Religion of the Shang dynasty

(Redirected from Shang state religion)

The state religion of the Shang dynasty (c. 1600 – c. 1046 BC) involved trained practitioners communicating with deified beings, including deceased ancestors and supernatural gods. Methods of communication with the spirits consist of inscribed divinations on oracle bones and sacrifice of living beings. The Shang dynasty also had large-scale constructions of tombs,[2] which reflects their belief in the afterlife, along with sacred places. Numerous Shang vessels, as well as oracle bones, have been excavated in the kingdom's capital Yin.[3][4] These archaeological discoveries facilitate understandings of Shang religious beliefs and practices through a large amount of evidence.[5] Headed by the exalted , the deities formed a pantheon.[6]

Religion of the Shang dynasty
A Shang oracle bone inscribed with the results of divination.[1]
TypePolytheistic religion
RegionYellow River valley
LanguageOld Chinese

The Shang kingdom's religion, which played an important role to royal adherents, accounted for a significant portion of court life. Their deities consistently received various honorary ceremonies. For this, Shang astronomers created a sophisticated calendrical system based on a sixty-day revolution.[7] Complying with the calendar, royal adherents of the religion conducted liturgical rituals dedicated to those spirits. Regional estates maintained independent practitioners but worshipped the same deities for common purposes. Those acts of worship, which were formalized over time, were held for divine fortune along with prosperity of the late Shang state.[8]

The Shang religion originated in the Yellow River valley, heartland of the Chinese civilization from around 1600 to 1046 BC.[a] The earliest inscriptions date back to roughly one millennium before the end of ancient China, or c. 1250 BC, during the reign of the king Wu Ding, although the script is believed to be older.[10][11][12][13] Throughout over two hundred years, this dynasty increased its religious influence and experienced cultural exchanges by various means. After 1046 BC, the Zhou dynasty, which replaced the Shang, gradually assimilated elements of into its governing beliefs.[14][15] These beliefs were transmitted throughout Chinese history to the present day, when many Shang traditions such as calendrical use and ancestor worship are integrated parts of countries in the Sinosphere.



There exist bureaucratic notions, or at least proto-bureaucratic aspects, within the Shang religious faith.[16][17] There was an image of a supreme being leading smaller spirits, including natural gods and ancestral deities, and was demonstrably composed of all of them.

The High God

Oracle bone script of Dì as the celestial pole.[18]

The highest of the Shang gods was Shàngdì ̣上帝, or simply .[19][20][b] In many oracle bone inscriptions, is described as a being who presided over all other spirits, including former humans and nature deities, and controlled these individuals in a hierarchy.[23][24] The Shang priests did not possess scriptures with them, and the will of could only be known through oracle bones.[25][26]

exercised authority over both nature and the human world, often by giving commands (lìng ).[27][28] controlled climatic phenomena, influenced harvests, and was able to have an impact on the outcomes of battles.[24][29] Furthermore, was the power that granted approvals and disapprovals to humans' everyday decisions and actions.[30][31] The Shang also believed that while could aid them in various aspects, he could also send down disasters.[32][33] They conducted rituals to ensure would not cast disasters; still, no evidence suggests that was offered sacrifices, implying a great difference between the High God and other spirits.[32][6]

Emperor Ku

Dì's identity has been a subject of debate, with various approaches proposed.[34] This system of structured spirits featured as the apex, hence making him corresponding with the 'leading' role of Zeus to the Ancient Greeks and of Tiān to the Chinese during the Zhou dynasty.[35]

One approach conflates with the legendary Emperor Ku, who was mentioned in Sima Qian's Shiji as the Shang dynasty's progenitor, and who was addressed 'High Ancestor' in more than four inscriptions.[36][37][38] Some historians assert that having the highest god as their ancestor, the Shang would ensure their rule on earth.[39] There is another explanation inferred from inscriptions that the religion did not possess any 'High God' in its pantheon and that was a generic word for the collectivity of all divine powers.[40] According to Robert Eno, the word was applied to the names of some ancestors despite the fact that those spirits were nowhere near in power. From this, he offered that was not any god but a word that could refer to any spirit.[41] Didier, despite agreeing with Eno that the god not being singular, asserts that in all likelihood, there existed the impersonal, multiple which was constituted of ancestors and nature powers.[42]

Natural deities

Graph for 'Sun'.

The Shang developed a cult for the winds, which were often mentioned. Winds were associated with the phoenix and the four seasons, were thought to be controlled by four gods associated with each of the cardinal directions.[43][44][45][c] Together, these four winds and their associated deities represented the cosmic will of and carried his authority to affect agriculture. Rituals were conducted to appease the wind gods, and to pray for successful harvests.[49] Winds could also be harmful, and there are other spirits aside from wind gods that could control winds.[50]

Worship of nature powers that directly affected agriculture seemed to be vital to the Shang, whose economy heavily depended on this sector.[51] In particular, the possibly female-gendered Earth Power Shè , or in Shang inscriptions , was associated with protection from misfortune.[52][53] This deity might be in some ways related to the Shang's tribal neighbor Tǔfāng 土方, with which the Shang maintained agricultural relationships.[54] The Shang natural cult also included the Mountain Power Yuè , and the River Power (the Yellow River).[55][56] These two were sometimes called 'High Ancestors' and received ancestral cult, which makes the difference between Shang natural and ancestral spirits less clear.[57][58]

The Shang worshipped spirits such as the East, the West and the South.[59] Some inscriptions refer to gendered spirits such as Xīmǔ 西母 'Mother of the West' and Dōngmǔ 東母 'Mother of the East' who received animal sacrifices.[60] Although some identified these two spirits with the Sun and Moon, others claim that they were more likely to be spirits associated with directions and were therefore earthly deities.[61] The worship of such mother-earth spirits might have originated from agricultural cults and representation of fertility goddesses.[61]

Inscriptions also concern rituals dedicated to snow, diseases, and locusts.[62][63] Dance ceremonies acted as Shang prayers to the rains.[64] The Sun was mentioned, but it was almost exclusively treated as a moving object and instances of rituals for it are very rare.[65] Shang kings also worshipped the deity of the Huan River, which provided them with ritual space.[66]

Ancestral powers


The Shang dynasty established a complex ancestral cult.[d] They identified six predynastic ancestral spirits which include Shang Jia 上甲, Bao Yi 報乙, Bao Bing 報丙, Bao Ding 報丁, Shi Ren 示壬, Shi Gui 示癸, and a dynastic line starting from Shi Gui's child Da Yi and progressing to the last king Di Xin.[e][70][71][72] These spirits seemed to influence the reigning king, and in one inscription, a particular ancestor was even addressed as the cause of the king's nightmare.[73][74] This pantheon of ancestors is described as a "generational hierarchy", with power increasing with seniority.[75][76] Shang Jia and the five junior Predynastic Shang spirits were the most powerful, who influenced the weather and harvests.[76][77] If not offered proper rituals, ancestors could cast poor harvests and natural catastrophes, a feature that is described as their curse.[78]

Graph for Shangjia.[79]

Ancestresses were also revered, especially consorts of main-line kings or mothers of kings.[80] They were perceived as being unfriendly and angry on some occasions, and after such divinations they received offerings.[81] However, ancestresses were still not as revered as male ancestors, because of the fact that their jurisdiction was only upon human reproduction, together with Shang rituals being five times more focused on male rather than female spirits.[82] Some notable names in oracle bone divinations were Bi Ji 妣己, Bi Geng 妣庚, Bi Bing 妣丙, and most prominently Wu Ding's consort Fu Hao who was referred to by her posthumous names Mu Xin 母辛 ('Mother Xin') and Bi Xin 妣辛 ('Ancestress Xin').[83][84]

There were several mysterious spirits addressed as ancestors, whose identity has not been fully comprehended. These include 'former lords' (先公; xiāngōng) like Wang Hai 王亥 and Nao , whose names are pictographic characters.[85] There were also similar individuals revered along ancestors, such as Yi Yin, his perceived consort Yi Shi, and Mo Xi.[57][50][86] Deities such as Yi Yin seemed to command rains and assure good harvests.[87] Some later appeared in Chinese classical literature as figures of traditional Chinese history.[88][89] For example, the traditional history tells that Wang Hai was an uncle of Shang Jia and a trader murdered by a greedy tribal chief in present-day Henan.[90]



The Shang believed in the divinity of an area surrounding the Ecliptic Pole, with the shape of a square associated with four stars surrounding the pole at the time of the Shang dynasty.[f] In Shang script, the square pictograph denoted the modern stem dīng, possibly originating from oral expressions, and was related to Shang lineal descent.[92] Inscriptions reveal that the square can be interpreted in many ways. These include a ritual space, a cult recipient, or a ritual itself.[93]

A taotie on 12th century BC Shang ritual vessel.
Late Shang bronze lei with turquoise taotie motif.

