"The memoir" & passport episode happened before the wall came down


The section "The memoir", in particular the anecdote concerning the passport/(federal) German citizenship, has it sound as if this occurred after German reunification, which is not the case. The book was published in 1986[1], an interview with Felfe dated 1986-03-24 mentions the dual citizenship[2], and the German Wikipedia gets this historically right[3] while citing the same resource[4]. Maybe a native speaker of English can rephrase?

I've made the attempt. I think it was almost certainly my mistake in the first place - trying to finish a para in too much of a hurry. Right now I cannot remember what point I was trying to draw out, and maybe the thing still needs another look; but I think it more or less makes sense in its own terms now. Thanks for sharing your reaction when you noticed this. Regards Charles01 (talk) 09:15, 16 January 2018 (UTC)Reply