Numbers -- Bertrand's paradox (probability) -- Moment-generating function -- Piecewise-deterministic Markov process -- Inclusion-exclusion principle -- Kolmogorov's zero-one law -- Observational error -- Population process -- Factorial moment generating function -- Luck -- Poker probability -- Concrete illustration of the central limit theorem -- Inverse gambler's fallacy -- Adapted process -- Variance -- Outline of probability -- Probabilistic algorithm -- Expected value -- Galton–Watson process -- Inverse transform sampling method -- Stochastic calculus -- Bernoulli scheme -- Canonical correlation -- Markovian -- Law of total expectation -- Probability box -- Gibbs sampling -- Large deviations theory -- Mutual information -- Voter model -- Lottery -- Geometric Brownian motion -- Erlang unit -- Independent and identically-distributed random variables -- Dempster-Shafer theory -- Wiener process -- Helly-Bray theorem -- Chinese restaurant process -- Random walk Monte Carlo -- Volatility (finance) -- Joint probability distribution -- Law of the unconscious statistician -- Probability-generating function -- Principle of maximum entropy -- List of probability distributions -- Population genetics -- Aleatoric music -- Transferable belief model -- Prior probability -- Pareto principle -- Weak convergence of measures -- Randomised algorithm -- Probabilistically checkable proof -- Autoregressive model -- Roulette -- Discrete random variable -- Gambler's fallacy -- Law of total variance -- Statistical independence -- Autoregressive moving average model -- Goodman-Nguyen-van Fraassen algebra -- Martingale (probability theory) -- Prior probability distribution -- De Moivre–Laplace theorem -- Moving average model -- Probability distribution function -- Ewens's sampling formula -- Random walk -- Randomization -- Pascal's wager -- Benford's law -- Covariance function -- Cumulative distribution function -- Posterior probability -- Birthday paradox -- Berry-Esseen theorem -- Power law -- Random sequence -- Girsanov's theorem -- Checking if a coin is biased -- Malliavin calculus -- Basic affine jump diffusion -- Random number generator -- Skewness -- History of probability -- Loop-erased random walk -- Covariance -- Probability distribution -- Borel-Cantelli lemma -- Vysochanskiï-Petunin inequality -- Rate function -- Technical analysis -- Law of total cumulance -- Variance-to-mean ratio -- Wiener sausage -- Quantile -- Impossible event -- Hardware random number generator -- Lévy continuity theorem -- Borel's paradox -- Value at risk -- Las Vegas algorithm -- Probability -- Moment about the mean -- Mutually exclusive -- Gaussian random field -- Maximum likelihood -- Randomness -- Stochastic programming -- Pot odds -- Pseudorandomness -- Gambling -- Gaussian process -- Markov chain mixing time -- Conditional random field -- Increasing process -- Examples of Markov chains -- Ergodic (adjective) -- Statistical dispersion -- Probability density function -- Covariance matrix -- Genetics -- Asymptotic equipartition property -- Stationary process -- Kelly criterion -- Monte Carlo method -- Berry–Esséen theorem -- Bible code -- Correlation -- Frequency probability -- Heavy-tailed distribution -- Itô's lemma -- Progressively measurable process -- Bernoulli process -- List of statisticians -- Information entropy -- Stratonovich integral -- Poisson process -- Laws of large numbers -- Free probability -- Coin flipping -- Independent identically-distributed random variables -- Uncorrelated -- Markov chain -- Itô calculus -- Average -- Central tendency -- Maximum-entropy Markov model -- Probability bounds analysis -- Quasirandom -- Factorial moment -- Taylor expansions for the moments of functions of random variables -- Urn problem -- Lévy flight -- Martingale (betting system) -- Locality (statistics) -- Normally distributed and uncorrelated does not imply independent --

Refresh the above lists

Organize the list


I suggest that we work on organizing the list so that it is more readable.Tindy 13:10, 16 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Organizing which list, the list of probability topics itself, or the output of my bot above? The entries above are meant to be carefully read by a person and put them in the list of probability topics as appropriate. Oleg Alexandrov (talk) 16:31, 16 December 2005 (UTC)Reply
A more organized list is now available: Catalog of articles in probability theory. Boris Tsirelson (talk) 21:41, 22 December 2008 (UTC)Reply



About removing Kolmogorov's name from the 'foundations' section here - would everyone (including Bayesians) agree that the Kolmogorov foundations are the foundations?

Charles Matthews 09:03, 13 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Are you trying to prove that "pure" mathematicians are those who know only mathematics?? I find this astonishing. No; virtually everyone would disagree, and find the proposition astonishing (except among "pure" mathematicians who are ignorant of this topic and don't suspect that they are ignorant). For example, see Cox's theorem (that article, as it stood when I saw it a few days ago, was flawed, but it should make clear that taking additivity as axiomatic is ridiculous), and Edwin T. Jaynes. Kolmogorov's axioms pretty much ignore foundational issues. Michael Hardy 01:14, 15 Jan 2004 (UTC)

... and see also Bayesianism. Michael Hardy 01:17, 15 Jan 2004 (UTC)

I'm sure that Pierce's Law belongs on here somewhere, but I'm not sure where. Would someone please add it to the appropriate section? FunnyMan3595 04:30, 28 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Well, I'm not so sure. That page is pure logic, as it stands. If there is probability content to the Law, it ought to be added there, really, before a link from here.

Charles Matthews 07:51, 28 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Hmm, yeah, I see what you mean... I'll take another look at it later on, 's early in the morning, math doesn't make too much sense yet.

FunnyMan3595 15:10, 1 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Looked at it again. No clue what I was thinking, disregard.

FunnyMan3595 20:29, 2 Mar 2004 (UTC)



Anybody object if I archive this discussion page - maybe every 60 days?—G716 <T·C> 01:48, 19 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

It is not as if this talk page has that much traffic (we get roughly a post per half a year :) Either way, please don't archive the bot section above. Oleg Alexandrov (talk) 19:35, 3 December 2008 (UTC)Reply