Bimaristan hospitals and user Jagged 85


The reference relating to Bimaristan hospitals leads to an article entitled Education in Encyclopaedia Britannica that mentions neither the word Bimaristan nor the word externship. The Bimaristan article has a note about misused sources relating to user Jagged 85 and a subsequent cleanup. The claim relating to Bimaristan hospitals may very well be true, so I have left it in.

I think there is a proper way of relating this present article to the Jagged 85 cleanup, but it is beyond my skill so I have not attempted it.

From the history of this article I can see that the reference to Bimaristan was indeed added by Jagged 85 on 12:49 30 September 2008.

Would anyone like to take this further? FrankSier (talk) 17:03, 29 June 2011 (UTC)Reply