Secular Culture & Ideas

Secular Culture & Ideas is a web journal about Jewish culture, literature, and thought. Founded in 2007, it was originally part of although it now maintains its own website [1]. The journal’s tag line is, “rethinking Jewish.”

Among the popular pieces published on Secular Culture & Ideas are interviews with Tony Kushner, Natalie Angier, and A.B. Yehoshua, and reviews of books by Jonathan Sarna and Susan Jacoby. The website features an articles section, and a blog, “News & Notes.” A special book section, “Bookshelf,” was introduced in 2011.

Secular Culture & Ideas is supported by the Posen Foundation, a non-profit that works internationally to promote Jewish culture and support Jewish education. Secular Culture & Ideas expanded its culture coverage in the summer of 2011 with its new section “Culture Currents.”



Its contributors have included...

Aaron David Gordon, Rebecca Goldstein, Lawrence S. Wittner, Rachel Elior, Susan Jacoby, Paul Kurtz, Chaim Zhitlowsky, Michel Abitbol, Yuri Slezkine, Yaakov Malkin, Alan Dershowitz, Douglas Rushkoff, Natalie Angier, Rebecca Alpert, Ilan Stavans, Rodger Kamenetz, Alicia Ostriker, Yehuda Amichai, Chana Bloch, David G. Roskies, