
Latest comment: 16 years ago by Nwbeeson in topic Original Text

Original Text


Each year is it in Elburg 'Botterdag,' in September. Elburg's history in bird flight Splendidly located to the edge lakes, near the new polder Eastern flevoland, lies between zwolle and Harderwijk one of Dutch old boroughs most worth seeing: Elburg. Surrounded by splendid ramparts, grachten full of fish and brokkelige pieces town wall lies there the old town of which still so much has been kept fortunately remained. Much of the streets and lanes breathe still environment of the middle ages, the era in which Elburg have become to what it is to the form also now still. Splendid 'geveltjes', being silent ambassadors of renowned construction styles, to rage motorized along, but built for the pedestrian with feeling for harmonie. Built for people look at and surprise themselves whom still time have to concerning the straight streets, concerning the trottoirs which have been built from black and white stones which form together characters that something to say have concerning the symboliek from former times or concerning the profession which exercised the owner of it or sometimes still exercises. Built for them that still have enough time a beetje fortunately at seeing rich ornamated doors and beautiful feel itself 'gevels', at seeing stately Vischpoort, you can make here beautiful photos and intimate small estates; in short for them that delights himself there concerning that there is still so much to see in the old core of Elburg. Oldest history the history of Elburg returns very far in the past. Concerning the very first occupants of the region we can only vermoedens have, because of it only summary go by rail has been found. Shards of fire toe which has been used perhaps once as tools. Also there are tales concerning a figurine of the god bug that in the surroundings of the church dike would be found. There its conjectures, handed over names and shards of earthenware which suggest that ever Roman will have stored their army camp in the buurt of Elburg. But the first written reported in which the name Doornspijk is named (and Elburg were called in former days also this way) dates from 796 after chr. like however everywhere the case is in our country, be there also concerning the settlement which later the city Elburg, from the early middle ages little being certain data to be handed over. Also concerning the origin of the name Elburg nothing has been confessed with certainty. However, approximately 20 more or less nice declarations are. In any case was Elburg at the beginning of the l3e centuries a this way important settlement that earl duke Jan of yellow there town rights to granted. It was no chance that correct Elburg beside other places such as Zutphen, Harderwijk and got arnhem, town rights. Economic growth the crusades obtained in this period Europe from its isolation. Especially also economic. Prosperity sate oneself and as a consequence also of the money household and an increase of the life level. These increased prosperity among other things the handwerkslieden put able a bit acquire itself freedom by purchasing services with money a number of. The sepulchres of yellow saw in this their chance with the third score risen of cutting down the power of the nobility. That these did not lay down themselves there voetstoots at, prove to the euveldaden of the occupants of the castle Old wells at Elburg, however. Herbert of wells let stick even in 1373 next writing still sneering on one of the poorten of Elburg: That of Campen our nyet, which have pine must nyet, do which of Elburg has the goet nyet of Harderwijk, god vryent, allemans vyandt. Beside agriculture and the fishery (already in 1313 report is made of a fishing inhabitant of Elburg) took certainly also the trade important under the existence blacksmith parts of the Elburgers in the middle ages. Generally one does not present oneself of this trade already too much. The Netherlands seems have had however in for-in front-historical times already a considerable trade, which flourished after a temporary compressing by the rise of Islam during and after the crusades, proportionally ear the flowering of the population. Also Elburg share have been had. Already in 1332 the city traded on Oostzee-eiland the weed. Hanzestad In 1367 meeting we the city for the first time if hanzestad, whereupon in 1368 king Albert of Sweden to Elburg the right carps granted to founding own or factori: on weed. To the head of this by the city Elburg stood appoint tutor. In the 14e centuries also agriculture got a fixed basis. In 1336 earl ReinaId III a piece ground, 'Het Goor was been called and was lain for the south of the city, against a small and nearly negligible tenant farming to the poorters and ground own ears of Elburg spent. Of this up to on the day today it is used. In 1369 the right of the animalholding citizens of Elburg to the Mheen was definitively regulated a meadow at north of the city. Also this weiderecht now still is used. Urban planning one can adopt that the largest flowering of Elburg fell in second half of the 14e centuries. The city was then able an ambitious implement plan to change of the complete city. Willem I gave the stoot to all this to duke. Of him Arent got thoe Boecop, a 'richter' of the veluwe, task to devise and implement a plan to build a reinforced city in a complete other form and set-up then these formerly had. He projected the new city in a rectangular form with sides of 370 at 240 meters. Whole is cutting through doorsneden with straight streets and lanes. This set-up can be considered, certainly for that time, as exemplary. It is of course where that honours our time very other conceptions where it urban planning concerns but one compares Elburg with other medieval cities, then appears that Arent Thoe Boecop what these aspects of the citybuilding an excited has had hand. The work was carried out in the years 1392 - 1396. It will be clear that the realisation of the plans in four years has demanded considerable amounts. The 'welvarendheid' of the occupants prove have been realise sufficient these work in a this way short period. Stagnation Remarkable it is that the surface of the city such as these in 1392 had been determined, large pale enough until the first world war accommodate the occupants. In a period of 500 years apparently no need for extension has been therefore felt. One can therefore reasonably assume that the economic growth of Elburg has reached after flowering in second half of the 14e centuries stilstand. Natural, large events threw shade also their concerning Elburg, but everything remained in main points right. Agriculture, craft industry and nering everything on records scale and on a handed over manner, were and continued the most important sources of exist. In second half of the 18th century also the fishery increases slowly. Except on the Zuiderzee on the North sea it was also fished. At the end of the 19th century the fishery of more meaning for Elburg had become. Depending on of the national and international economics and political the profit was larger or smaller. In 1857, industrial equipment in the form of a saw mill entrance did be; in 1866, there a gasfabriek came and in 1876, in stoomgrutterij the first steam tool was installed. That would remain unfortunately for a long time also the some.

