Structure of the Slovenian Armed Forces

This article represents the structure of the Slovenian Armed Forces since the military reform in 2013.

General Staff


The General Staff of the Slovenian Army is a body within the Ministry of Defense and, at the same time, the highest military expert authority for commanding the Slovenian Army. It carries out tasks related to the planning and development of forces, organization, training and operation of the Slovenian Army and provides support to the Minister of Defense, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and the President of the Republic of Slovenia.[1]

Strategic level


On strategic level the General Staff (GŠSV) commands the following entities:[2]

  • International Peacetime Establishment (MSSVT)
  • Military Mountain Soldiers Association (COGB)
  • Verification Center (VERC)
  • Military Vicariate (VViK)
  • Military Orchestra (ORK SV)
  • Guards Unit (GARDA)
  • Operations Assurance Unit (EZD)

Operational level


On operational level the General Staff commands the Military Schools Centre (CVŠ) and Force Command (PSSV), the only operational command of the Slovenian Armed Forces.[2]

Military Schools Centre[3]

  • Military Schools Centre, in Maribor
    • Command and Staff School
    • Officer Candidate School
    • Non-Commissioned Officer School
    • School of Foreign Languages, in Begunje na Gorenjskem
    • Initial Training Centre
    • Library and Information Centre
    • E-Learning Section, in Maribor
    • Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces, in Maribor

Force Command (PSSV)[4][5]

  • Force Command, in Vrhnika
    • 1st Brigade, in Ljubljana[6]
      • Command of the 1st Brigade
        • 10th Infantry Regiment[7]
          • Command
          • 3x Motorized Companies
          • Mortar Company
          • Command and Logistic Company
        • 132nd (Mountain) Infantry Regiment, in Bohinjska Bela[8]
          • Command
          • Command and Logistic Company
          • 4x Mountain Companies
          • Mortar Company
          • Logistic Company
        • Combat Support Battalion, in Ljubljana[9]
          • Fire Support Battery
          • Military Police Company
          • Light Air Defense Missile Battery
          • Intelligence and Reconnaissance Company
          • Signals Company
          • Engineer Company
          • Anti-Tank Company
        • Territorial Regiment, in Nova Gorica[10]
    • 72nd Brigade, in Maribor[11]
      • Command of the 72nd Brigade
        • 20th Infantry Regiment, in Celje
        • 74th Infantry Regiment, in Maribor
        • Combat Support Battalion, in Murska Sobota[12]
          • Fire Support Battery
          • Military Police Company
          • Light Air Defense Missile Battery
          • Intelligence and Reconnaissance Company
          • Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defense Company
          • Signals Company
          • Engineer Company
          • Anti-Tank Company
        • Territorial Regiment, in Novo Mesto
    • Logistics Brigade, in Kranj[13]
      • Command of the Logistics Brigade
        • 157th Logistics Regiment, in Šentvid[14]
          • 1st Vehicle Maintenance Company
          • 2nd Vehicle Maintenance Company
          • 3rd Weapons Maintenance Company
          • 5th Wheeled Combat Vehicles Company
          • 45th Tracked Combat Vehicles Center
          • Infrastructure Maintenance
          • Spare Parts Storage and Distribution Unit
        • 670th Logistics Regiment, in Slovenska Bistrica[15]
          • Service Company
          • Supply Company
          • 1st Transport Company
          • 2nd Transport Company
          • Fixed Supply Company
          • Driving School
          • Command of Equipment Distribution Facilities
        • Military Medical Unit, in Šentvid[16]
          • Medical Logistic Center
          • Medical Center
          • Medical Company West
          • Medical Company East
          • Medical Hospital – Role 2 Military Treatment Facility
          • Veterinary Service
          • Laboratory for Nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological defense
    • 15th Wing (VL), at Cerklje ob Krki Air Base[17]
      • Command of the 15th Wing[18]
        • 16th Control and Reporting Centre (CNKZP), in Zgornji Brnik[19]
          • Air Space Surveillance and Control Center
          • Radar Company
          • Support Platoon
        • 107th Air Base, at Cerklje ob Krki Airport and military part of the Brnik Airport[20]
          • Cerklje ob Krki Air Base Support Company
          • Unit of the Jernej Molan Barracks
        • 151st Rotary Wing Squadron, at Cerklje ob Krki Air Base[21][22]
        • 152nd Fixed Wing Squadron, at Cerklje ob Krki Air Base[23]
        • 153rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, at Cerklje ob Krki Air Base[24]
          • Aeronautical-technical Engineering
          • Aircraft Maintenance Company
          • Helicopter Maintenance Company
        • Flight School, at Cerklje ob Krki Air Base[25]
          • 1st School Section
          • 2nd School Section
          • Sports parachuting Section
          • Aero-technical Company
    • Special Operations Unit (ESD), in Kočevska Reka[26][27]
      • Command of the Special Operations Unit[28]
        • Special Operations Company (SD)
        • Combat Service Support Company (ZD)
        • Special Operations Training Centre (VCSD)
    • 430th Naval Division[29][30]
      • Command of the 430th Naval Division
        • Naval Operations Centre
        • Underwater Special Operations Detachment
        • Multipurpose Vessel Detachment
        • Explosive Ordnance Disposal Platoon
    • Support Unit (EPOD)[31]
      • Support Unit Command (POV)
        • Civil-Military Cooperation Unit (ECIMIC)
        • Barracks unit IC (EVOJIC)
    • Electronic Warfare Unit (EEB)[32]
      • Electronic Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare centres
      • Service Support Centres
    • Specialized Military Police Unit (SEVP)[33]
      • Command of the Specialized Military Police Unit
        • Special Police Tactics Platoon
        • Criminal Investigation Squad
        • Bomb Protection Squad
    • Communication and Information Systems Unit (EKIS)[34]
      • Command of the Communication and Information Systems Unit
        • Cyber Defence Centre
        • Threat Exploration Centre
        • 1st Company – Stationary C&I Systems Centre
        • 2nd Company – Stationary C&I Systems Centre
        • 3rd Signal Company
    • Joint Training Center (CZU)[35][36]
      • Command of the Joint Training Center
        • Research and Simulation Unit
        • Combat Readiness Evaluation Unit
        • Postojna SAF Central Training Area Unit
        • Garrison Unit (Baron Andrej Čehovin Barracks, Postojna)
        • Garrison Unit (Janko Premrl Vojko Barracks, Vipava)
        • Skills Center of the Slovenian Army[37]
    • Sports Unit (ŠPE)[38]
      • Command of the Sports Unit
        • Top athletes

