Edville Gerhardt Abbott in WHO'S WHO AMONG NORTH AMERICAN AUTHORS VOL - IV 1929 - 1930 (1921) :
Sc.D., 1914;
P.A.C.S., 1913; Prof, orthopedic surgery,
Bowdoin College, 1912-1921; studied
Friedrich Wilhelm Universitat, Berlin,
1900-1, also in Vienna, Paris, Göttingen
and London; m. Sara Sargent, of Prospect Harbor, Maine, March 14, 1893. AUTHOR:
Treatment of Scoliosis (trans, foreign
langs.). Surgeon in chief, Children's
Hosp., Portland, Maine; consulting surgeon, Me. Gen. Hosp., Sisters Hosp.,
Lewiston, Maine, Webber Hosp., Knpx
County Hosp., Augusta City Hosp.; visiting orthopedic surgeon, State St. Hosp.;
mem. Am. Orthopedic Assn., Deutsche
Orthopedische Gesellschaft, Societe International de Chirurgie, Societe Francaise D'Orthopedie, Me. Med. Assn., Nat.
Inst. Social Sciences, Am. Acad. Polit.
and Social Science, Psi Upsilon, Phi Chi.
CLUBS: Cumberland, Country; Authors'
(London). Contributor to leading med.
jours. HOME: 17 Storer Street. OFFICE: 131 State Street, Portland, Me.
Edville Gerhardt Abbott in "Who's who in New England" (1916)... Home: 14 Deering St. Office: T.M.C.A. Bldg. Portland, Maine. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Nelliejellie (talk • contribs) 19:58, 11 February 2019 (UTC)Reply