A visualization of the pole appear on Shang ritual bronzes, and was commonly referred to as the taotie.[94][95][g] This motif typically depicts spirits through representation of various animals, a tradition similar to earlier cultures like Yangshao and Liangzhu.[97][98][99] Several interpretations of the taotie's specific meaning to the Shang have been given.[100] While some speculate the taotie motif to have conveyed no meaning to the Shang rather than serving for decorative purposes, most of the evidence points out that this was indeed a centrally religious aspect.[101][102] In essence, since the taotie appears on Shang ritual vessels and ceremonial axes, it was not carved for decorations.[103] These faces all bear strong resemblances with the polar area concerned in Shang cosmology. Specifically, the Shang taotie features nasal ridges surrounded by dots, a similarity to the ecliptic pole and its adjacent stars. John C. Didier asserted that these similarities indicate that the depicted figures were divine spirits with crucial importance to the Shang people.[104]

with the square.
Tiān with the square.

The Shang believed that was composed of two components. One of these, Shàngdì, was a manifestation of ancestors through the polar square.[105] In other words, this 'upper' component was housed by the squared northern pole.[105] Also in Shang beliefs, indicated by oracle bones, this squared polar area on the sky, containing the god's cosmic divinity, was composed of main-lineage ancestral spirits through the generic name Shàngdì, representing Dì's will to act favorably towards humans.[106] Already in oracle bone script, there are two frequent characters depicting Shàngdì; one features the squared shape, and the other has parallel lines, which in turn was associated with heavenly divinity and the square itself.[107]

Crack-making on dīngwèi day (day 44), Bin divining: This day we perform the yòu ritual to , sixth month.

Divination regarding 口, which was the same as Shàngdì and Shang Jia.[108]

Conversely, the Shang believed that Shàngdì, as Dì's superior component, possessed a negative counterpart associated with 'earth'.[109] Many character versions depict the earthly counterpart of Shàngdì 上帝, named Xiàdì 下帝, composed of non-ancestral deities such as cloud spirits, rain spirits and the Earth Power.[110] Therefore, was believed to be both Shàngdì – heaven and positive – and Xiàdì – earth and negative, with the latter still being able to influence earthly matters that bear upon the Shang despite endeavors to make Shàngdì dominate .[105] Sometimes, the Shang referred to these two components in bronze inscriptions as the binome Shàngxiàdì 上下帝.[111]

Other beliefs


The Shang perceived that possessed special subordinates called Wǔchén 五臣, the 'Five Adjutants'.[112] They may be identified with the five planets, which transmitted messages to the human world about .[113]

The names of several Shang ancestral and semi-ancestral spirits such as Wang Hai and Kui embody a bird symbol that seems to have been held sacred by the Shang people. This may be related to the Shang founding myth in the later traditional history as described by Chinese classical texts; the myth itself tells that the Shang progenitor Xie was born after his mother stepped on a mysterious dark bird's footprint.[114] Some argue that this was a bird totem, a symbol in Shang perception, and some others attempted to trace the origins of this particular religious image.[115][116] However, these names might also represent beasts rather than feathered animals.[117]



The Shang ritual services involved a hierarchy, in which rituals performed by the king would be again conducted by the newly dead ancestors to more senior spirits, who in turn passed the king's request to .[118] Main Shang practices include divination, liturgical sacrifices, invoking prayers, and funerals. There was also an 'archery ritual' that Shang kings often conducted on the Huan River, demonstrated by an inscribed bronze turtle rewarded to an individual named Zuoce Ban.[119] Oracle bones also reveal spiritual rituals such as holocaust, ale libation, exorcism, and dance rituals.[120][121][122]


Scapula during Wu Ding's reign.[123][124]

Divination to the Shang was a way of indirect communication with spirits.[125] The Shang divined in temples, but they could also conduct it outside of the ritual center.[126] Main materials include scapulae, turtle plastrons and some others, on which the staff applied heat after cleaning and preparing.[127][128][h] The heat produced cracks on the bones, which were unclearly interpreted as a response and given to inscribers who wrote the interpretation on the bones.[132][133] The oldest of such inscriptional examples were radiocarbon dated to c. 1250 BCE, representing the state religion of the Shang dynasty.[i][11][135] Typically, an inscription includes a preface, the charge, and occasionally prognostication along with verification.[j][137][138][139] It is common for multiple pairs of the same charge to appear on a single bone, in which case the date records help establish their sequence.[140] Signs of proto-divination with trigrams and hexagrams also appear on inscriptions.[141]


"Divined on dīngchǒu day, Fu tested: When handing over [unstated object] (at) the gate of Ancestral Temple, making announcement to Dì Jiǎ together with Dì Dīng will receive disapproval."

Divination during Geng Ding's rule.[142]

Through the oracle bones, the Shang communicated with spirits about warfare, agriculture, well-being, sacrifices, and weather, using the calendar for arranging days.[143][7][144][k][l] For example, there are certain divinations about outside attacks, although none of them appeared during Yinxu Period V when the Shang had established control over a small, stable area.[146] Additionally, divinations were carried out to determine suitable policies for public works and royal commissions, such as walling cities and commanding civil officers.[147]

It has been recognized that there are divinations not made on behalf of the king, and that the aristocracy could create their own divinations, called feiwang buci (non-king divinations).[148][149] There are four non-royal inscription groups, dated to the early and middle of Wu Ding's reign.[150] One of these four is a corpus of inscriptions commissioned by a Shang prince and excavated in the site of Huayuanzhuang East.[151][m] With a total number of over 500 inscribed bones, the Huayuanzhuang East inscriptions exhibit a distinct writing style from that of royal divination texts.[19][153][154] Inscriptions concern various topics, of which the most frequent are constructing temples in his estate, relations with Wu Ding and the royal family, internal issues happening in his own land, or warfare-related affairs.[151]

Liturgical sacrifices


The Shang religion is a typical example of a sacrificial system, in which violence was ritualized, and which was aimed at obtaining divine appeasement.[155][156] By the eleventh century BC, the king had to perform sacrifices to ancestors every day, with many objects for that purpose.[157][158] The demand for such sacrificial materials spurred technological innovations for late Shang society.[159]

The Houmuwu ding, 133 cm in height and 110 cm in width[160]

The sacrifices that were not living beings were mainly bones, stones and bronze. Some of the bone products were shaped into hairpins or arrowheads, and there are instances of ivory found in elite tombs.[161][162] Stone objects such as jade were molded into decorative ritual objects, such as those discovered in the Tomb of Fu Hao.[163][164] Offering ceremonies involved bronze vessels with short inscribed characters, such as the dǐng , the access to which seemed to be an exclusive authority granted to the king and heirs in rituals.[165][166][167] There were also accepted minor materials like ceramics, the designs on which were inherited from earlier cultures.[168][169]

Some species of animal, after being hunted, served as offerings, both to the ancestral and supernatural sections of the religion's pantheon.[170] There are four types of animal sacrifice, regarding two criteria.[171] Usually, canines were sacrificed in a very flexible manner, ranging from being food of ancestors to being their post-mortem attendants.[172][173] It was also common for the Shang to sacrifice sheep cattle and pigs, which were offered to the River, Earth and Mountain Powers with the wood-burning ritual.[174][175] The Shang also sacrificed millet ale and grains with animals.[176]

Burial pit in the Tomb of Fu Hao.

