Talk:Cross of St Augustine

Archbishop of Canterbury announces new set of awards

edit Kaihsu (talk) 08:24, 4 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Missing recipients of the Cross of Saint Augustine 2022


11 people who were awarded the Cross of Saint Augustine in 2022 are missing.

On August 7, 2022 (at the Lambeth Conference, University of Kent, UK), the Archbishop of Canterbury awarded the Cross of St. Augustine to the following:

Phil George (Chief Executive Officer, Lambeth Conference, UK) The Rev. Dr. Robert Heaney (Professor of Theology, Virginia Theological Seminary, USA) The Rt. Rev. Dr. Emma Inneson (Bishop of Kennsington, UK) The Rt. Rev. Joel Waweru Mwangi (Bishop of Nairobi, Kenya) The Rev. Cathrine Fungai Ngangira (Diocese of Canterbury, UK) Matilda Ntahoturi (Burundi) The Rt. Rev. Pradeep Samantaroy (Moderator of the Church of North India, Bishop of Amritsar) The Rt. Rev. William Nigel Stock (Retired) The Rev. Dr. Jenn Strawbridge (University of Oxford, UK) The Rt. Rev. Dr. George Sumner (Bishop of Dallas, USA) The Most Rev. Melter Jiki Tais (Bishop of Saba, Malaysia)

See here: Begin watching at 56:14

Michael Jackson, “Lambeth 2022 Day 12: Final day of conference looks at how 5 Marks of Mission can take us forward” August 7, 2022 (talk) 16:27, 4 March 2024 (UTC)Reply