Military facilities




As of 2024 there are currently 19 military barracks used by the Slovenian Armed Forces.[39][40]



The Slovenian Armed Forces currently actively use the military part of the international Brnik Airport and the military airport Cerklje ob Krki near the town of Brežice, which serves as the home base of the 15th Wing of the Slovenian Army.[41][42]

Force Command structure graphic

Structure of the Slovenian Armed Forces Command since 2017

Geographic distribution of operational units

Slovenian Armed Forces locations 2018
  1st Brigade, 72nd Brigade, and infantry regiments   Territorial regiments   Air Base   Naval Base   Special Forces   Logistic Brigade, and logistic units   GM 403 radar station
  Control and Reporting Centre


  1. ^ "GENERALŠTAB". Slovenska vojska. Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  2. ^ a b "Obseg in struktura". (in Slovenian). Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  3. ^ "Military Schools Centre | GOV.SI". Portal GOV.SI. Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  4. ^ "Poveljstvo sil". Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  5. ^ "Force Command | GOV.SI". Portal GOV.SI. Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  6. ^ "1. BRIGADA SLOVENSKE VOJSKE". Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  7. ^ "10. PEHOTNI POLK". Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  8. ^ "132. GORSKI POLK". Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  9. ^ "RODOVSKI BATALJON 1. BR". Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  10. ^ "TERITORIALNI POLK 1. BR". Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  11. ^ "72.BRIGADA SLOVENSKE VOJSKE". Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  12. ^ "RODOVSKI BATALJON 72. BR". Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  13. ^ "LOGISTIČNA BRIGADA SLOVENSKE VOJSKE". Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  14. ^ "157. LOGISTIČNI POLK". Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  15. ^ "670. LOGISTIČNI POLK". Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  16. ^ "VOJAŠKA ZDRAVSTVENA ENOTA". Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  17. ^ "15. POLK VOJAŠKEGA LETALSTVA". (in Slovenian). Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  18. ^ "15. polk vojaškega letalstva | GOV.SI". Portal GOV.SI (in Slovenian). Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  19. ^ "16. center za nadzor in kontrolo zračnega prostora". Postani vojak (in Slovenian). Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  20. ^ "107. letalska baza". Postani vojak (in Slovenian). Retrieved 2024-05-04.
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  24. ^ "153. letalska tehnična eskadrilja". Postani vojak (in Slovenian). Retrieved 2024-05-04.
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  26. ^ "ENOTA ZA SPECIALNO DELOVANJE". (in Slovenian). Retrieved 2024-05-04.
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  31. ^ "Support Unit | GOV.SI". Portal GOV.SI. Retrieved 2023-11-30.
  32. ^ "Enota za elektronsko bojevanje (EEB) | GOV.SI". Portal GOV.SI (in Slovenian). Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  33. ^ "Special Military Police Unit | GOV.SI". Portal GOV.SI. Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  34. ^ "Communications and Information Systems Unit | GOV.SI". Portal GOV.SI. Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  35. ^ "Center za združeno usposabljanje". Postani vojak (in Slovenian). Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  36. ^ "Joint Training Centre | GOV.SI". Portal GOV.SI. Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  37. ^ "Veščinski center Slovenske vojske | GOV.SI". Portal GOV.SI (in Slovenian). Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  38. ^ "Sports Unit | GOV.SI". Portal GOV.SI. Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  39. ^ "Sestava Slovenske vojske | GOV.SI". Portal GOV.SI (in Slovenian). Retrieved 2024-05-04.
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  41. ^ "Sestava Slovenske vojske | GOV.SI". Portal GOV.SI (in Slovenian). Retrieved 2024-05-04.
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