The Shang dynasty also practiced human sacrifice, which was evidently on a significantly large scale.[176] Human sacrifice was an important feature of the Shang and an integral part of their burial traditions.[177] Inscriptions concern at least 14,197 human victims, although 1,145 of such inscriptions do not mention exact figures.[178] The Shang often sacrificed enemy prisoners, such as the Qiāng who were either captured or sent by neighbors as gifts.[179][180] Except for some prisoners who were spared, the rest, including women, were killed and their remains sacrificed to Shang spirits.[181] A single sacrifice alone could require hundreds or even thousands killed.[182][183] These victims were subject to different killing methods when offered to different spirits, such as being drowned if the recipient was the River Power, being buried for sacrificing to the Earth Power, being cut into pieces for the wind spirits and being burned to death if it was a sky spirit.[184]

Sacrificial terminology

Reconstruction of a sacrificial pit.

Inscriptions contain a rich number of words related to sacrifice. Such lexicon includes xisheng 'animal sacrifice', rensheng 'human sacrifice', nu 'females', qi 'dependent women', and qie 'servants', all of which referred to subjects of sacrifice.[185] The Shang also sacrificed xiaochen, who otherwise served as minor royal officers receiving tax revenues.[186]

Some oracle characters denote terms for general sacrificial methods. Some of these names are dou which refers to methods of killing sacrificial humans in bronze vessels, shan denoting single human sacrifice, or shi meaning ritualized offering at temples.[187]

Cycle of sacrifice

Rubbing of the inscription on the Shang bronze Xiao Chen Yu zun. The excerpt is from the first two columns of the inscription.

Sacrificial schedules evolved into a liturgical calendar for the first time with the Chu-diviner group inscriptions.[188] Modern research establishes the calendrical system from a series of inscriptions during the reign of the last three kings.[189] The cycle was filled with five sacrificial rituals: ji, zai, xie, yong, and yi.[190][191] At the beginning of each sacrificial round, a ceremony honoring all recipients called gongdian was held, and in every weekend, priests would make an inscription announcing the sacrifices for the next day.[192][190] Some academics argue that ji was the opening ritual.[190]

The schedule was constituted of interchanging 36 and 37 ten-day weeks.[193] Of these, all but one were for the five sacrifices, which commenced after opening rituals, and the remaining one was for preparation of a new offering cycle.[192] Therefore, a full cycle approximated a solar year, and was sometimes used as a term for a year itself.[194] In fact, this terminology was even occasionally employed as a more secular calendar, as in this excerpt from a Late Shang bronze inscription:[195]

It was when the king returned from marching to regulate the Rénfāng; it was the king's fifteenth ritual cycle, (the time of) the yong-day rituals.

— Xiao Chen Yu zun

There are other bronze inscriptions that use the cycle to refer to a year.[196] The Shang kings sometimes also conducted irregular sacrifices to ancestors who caused them misfortune.[179] Due to the fall of Shang, the last two kings did not receive sacrifices.[197]



Many oracle bone inscriptions suggest that the Shang often engaged in communicating with the spiritual world through the 'hosting' ritual (bīn ).[198][199] This type of communication may be considered non-shamanic, as the ritual never involved ecstatic communion or commingling within the king's body.[200][201] However, interpreters of Shang ritual bronzes such as K.C. Chang assert that this perception is not satisfactory, and that the Shang dynasty's religion must have embraced shamanism.[202] According to Chang and others of the same current, the Shang king acted as a shaman himself to connect with the spirits.[203][204]

Oracle bone script features an ancient form of the , who seemed to function as a medium between humans and spirits by prayers and astrology, and who was worshipped post-mortem together with other Shang spirits.[205][206] Nevertheless, the roles of during the Shang dynasty is yet to be fully clarified.[207] It is uncertain whether the Shang actually referred to shamans or those who used other means to communicate with spirits. Evidence suggests that the could reasonably come from non-Shang peoples, and sinologist Victor H. Mair supported the view that the itself was indirectly connected to that of Western Asia's maguš, priests that communicated with spirits through rituals and manipulative arts rather than shamanic characteristics like trance and mediation.[208][209][n]. David Keightley also disagreed with the interpretation of the Shang as 'shaman'.[210]

More recent investigations indicate that there is no reasonable evidence for shamanism in the Shang religion. Accordingly, K. C. Chang and others have misplaced data from the Zhou religious practices to that of Shang when arguing for the shamanic theory.[211] Furthermore, the theory does not seem to account for the methods whereby the Shang maintained rule – discerning the High God, who is not concerned by the theory's proponents.[212]

Funerary practices

Map of the royal cemetery, with royal tombs in blue.[213]

During the Shang dynasty, the largest burial area for the elites was the Royal Cemetery, located in what is now Xibeigang, Anyang. The cemetery was split into two zones, apparently for Wu Ding's own political purposes.[214] There are nine tombs for kings, with seven in the cemetery's western zone.[215][216] Fu Hao's tomb was not in the cemetery but located 150 meters from the western palace complex.[217] Due to tomb looting, little remained in these tombs, so there is uncertainty with identifying the tombs with late Shang kings.[215] However, the cemetery structure probably was designed to align with the celestial northern pole.[218]

A royal funeral may involve tombs constructed before the king's death.[219] Alternatively, the king's body would be temporarily preserved while the tombs were built.[219] The coffin and furnishings were prepared elsewhere and then carried to the tomb.[219] The king's coffin would be buried in a wooden chamber in the central shaft, surrounded with animals, servants, and bronze objects, such as vessels and weapons.[220][221] The chamber was then sealed, and the Shang refilled earth into the tomb while performing additional rituals.[219] Several tombs also served for the purpose of rites, and were topped by ancestral shrines.[222] A foundation near the royal tombs may have been an offering hall, but scholars still debate on its identification.[219]

Tombs of smaller sizes have been found all over Anyang but mainly concentrated west of the palace complex.[223] They are probably reserved for minor elites, and bear design similarities to royal tombs.[224] There is a family grave of one diviner whose name appeared in several bronze inscriptions.[225] Outside of the capital, the Shang site of Subutun features a four-ramped tomb which was the only one of that type discovered outside the Shang capital, and might house either a local rival or a favorite of the Shang king.[226] Another site at Tianhu features Late Shang traditions mixed with indigenous cultures, and served as the cemetery of a Shang lineage related to a consort of Wu Ding.[227][228] Non-elite burials outside of the capital area often lack grave goods.[229]

Posthumous naming

Table of stems inscribed on an scapula, from the reigns of the last two kings.[230]

Aside from the supernatural beings, the ancestors of the Shang kings were also revered. Those included both dynastic and pre-dynastic ancestral individuals, who were given posthumous names, based on a structured system of typically utilizing calendrical names for days.[231][232] There were 10 weekdays whose names were used for ancestors: jiǎ , , bǐng , dīng , , , gēng , xīn , rén , and guǐ .[233][234] One sole special case concerns Wang Hai, a shadowy proto-ancestor whose name incorporates the 12th Earthly Branch instead of one among the ten Stems.[235] It seems that the process of assigning day-names to the dead involved divination, which would allow deterministic elements and human manipulation.[236] There is no comprehensive explanation as to why the calendar was used for naming ancestors.[237]

David Nivison has speculated seemingly inherent patterns in the naming tradition, such as naming after first day of inaugural year, restraint from naming guǐ for dynastic spirits, and avoiding the same name as the previous king.[238] Royal consorts of the Shang kings were given stem names not compliant with rules as for the kings. All of ancestral spirits, however, tended to receive sacrifices on the weekday of their stem-name; for instance, Zu Yi received sacrifices on the day 53 times out of 90 dates taken from a sample.[239]

Posthumous names of some kings might be related to Shang cosmology, especially name with stems jiǎ, dīng and , which were probably projections of the celestial square.[240] By being referred to by such stems, the spirits became perceived as powerful gods whose will significantly affected the living realm.[240]

Since there were more kings than stems, the Shang added epithet-like prefixes for them.[241] Some prefix indicates the addressed subject's familial relationship with the reigning ruler, and often with a much broader sense than their modern meanings:[242]

  1. Relatives who were two or more generations before the incumbent ruler would be referred to as ('grandfather', 'great uncle') and ('grandmother', 'great aunt').
  2. ('father', 'uncle') and ('mother', 'aunt') were used for spirits of the previous generation. For example, Wu Ding's sons referred to him as Father Dīng.[243]
  3. Only the graph for males of the same generation is found, which is xiōng , ('older brother', 'cousin').
  4. The Shang referred to spouses of the reigning king as .[244]
  5. The king's sons and nephews were referred to as . The word is sometimes understood as a surname, while some understand it as a designation of the eldest son who led a family.[245] It can be translated as 'lord'.[246]

It is also the case for the Shang to apply other prefixes such as 'greater' and Xiǎo 'smaller'.[247] There are three kings – Jian Jia, Qiang Jia and Yang Jia – whose prefixes are of uncertain meaning.[247]

Temples and altars

Burial pits of bones at a Shang sanctuary.
Mount Song, most likely the Shang dynasty's mountain god Yuè .

