Talk:Free Comic Book Day/Archives/2012

Ethics of distributors

Is this worth a mentioning? I'm referring to comic book stores which limit how many titles a person can have and/or those that won't let people get any of the titles unless they buy something. This (especially the latter) seems to go against the spirit of the day.--HellCat86 22:42, 5 May 2007 (UTC)

I wouldn't mind it being mentioned. The store I frequent near where I live, as well as the store where I used to live have never imposed limits. In fact, the store near where I used to live encouraged everyone to take anything they were interested in. I've been hearing more and more about about places that impose a 3-book limit. I think it's really not in their best interest since most people will only go with the titles they're familiar with and won't pick up a book they know nothing about which could turn out to be a must-have series for them. If you need a reference for the limit, it's mentioned on the May 7th post at . I'm sure you can find others if you look. I actually came to this article looking to see if FCBD had any official stance on book limits. -GamblinMonkey 12:31, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
In my area, most have had 3-5 books per person, with one per title. This leaves a bunch left over of some titles, and at least one store (with a 2 book limit) then sells the left-overs several months later with a $1 or more tag. I can understand some sort of limit, but any limit does force one to make a decision IN LINE, and since part of the reasoning for a limit is to speed the line, it ends up being self-defeating. The one store in my area that had no limit in past years instituded a limit this year, and the line ended up going through the door and down the block. The figures never were put out (how many will be on e-Bay in a few months at inflated prices?), and I was there to see the entire display when they were laying it out. CFLeon (talk) 00:03, 4 May 2010 (UTC)