Talk:Gray death (disambiguation)

Latest comment: 18 years ago by Crispiness


CCFreak2K: The Grey Death is a nanovirus, possibly designed to control the world population (my memory of the story is a bit spotty). The Grey Death was a birthchild of Morgan Everett and Bob Page, which was brought over to the Majestic 12 by Bob Page and eventually finished. The Grey Death is synthesized using Universal Constructers, only 3 of which exist. The cure for the Grey Death is a (nanomachine?) chemical named Ambrosia. Ambrosia is distrobuted by FEMA (I think) and is shipped to areas of high importance and thos e that need it the most (I think)(this includes political figures such as Governer Doe mentioned in the Deus Ex intro). The NSF plays into this because they steal shipments of Ambrosia (out of spite?). The "Grey" in Grey Death could be akin to Grey Goo. Please correct me in any or all of this as you create the article and please excuse any formatting problems, quirks, etc.

My understanding of the name of the Grey Death (I have no source for this, this is just my intuition) is that it's a variation on Black Death, but it's called "grey" because of the condition of the sufferers. If you look at the victims in-game, their faces are ashen and greyed and their behaviour seems to indicate that their bodies are just slowly deteriorating; presumably on the cellular level since it's a nanovirus. It could also be a reference to Grey Goo, you're right. Neither theory is supported by canon evidence as far as I know.

It is indeed a control mechanism; regulation of the vaccine, Ambrosia (which is also composed of nanomachines, since it too can only be made using Universal Constructors) is strictly controlled by FEMA. FEMA is using this power to control the government; "if you don't do what we tell you to do, we'll cut off your Ambrosia supply and you and your family will die a slow and horrible death". (Evidently Ambrosia has to be taken regularly in order to ward off the Grey Death, so it's not really a vaccine as such.)

The NSF aren't stealing shipments of Ambrosia out of spite; they're doing it to "give the Ambrosia to the people" instead of FEMA and the people being coerced by them, in order to try and disrupt the power of FEMA and MJ12 and the rest. They're actually the good guys of the story. Well, compared to FEMA and Majestic 12, anyway... Crispy 11:32, 9 September 2006 (UTC)Reply