The ritual center of the Shang lay on a hill separated by the Huan River, and was refurbished throughout the course of the late Shang state.[248] The condition of the excavated site does not allow a definitive layout to be made.[249] Nevertheless, modern studies agree on some points, that the central area of the center was the major locus of ritual sacrifices, called , while the southern one houses small ritual buildings.[250] Inscriptions refer to ritual buildings (zōng ) as generally consisted of elevated halls (táng ), courtyards (tíng ) and gates (mén ).[251] The Shang graph for a temple shows that it possibly contains spirit tablets, although no such tablets have ever been unequivocally attested.[252] Some names that the Shang used to specifically refer to ritual buildings may be related to the celestial square, as those graphs usually embody the squared graph.[253]

In the case of the central complex, the major ritual locus of the Shang, those parts were all separated from the residential buildings.[254] This complex began with a large entrance with matching towers, which indirectly connected with a central bridge, which in turn led to a reception hall with six stairways.[255] Behind it lay a pair of colonnaded halls with nine rooms, together with a large platform on which the ritual focus, an open-air pyramidal altar with a higher altitude than any other parts, was located.[255] The southern buildings seemed to be smaller projections of the design, with a ratio of one to ten.[256] Besides, the Shang also constructed columned halls without walls on top of royal burials, such as the temple of Fu Hao, which was built upon her tomb.[222]

Exclusive access to religious buildings were granted for the royal family and ritualist groups. Pictographs suggest that the king routinely prayed in temples, in a posture of kneeling with his hands holding ritual objects.[257] Inscriptions indicate that the Shang also announced to spirits with written ritual reports in temples.[258][142] Outdoor altars, not housed within roof structures, seemed to be reserved for only two purposes. These include serving as the beng altar, where the Shang performed sacrifices and worshipped spirits of nature, and serving as the earthen altar for the Earth Power.[259] The five cyclical sacrifices were often performed to ancestors at the buildings topping their tombs, which the Shang often referred to.[222]

Royal practitioners

Shang character for 'dancer'.

The Shang notion of practitioners centered around the king, who acted as the highest intermediary between the human and spiritual realms. In other words, he was considered a 'thearch'.[260] He was assisted by religious groups, divided into specialized teams, despite not being bureaucratic as conventionally described.[261] It seems likely that religious positions played a central role in the Shang government.[262]

The assisting groups typically include diviners (duōbǔ 多卜), scribes (shǐ ), dancers ( ), liturgists (zhù ), and the .[263][264] Diviners were numerous; there are about 120 of them, many of whose names are found on oracle bones.[265][139] The profession of dancers is sometimes associated with the .[264] Besides, there were astronomers who observed Mars and comets.[266] Wu Ding's consort Fu Hao also seemed to play a role in religious matters. For example, an inscription records that she hosted a sacrifice in which 500 Qiang prisoners were offered.[267]

It seemed that religious professions of the Shang might be acquired through forms of schooling.[268] Texts written by Wu Ding's scribal officials contain the word xué 'to learn' which can come with a ritual name to imply a course of ritual education for people.[269] In addition, there are inscriptions that seem to be used for teaching, described by Guo Moruo as possible model inscriptions used by teachers.[270] However, the nature of those inscriptions as practice work has been questioned.[271] Other suggestions have been proposed.[272] It is also generally believed that the Shang might have institutionalized training locations for religious teaching.[273]

Regional traditions


The Shang state was composed of the capital region, which the Shang called Dàyì Shāng 大邑商, and extended areas administered by royal family members, though the latter varied over time and are difficult to delineate.[274][275] Regions outside of the Shang territory were also culturally influenced. Evidence, though not as plentiful as that in the capital city, suggests the presence of Shang religion in those lands.

Four pieces of oracle bone were discovered in Zhengzhou, a site located 200 kilometers south of Yinxu, and were found to contain short inscriptions possibly made during Wu Ding's reign.[276] Some turtle plastrons were unearthed in Daxinzhuang, Shandong, containing some divinatory inscriptions which bear similarities to Wu Ding's diviner groups.[277][278] Hundreds of bones with inscriptions have been unearthed from the site of Zhouyuan, the homeland of the Zhou dynasty. These were probably produced during the last two reigns of the Shang and the early years of Western Zhou, with a distinct writing and calligraphy.[279][280][281] They mention Zhou worship of Shang ancestors, especially the nearest kings to their time.[282] Though, scholars still disagree about the nature of these divinations.[283] Aside from oracle bones, Shang ritual bronzes from outside lands seem to display both Shang and local characteristics, such as those collected from Hanzhong, Shaanxi.[284]

The prince associated with the Huayuanzhuang East oracle bones probably settled in Róng , a conquered land that was a member of the Shang state.[o][288] He ordered an ancestral temple with spirit tablets to be built, made sacrifices with both local and imported materials, and authorized relatives to participate in common rituals.[289] This prince even acted as the diviner in 26 divinations, a practice different from Wu Ding.[290] However, he rarely worshipped the predynastic and nature powers.[291] Some of Wu Ding's divinations refer to , a territory sometimes sanctioned to practice Shang sacrifices.[292]

It is difficult to have a clear view of non-royal practices, since Shang inscriptions hardly mention about those.[157] However, other sites have also yielded materials that indicate Shang religious influence. At the Shang site of Guandimiao, tombs nearly identical to those of Anyang have been excavated.[293] The region that was traditionally called Dapeng probably practiced human sacrifice.[294]

Political influence on the Shang state

Oracle bone script for Kui .

The Shang state relied on allies who lacked a stable relationship with the royal clan. As a result, the king is thought to have incorporated the allies' deities into the Shang religion in order to gain their support and influence them.[295] One such deity was probably Kui, a mysterious cult recipient who later featured as a personage in classical Chinese texts.[296][297] In addition, worship of the Sun might have been a way for the king to hold sway over other lineages, since offerings to the Sun concerned everyone.[298]

For the Shang, men still played a greater role than women just as ancestors were more influential than ancestresses.[299] As such, conception of male children was considered a serious matter by the Shang dynasty. It is observed that ancestral intervention played a role in deciding the children's gender, although oracle bones show that the Shang also considered the birthday to be related to gender formation. This may be demonstrated by the divinations about the conception of Fu Hao, which reveal the days that would make the child a boy or girl.[300]



Neolithic precursors

The Yangshao culture.
The Longshan culture.