[How does it now come that the industrial revolution has hardly touched Elburg?] The cause of this is that Elburg have missed the train. In 1863, the track line Utrecht-Amersfoort-Zwolle was moored. These a large turning made to be able put on Harderwijk, but went to Elburg past. The reason for this was that a much asked too high price for their ground to the Elburgers, whereas most of the municipalities gave money for the construction of a station. In spite of the vele protests of the municipal authorities no halte came in Elburg but t hard. This was a bad matter for the economy of Elburg in the coming 100 years. The construction of the tram line Nunspeet-Doornpijk-Elburg-Oldebroek-Wezep-Zwolle in 1908, brought just only improvement in the traffic situation. It brought however no large changes in other area. Elburg remained mainly themselves. Also the population did not increase or hardly, this in contrast to the general tendency in that time. The poverty which became by a large part of the population was suffered inconceivable. A consequence of it was breaking out sicknesses and epidemiën in second half of the 19th century. In 1932, the Zuiderzee were concluded by means of the dam. Salt water became gradually sweetens and IJsselmeer was called. Many fish types disappeared, but the eel increased. In the war years 1940-1945 the price of fish much became higher by the large question and also after the war still fat years followed. In 1956, Elburg were concluded of open water and the fishery has now nearly disappeared. Flourish by tourism although it was realised for and during the inpoldering the future dark, it has all rather turned out better than expected. There had be looked back of course to other sources of income. These were among other things found in the industry which in Elburg established itself. Also tourism increased year after year. This last has been in every way understandably seen vele the natuurschoon that Elburg offer the tourist has to. Elburg became live, by its favourable position both for the edge of the veluwe and for the Veluwemeer, not only an attractive place for tourists, but also a fine place and work. There new woonwijken arose around the old veste to which 769 years suffered town rights were granted and that still a central function has preserved.

(I am saving a copy of the original text here. Since I am making extensive edits to it.)

Nick Beeson (talk) 17:29, 22 July 2008 (UTC)Reply