Before the dawn of organized states in China, the area was inhabited by various tribal confederations, which in many cases shared a common belief in the spiritual world, usually integrating elements similar to those of shamanism.[301] Academics such as K. C. Chang propose the existence of shamanic practices in these Neolithic cultures' tradition, but their theory is not supported by any clear evidence.[302] The spirits were thought to be powerful; therefore, Neolithic Chinese peoples engaged in communication with them, through a variety of methods ranging from prayers, grave goods to animal sacrifice.[303] Also in many regions of China, Neolithic cultures practiced divination with bony materials, namely scapulae from cattle, sheep, pigs and deer.[304][305]

Shang cosmology, as evidence suggests, might have originated from earlier cultures. Some prehistoric Chinese cultures produced artifacts that bear the 'AZ' motif, probably the ancestor of the Shang's taotie.[306] The pattern is probably a Neolithic projection of the same celestial pole the Shang observed.[307] A connection possibly exists between the 'AZ' motif and the Shang tradition of ancestor worship, since the motif itself may have represented Neolithic ancestral spirits, or at least a spiritual object of worship that offered protection to humans.[308][309] A rectangular design from the northern Qijia culture might also be the ancestor of the motif found on Shang ritual bronzes.[310]

In the Chinese traditional history, the tradition of venerating deities had already been existent during the Shang's predecessor Xia dynasty (c. 2070 – 1600 BCE).[311] For example, the Xia's second sovereign Qi was described in multiple texts as a spirit-medium who communicated with Shàngdì and performed sacrifices to the deceased.[312][313] The Book of Documents also mentions the exalted deity Shàngdì receiving annual sacrifices by Emperor Shun, even before the Xia dynasty.[314] Although these periods are often considered mythical, their corresponding site of Erlitou (c. 2100 – 1500 BCE) offers evidence of bronze-using religious activities that were later adopted and developed by the Shang dynasty, such as the use of scapulae for divination.[315]

Early and Late Shang

Shang bronze masks
Shang bronze jue with masks, c.1300 – 1050 BC

Shang practices did not seem to be confined to the capital city despite limited evidence, as in the case of the inscribed bone in Daxinzhuang that have multiple divination texts.[316] However, little evidence indicates pre-late Shang religious writing.[317] Oracle bones before the Late Shang period are not of the same ordered style as Late Shang materials.[315] A large amount of such bones appear in pre-late Shang sites, suggesting the prevalence of divination, although it was also likely to be practiced by the non-royal people together with those elites.[318]

Some Late Shang kings made religious reforms, such as one unspecified king, whose reforms were documented in the Shangshu (Book of Documents), and Zu Jia, who was indicated by oracle bones to have initiated reforms.[319][320] The reforms of Zu Jia was a thorough ritual schedule that Edward Shaughnessy described as "rigidly conservative" and a "reflection on the great constriction of the Shang kingdom".[321] In the 20th century, sinologists also noticed a deviation from old diviner styles accepted by the last reigns that was a product of the reforms.[322]

By the later periods of the era, the nature of Shang religious activities had changed. The High God and nature spirits frequently appeared in divinations during Wu Ding's reign, but rarely mentioned during the last reigns when ancestors became dominant.[323][324] These later divinations tended to be optimistic and not likely to request actions from ancestors, which probably shows that the Shang changed their beliefs about ancestral powers and the ability of the living to influence these spirits.[325] At the same time, worship of ancestors became more systematized, and a new sacrificial system may have been employed.[326][324] The Shang also switched their worship of some ancestor-like spirits, such as Huang Yin whose cult was prevalent during Wu Ding's reign but was replaced by Yi Yin during the time of Wu Yi.[327]

Zhou dynasty continuation

Western Zhou bronze Li gui
The Zhou Tian Wang gui, containing inscription praising the High God and Zhou ancestors.

In 1046 BCE, the Shang dynasty under the regime of Di Xin collapsed and was replaced by the victorious Zhou dynasty, which used the practices of Shang religion to explain his fall. Western Zhou literature denounces the last kings not only for licentiousness and drunkenness but also for their purported ignorance of ancestor worship.[328][329][p] Simultaneously, the Zhou also adopted many Shang traditions to ensure legitimacy.[331]

The Shang liturgical calendar was surely adopted by the Zhou, although it is uncertain whether the Zhou court reset the day counting after the dynasty's establishment.[q][333][334] There still exist distinctions between the Shang and Zhou's use of the cycle, such as the Shang name for a year being replaced by the Zhou term nián .[335] Towards the end of the Western Zhou, the last term of the 60-cycle, dīnghài 丁亥, became frequently used.[336] This calendar was revised through the regime's eight centuries of existence, and the diversification of its use took place during the Warring States period when cultural distinctions became more apparent.[337] The sexagenary cycle central to the calendar remained the exclusive means of day counting throughout the entire Zhou period, but it was not extended to the naming of years.[335][338] A new system for posthumous naming dead relatives was devised, although some early Zhou people still used the old tradition, including exceptional Zhou kings.[333]

During the Western Zhou period, the notion of and Shàngdì, as seen in classical texts, was integrated with that of Tiān .[339] was seen as the one who supported the existence of a dynasty, which coincidentally links the Shang's downfall to their historical neglect of during the last decades.[340] was supported by a court filled by Zhou ancestors.[341] For example, during King Wu's reign, Zhou liturgists inscribed on the Tian Wang gui tureen about King Wen assisting the High God on high.[r][342][343] and Tiān were sometimes used interchangeably in inscriptional contexts, demonstrated by the inscription on the Fu gui tureen.[344] However, distinctions still exist between the two notions: while Tiān was seen as the universal order and the source of calamities, was always known as a protecting force of the royal clan.[345][s]

The early Western Zhou kept their prior Predynastic tradition of inscribing, on oracle bones, inquiries to Shang ancestral deities, such as Di Yi, as their former status was a state recognizing Shang suzerainty, and as a result of Di Yi's connection to the Zhou royal family as King Wen of Zhou's in-law.[347] Some early Western Zhou tombs near modern Beijing were constructed in accordance with Shang burial customs, suggesting that these could have been tombs of Shang remnants after the replacement of the dynastic state by the Zhou.[348]

Annual Sacrifice to Heaven.

Mass human sacrifices practiced by the Shang was critically reduced, though still employed.[349] Oracle bones gradually ceased to be inscribed, as the Zhou compiled a new way of divination, the I Ching. Zhou royal divinations were not recorded extensively as in the Shang case.[350] The populace in later dynasties practiced distinct traditions, mainly due to the influence of Confucianism, Taoism, and other currents that flourished during the Zhou period; however, there were still some parallels between the two dynasties regarding sacrifices.[116]


Chinese calendar for 2017

The Shang high god remained to the present day through his heavenly component Shàngdì, who is still worshipped in countries of the Sinosphere. The word Shàngdì is sometimes used to denote the Christian God, and the Jade Emperor.[t][351]

Traditional festivals in China, Vietnam and other influenced countries make use of the sexagenary cycle.[u] The lunar calendar's organization of days names the years, months, days and even hours after the 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches. The symbolic significance of males that the Shang believed even extends to contemporary China, with families expecting sons more than daughters.[352]

Bronze vessels produced by the Shang dynasty constitute greatly to the cultural heritage of ancient Chinese civilization.

Relation to traditional accounts


Zhou dynasty


One of the Zhou's classical texts, the Book of Documents, contains moral discourse on Shang tradition, such as the belief in the Shang ancestor Tang to send down calamities on unworthy men.[353] Additionally, this text highlights Shang pyromantic divination by referring to Pan Geng emphasizing on those who did not 'presumptuously oppose the decision of the tortoise'.[354] However, the Zhou writers also seemed to focus on criticizing the lavish lifestyle and ignorance of the last Shang kings, and Western Zhou works do not mention Shang human sacrifices as well as female Shang deities, both playing significant roles during the Shang.[355][356]

Han dynasty

Historian Sima Qian.

Han dynasty historian Sima Qian, writing 1,000 years after the Shang's fall, delved into its religion.[357] Sima claimed that the Shang people were marked by their utmost devotion to divination and sacrifices, and had decayed from the mark of piety into a state of superstition, which Burton Watson considered substantiated claims that resonate with evidence collected from modern archaeology.[357] He went on to describe the practices of the Shang dynasty, praise religious kings, and detail the negative impacts of offending the gods committed by Wu Yi and Di Xin.[358][359] Sima's posthumous names in terms of both stem and prefix for late Shang kings largely match those given by the Shang inscriptions.[360] However, his descriptions of the Shang religion is not without flaw, as it was colored with characteristics of the Han dynasty during which Sima lived.[361]

By the time of the Han dynasty, the perception of had been significantly altered.[362] While the character retained its meaning as 'High Deity', it was used mainly as a prefix or suffix to add to another word for deifying its meaning.[362] The Han-era Huainanzi, a compilation of debates led by imperial prince Liu An, describes as stretching out "over the four weft-cords of Heaven" and lying on a polar referential star similar to the Shang dynasty, the star Kochab (Beta Ursa Minoris).[363] Han texts also identify with Tàiyī 太一, the 'Great One', who was believed to be worshipped by the early Zhou.[364]


  1. ^ The periodization 1600 to 1046 BC is given by the Xia–Shang–Zhou Chronology Project.[9] However, many other possible suggestions have been proposed. Most of them place the Shang dynasty's beginning date around 1550 BCE, while deviating the end date for a few years.
  2. ^ Modern scholars studying often refer to the deity as Shàngdì.[21] Some have challenged the notion that was the Shang supreme god, arguing that this deity was in fact a cosmic spirit newly invented by the Shang.[22]
  3. ^ The non-divinatory inscription Heji 14294 gives the names of the four wind gods and winds they command.[46] As shown, the eastern wind god was , commanding xié wind; the western wind god was , commanding wéi wind; the southern one was Wēi 𡵂, commanding wind; the northern one was , commanding wind.[47][43] Cai Zhemao, in discussing these wind names, argued that the names had nomenclatural reasons.[48]
  4. ^ It has been argued that the Shang ancestral cult was intended for the ancestors to lead other spirits to act favourably towards the human realm, that is, to attempt to make the spirits controllable by humans.[67]
  5. ^ Da Yi was the first traditional Shang king. In Shang inscriptions, his other names can be rendered as Chéng , Táng and Tāng .[68] The last two Shang kings' posthumous names were not found anywhere in the oracle bones due to the termination of Shang rule. They were conventionally referred to as Di Yi and Di Xin, which are anachronistic names.[69]
  6. ^ There is another common variation on the square graph found in inscriptional contexts.[91]
  7. ^ Wang Tao noted that the name taotie was a mere adoption of a later Zhou term for the pattern. He warned that the meaning of the taotie as 'greedy glutton' as now understood was inaccurate.[96]
  8. ^ Other materials for pyromancy have also been found. Oracle bones were probably obtained through tributary polities of the Shang kingdom. For example, an inscription tells that a statelet named Què had sent 250 shells to the Shang.[129][130] Excavators of the Yinxu site were informed of pens which might be used by the Shang to keep turtles.[131]
  9. ^ Twenty-six oracle bones from the era of Wu Ding have been dated to 1254 – 1197 BCE, with the oldest dated to 1254 – 1221 BCE. The probability range given is 68%, but simulation studies indicate that each sample's true age has a probability of 80-90% of falling in the range.[134]
  10. ^ The prognostication and verification are very rare in Shang inscriptions. Most often, the decision to include verification in divinations indicate that the subject divined was of crucial importance to the socio-political situation of the Shang state. Similarly, prognostications are seldom found in inscriptions; for example, only 1.2% of the Bin-group divinations contain this part.[136]
  11. ^ Most divinations about weather, agriculture or wars were made by the court of Wu Ding.
  12. ^ Many divinations were bǔ xún 卜旬 'divining for the week ahead', in which diviners would predict events for the next ten-day week after the said divination.[145]
  13. ^ The Prince of Huayuanzhuang was probably a son of Wu Ding, indicated in seven different oracle bones, though it is uncertain whether he was born by Fu Hao. Inscriptions of his own indicate that Wu Ding and Fu Hao were both in a close relationship with the patron, which supports this position. Besides, modern studies have identified that he worshipped Wu Ding's father Xiao Yi and his wife, addressing them as grandfather / grandmother.[152]
  14. ^ Old Chinese reads "wu" as myag (Bernhard Karlgren),mjuo < *mjwaɣ (Zhou Fagao), *mjag (Li Fanggui), mju < *ma (Axel Schuessler).
  15. ^ The Shang state was made up of territories administered by the royal family and non-Shang leaders who were related to the king by marriage or supremacy recognition.[285] These were called 'our lands' by the king. In the case of this Shang prince, Wu Ding issued commands to him, allocated resources to his estate, and was the one to whom the prince reported.[286] Wu Ding also assigned a royal official to the prince's land.[287]
  16. ^ The Shang incsriptions, however, reveal that the last Shang king was not as religiously ignorant as traditionally described.[330]
  17. ^ It is able to demonstrate the geographically distributed nature of the day-name tradition towards the end of the 2nd millennium BC. An example is a cemetery at Gaojiapu, in Shaanxi.[332]
  18. ^ Original bronze inscription c. 1046 BCE: 乙亥,王又(有)大丰(豐),王凡三方,王祀于天室,降,天亡又(佑)王,衣祀于王,不(丕)显考文王,事喜上帝,文王德才(在)上,不(丕)显王乍省,不(丕)□(?)王乍庸。不(丕)克气衣王祀,丁丑,王乡(饗),大宜,王降,乍勋爵后□,隹朕又蔑,每(敏)杨王休于尊簋。
  19. ^ The Zhou strategically forged their own royal lineage coming back directly to , which transformed the being into their own guardian.[346]
  20. ^ Matteo Ricci first coined the term Shàngdì to denote God in Chinese.
  21. ^ For example, the annual Lunar New Year's Eve Chunwan gala has continued to announce the sexagenary term of the upcoming year.




  1. ^ Chen et al. (2020), pp. 227–230.
  2. ^ Mizoguchi & Uchida (2018), pp. 709–712.
  3. ^ Bai (2002).
  4. ^ Wilkinson (2022).
  5. ^ Keightley (1999), pp. 251–252.
  6. ^ a b Didier (2009), p. 161, Vol. I.
  7. ^ a b Smith (2011a), p. 1.
  8. ^ Creel (1960), p. 113.
  9. ^ Lee (2002), p. 28.
  10. ^ Boltz (1986), p. 420.
  11. ^ a b Liu et al. (2021), p. 165.
  12. ^ Takashima 2012, p. 142 dates the earliest inscription to 1230 BC.
  13. ^ Tanner (2010), p. 40.
  14. ^ Pankenier (1981–1982), p. 23.
  15. ^ Eno (2008).
  16. ^ Eno (2008), p. 71.
  17. ^ Kohn (1998), p. 833.
  18. ^ Eno (2008), p. 74.
  19. ^ a b Li (2013), pp. 97–98.
  20. ^ Eno (2008), p. 55.
  21. ^ Chang (2000), pp. v–vi.
  22. ^ Wang (2007), p. 309, n.14.
  23. ^ Wang (2000), pp. 30–31.
  24. ^ a b Hansen (2000), p. 32.
  25. ^ Wang (2007), pp. 305–306.
  26. ^ Noss & Noss (1990), p. 254.
  27. ^ Wang (2007), p. 309.
  28. ^ Li (2013), p. 98.
  29. ^ Li (2013), pp. 98–99.
  30. ^ Eno (2010a), p. 6.
  31. ^ Wang (2007), pp. 307–309.
  32. ^ a b Li (2013), p. 99.
  33. ^ Keightley (1999), p. 252.
  34. ^ Chang (1976), pp. 156–159.
  35. ^ Eno (2010a), p. 8.
  36. ^ Chang (2000), p. 6.
  37. ^ Eno (2010a), p. 9.
  38. ^ Eno (2008), p. 72.
  39. ^ Pankenier (2004), pp. 211–236.
  40. ^ Eno (1990), pp. 1–26.
  41. ^ Eno (2008), pp. 72–77.
  42. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 128–165.
  43. ^ a b Takashima & Li (2022), pp. 91–92.
  44. ^ Hu (1956), pp. 49–86.
  45. ^ Cai & Siu (2023), p. 1.
  46. ^ Takashima & Li (2022), p. 92.
  47. ^ Cai & Siu (2023), pp. 1–2.
  48. ^ Cai (2013), pp. 166–168.
  49. ^ Takashima & Li (2022), p. 89.
  50. ^ a b Takashima & Li (2022), p. 84.
  51. ^ Keightley (1999), p. 277.
  52. ^ Kominami (2009), p. 201.
  53. ^ Cook (2006), p. 43, n.2.
  54. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 160–162, Vol. II.
  55. ^ Keightley (1999), p. 253.
  56. ^ Thorp (2006), p. 83.
  57. ^ a b Wang (2007), p. 308.
  58. ^ Didier (2009), p. 204.
  59. ^ Wang (2007), p. 337.
  60. ^ Wang (2007), pp. 339–340.
  61. ^ a b Wang (2007), p. 340.
  62. ^ Yu (1999), p. 2662.
  63. ^ Qiu (1985), pp. 290–306.
  64. ^ Eno (1990), p. 35.
  65. ^ Didier (2009), p. 185, Vol. II.
  66. ^ Li (2013), pp. 73–74.
  67. ^ Wang (2007), p. 311.
  68. ^ Didier (2009), p. 210, Vol. II.
  69. ^ Keightley (1978a), pp. 187, 207, 209.
  70. ^ Li (2013), p. 53.
  71. ^ Smith (2011a), p. 4.
  72. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 172–175.
  73. ^ Goldin (2015), p. 75.
  74. ^ Hu (2002).
  75. ^ Campbell (2018), p. 109.
  76. ^ a b Thorp (2006), p. 184.
  77. ^ Eno (2008), p. 57.
  78. ^ Kohn (1998), p. 842.
  79. ^ Didier (2009), p. 133.
  80. ^ Keightley (1999), p. 257.
  81. ^ Wang (1992), pp. 113–114.
  82. ^ Keightley (1999a), pp. 41–44.
  83. ^ van Norden (2003), pp. 2–3.
  84. ^ Smith (2011a), pp. 10–11.
  85. ^ Wang (2007), pp. 307–308.
  86. ^ Chen (2019), p. 94.
  87. ^ Didier (2009), p. 139, Vol. II.
  88. ^ Eno (2008), pp. 58–61.
  89. ^ Keightley (1999), p. 254.
  90. ^ Li (2013), p. 54.
  91. ^ Didier (2009), p. 188, Vol. II.
  92. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 166–167, 213, Vol. II.
  93. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 193–206, Vol. II.
  94. ^ Didier (2009), p. 67, Vol. II.
  95. ^ Woolf (2007), p. 216.
  96. ^ Wang (1993), pp. 102–118.
  97. ^ Childs-Johnson (1998), pp. 87–139.
  98. ^ Didier (2009), p. 71, Vol. II.
  99. ^ Li (1993), pp. 56–66.
  100. ^ Didier (2009), p. 70, Vol. II.
  101. ^ Bagley (1999a), pp. 146–155.
  102. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 69–70, Vol. II.
  103. ^ Didier (2009), p. 71.
  104. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 73–78.
  105. ^ a b c Didier (2009), pp. 215–216, Vol. II.
  106. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 214–216, Vol. II.
  107. ^ Didier (2009), p. 100, Vol. II.
  108. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 187, 213–219, Vol. II.
  109. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 131–132, 216, Vol. II.
  110. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 142–143, 160, 215–216, Vol. II.
  111. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 132–135, Vol. II.
  112. ^ Didier (2009), p. 190.
  113. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 190–191.
  114. ^ Eno (2010a), p. 4.
  115. ^ Wang (2007), p. 307, n.10.
  116. ^ a b Wang (2000b).
  117. ^ Eno (2008), p. 94.
  118. ^ Hansen (2000), pp. 32–33.
  119. ^ Li (2013), pp. 74–75.
  120. ^ Wang (2007), pp. 309–310.
  121. ^ Keightley (1998), p. 799.
  122. ^ Eno (2008), p. 95.
  123. ^ Chen et al. (2020), pp. 41–43.
  124. ^ Liu (2005), p. 123.
  125. ^ Back (2017), p. 2.
  126. ^ Takashima (2017), p. 9.
  127. ^ Keightley (1978a), pp. 9–10, 13–14.
  128. ^ Xu (2002), p. 24.
  129. ^ Keightley (1978a), p. 9.
  130. ^ Xu (2002), p. 22.
  131. ^ Thorp (2006), p. 175.
  132. ^ Keightley (1978a), pp. 40–41.
  133. ^ Thorp (2006), p. 176.
  134. ^ Liu et al. (2021), pp. 162–166.
  135. ^ Eno (2008), p. 41.
  136. ^ Li (2013), p. 95.
  137. ^ Wang (2007), p. 312.
  138. ^ Alleton (2012), pp. 177–180.
  139. ^ a b Xu (2002), p. 30.
  140. ^ Li (2013), p. 93.
  141. ^ Eno (2008), p. 90.
  142. ^ a b Schwartz (2020), p. 55.
  143. ^ Creel (2008).
  144. ^ Keightley (1978a), pp. 33–35.
  145. ^ Smith (2011a), p. 22.
  146. ^ Keightley (2012), p. 191.
  147. ^ Eno (2010b), p. 9.
  148. ^ Wang (2007), p. 317.
  149. ^ Schwartz (2020), pp. 3–4.
  150. ^ Wang (2007), p. 320.
  151. ^ a b Schwartz (2020), p. 6.
  152. ^ Schwartz (2020), pp. 31–36.
  153. ^ Schwartz (2020), pp. 9–10.
  154. ^ Smith (2008), pp. 262–273.
  155. ^ Campbell (2020), p. 6.
  156. ^ Chang (2000), p. 1, n.11.
  157. ^ a b Eno (1990a), p. 20.
  158. ^ Keightley (1999), p. 260.
  159. ^ Wheatley (1971), p. 73.
  160. ^ Li (2013), p. 78.
  161. ^ Shelach-Lavi (2015), p. 216.
  162. ^ Thorp (2006), p. 157.
  163. ^ Keightley (2012), p. 14.
  164. ^ Thorp (2006), pp. 161–167.
  165. ^ Qiu (2000).
  166. ^ Thorp (2006), p. 208.
  167. ^ Childs-Johnson (2014), p. 205.
  168. ^ Thorp (2006), pp. 153–155.
  169. ^ Li & O'Sullivan (2020), p. 6.
  170. ^ Wang (2007), p. 310.
  171. ^ Flad et al. (2020), pp. 3–4.
  172. ^ Li & Campbell (2019), p. 168.
  173. ^ Eno (2010a), p. 7.
  174. ^ Li (2013), p. 100.
  175. ^ Keightley (1999), pp. 280–281.
  176. ^ a b Keightley (1999), p. 258.
  177. ^ Li (2013), p. 71.
  178. ^ Schwermann & Wang (2015), p. 50.
  179. ^ a b Li (2013), p. 102.
  180. ^ Shelach-Lavi (1996), p. 13.
  181. ^ Schwermann & Wang (2015), pp. 51–52.
  182. ^ Keightley (2012), pp. 76–77.
  183. ^ Bagley (2008), pp. 190–249.
  184. ^ Chang (2000), p. 1.
  185. ^ Schwermann & Wang (2015), pp. 50–51, 58–60.
  186. ^ Schwermann & Wang (2015), p. 52.
  187. ^ Zhao (2011), p. 317-318.
  188. ^ Wang (2007), p. 342.
  189. ^ Smith (2011a), pp. 19–20.
  190. ^ a b c Nivison (1999), p. 27.
  191. ^ Smith (2011a), p. 19.
  192. ^ a b Smith (2011a), p. 21.
  193. ^ Smith (2011a), pp. 21–22.
  194. ^ Li (2013), pp. 101–102.
  195. ^ Keightley (1998), p. 811.
  196. ^ Smith (2011a), p. 23.
  197. ^ Keightley (1978a), p. 187.
  198. ^ Keightley (1998), pp. 802, 807.
  199. ^ Didier (2009), p. 141, Vol. II.
  200. ^ Keightley (1998), p. 812.
  201. ^ Eno (2008), p. 93.
  202. ^ Keightley (1999), p. 262.
  203. ^ Dider (2009), p. 193, Vol. I.
  204. ^ Eno (2008), pp. 92–93.
  205. ^ Didier (2009), p. 150, Vol. II.
  206. ^ Schwermann & Wang (2015), pp. 65–67.
  207. ^ Boileau (2002), pp. 354–356.
  208. ^ Schwermann & Wang (2015), p. 81.
  209. ^ Mair (1990), pp. 27–47.
  210. ^ Keightley (1998), p. 813.
  211. ^ Didier (2009), p. 194, Vol. I.
  212. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 194–195, Vol. I.
  213. ^ Rawson et al. (2020), p. 137.
  214. ^ Mizoguchi & Uchida (2018), pp. 718–722.
  215. ^ a b Li (2013), pp. 71–72.
  216. ^ Thorp (2006), p. 146.
  217. ^ Li (2013), p. 75.
  218. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 86–95, Vol. II.
  219. ^ a b c d e Thorp (2006), pp. 147–149.
  220. ^ Rawson et al. (2020), p. 139-141.
  221. ^ Keightley (1999), p. 267.
  222. ^ a b c Childs-Johnson (2020), p. 337.
  223. ^ Li (2013), p. 73.
  224. ^ Thorp (2006), p. 152.
  225. ^ Takashima (2017), p. 10.
  226. ^ Campbell (2014), pp. 143–144.
  227. ^ Thorp (2006), pp. 222–224.
  228. ^ Li (2018), p. 273.
  229. ^ Li, Campbell & Hou (2018), p. 1522.
  230. ^ Takashima (2015), pp. 2–4.
  231. ^ Smith (2011a), pp. 2, 7, 14.
  232. ^ Keightley (1999), p. 245.
  233. ^ Li (2013), p. 111, n.10.
  234. ^ Smith (2011a), p. 2.
  235. ^ Smith (2011a), p. 30, n.28.
  236. ^ Smith (2011a), p. 17.
  237. ^ Smith (2011a), pp. 14–18.
  238. ^ Nivison (1999), p. 14.
  239. ^ Smith (2011a), pp. 8–9.
  240. ^ a b Didier (2009), pp. 226–232, Vol. II.
  241. ^ Smith (2011a), pp. 3, 5.
  242. ^ Smith (2011a), p. 8.
  243. ^ Smith (2011a), pp. 7–8.
  244. ^ Keightley (2012), pp. 294–295.
  245. ^ Schwartz (2020), p. 25.
  246. ^ Schwartz (2020), p. 30.
  247. ^ a b Smith (2011a), p. 5.
  248. ^ Childs-Johnson (2020), p. 318.
  249. ^ Childs-Johnson (2020), p. 327.
  250. ^ Childs-Johnson (2020), pp. 325–338.
  251. ^ Thorp (2006), p. 185.
  252. ^ Keightley (1999), pp. 257–258.
  253. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 166–220, Vol. II.
  254. ^ Childs-Johnson (2020), p. 330.
  255. ^ a b Childs-Johnson (2020), pp. 330–331.
  256. ^ Childs-Johnson (2020), p. 335.
  257. ^ Childs-Johnson (1995), pp. 82–86.
  258. ^ Didier (2009), p. 222, Vol. II.
  259. ^ Childs-Johnson (2020), pp. 334–335.
  260. ^ Eno (2008), p. 58.
  261. ^ Childs-Johnson (2019), p. 1.
  262. ^ Li (2013), p. 106.
  263. ^ Eno (1990a), p. 209, n.6.
  264. ^ a b Keightley (1998), p. 765.
  265. ^ Li (2013), p. 96.
  266. ^ Kerr (2013), p. 3.
  267. ^ Hansen (2000), p. 34.
  268. ^ Smith (2011), pp. 173–175, 180–199.
  269. ^ Smith (2011), pp. 178–180.
  270. ^ Smith (2011), p. 181.
  271. ^ Smith (2011), p. 182.
  272. ^ Smith (2011), p. 183.
  273. ^ Smith (2011), p. 178.
  274. ^ Keightley (1999), p. 232.
  275. ^ Li (2013), p. 110.
  276. ^ Takashima (2012), pp. 143–160.
  277. ^ Li (2013), p. 83.
  278. ^ Takashima (2012), pp. 160–171.
  279. ^ Li (2013), pp. 117–118.
  280. ^ Thorp (2006), pp. 244–248.
  281. ^ Takashima (2012), p. 141.
  282. ^ Li (2013), p. 117.
  283. ^ Takashima (2015), pp. 158–165.
  284. ^ Mei, Chen & Cao (2009), p. 1881.
  285. ^ Li (2013), pp. 107–109.
  286. ^ Schwartz (2020), pp. 50–51.
  287. ^ Schwartz (2020), p. 68.
  288. ^ Schwartz (2020), p. 43.
  289. ^ Schwartz (2020), pp. 47–48, 64.
  290. ^ Li (2013), p. 97.
  291. ^ Wang (2007a), p. 544.
  292. ^ Childs-Johnson (2003), pp. 619–630.
  293. ^ Li, Campbell & Hou (2018), pp. 1511–1529.
  294. ^ Higham (2004), p. 276.
  295. ^ Eno (1990a), p. 209, n.4.
  296. ^ Eno (2010b), p. 2.
  297. ^ Eno (1990), p. 196.
  298. ^ Eno (2008), pp. 66–67.
  299. ^ Schwermann & Wang (2015), p. 51.
  300. ^ Wang (2003), p. 3.
  301. ^ Keightley (1998), pp. 774–793.
  302. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 1, 2, Vol. II.
  303. ^ Keightley (1998), p. 789.
  304. ^ Li (2013), p. 92.
  305. ^ Keightley (1978a), pp. 3, 6, n.16.
  306. ^ Didier (2009), p. 45, Vol. II.
  307. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 60–62, Vol. II.
  308. ^ Didier (2009), p. 58, 66; Vol. II.
  309. ^ Keightley (1998), pp. 789–793.
  310. ^ Didier (2009), p. 47, Vol, II.
  311. ^ Sit (2021), p. 68.
  312. ^ Legge (1865), p. 118, Part I, 'Prolegomena'.
  313. ^ Strassberg (2002), pp. 50, 168–169, 219.
  314. ^ Legge (1865), pp. 33–34.
  315. ^ a b Thorp (2006), p. 174.
  316. ^ Smith (2011a), p. 6.
  317. ^ Smith (2011a), p. 12.
  318. ^ Thorp (2006), pp. 174–175.
  319. ^ Legge (1865), pp. 265–267, Part I.
  320. ^ Fernandez-Armesto (2007), p. 84.
  321. ^ Shaughnessy (1989), p. 6.
  322. ^ Keightley (1998), p. 820.
  323. ^ Keightley (1999), p. 261.
  324. ^ a b Eno (2008), p. 83.
  325. ^ Keightley (1999), pp. 243–245.
  326. ^ Wang (2007), p. 364.
  327. ^ Didier (2009), p. 212, Vol. II.
  328. ^ Bagley (1999), p. 194.
  329. ^ Legge (1865), p. 303, Part II.
  330. ^ Chang (2000), p. 14.
  331. ^ Keightley (1999), pp. 290–291.
  332. ^ Smith (2011a), p. 11.
  333. ^ a b Smith (2011a), p. 26.
  334. ^ Keightley (1977), pp. 267–272.
  335. ^ a b Smith (2011a), p. 25.
  336. ^ Smith (2011a), pp. 26–27.
  337. ^ Smith (2011a), p. 27.
  338. ^ Legge (1865), pp. 82–83, Part I, 'Prolegomena'.
  339. ^ Legge (1865), pp. 193–194, Part I, 'Prolegomena'.
  340. ^ Didier (2009), p. 189.
  341. ^ Li (2013), p. 145.
  342. ^ Gao (1996), p. 373.
  343. ^ Eno (2012), p. 6.
  344. ^ Eno (1990a), pp. 24–25.
  345. ^ Li (2013), pp. 144–145.
  346. ^ Li (2013), p. 144.
  347. ^ Didier (2009), p. 219, Vol. III.
  348. ^ Thorp (2006), pp. 228–230.
  349. ^ Guo (1982), pp. 29–34.
  350. ^ Li (2013), p. 143.
  351. ^ Stark (2007).
  352. ^ Hansen (2000), p. 53.
  353. ^ Legge (1865), pp. 240–244, Part I.
  354. ^ Legge (1865), pp. 245–246, Part I.
  355. ^ Bagley (1999a), p. 194.
  356. ^ Keightley (1978b), p. 432.
  357. ^ a b Watson (1958), p. 13.
  358. ^ Giles (2005).
  359. ^ Chang (2000), p. 2.
  360. ^ Keightley (1978a), pp. 97, 204–209.
  361. ^ Nienhauser (1994), pp. xix–xx.
  362. ^ a b Chang (2000), p. 19.
  363. ^ Chang (2000), p. 20.
  364. ^ Didier (2009), pp. 219–248, Vol. III.

Works cited


Further reading
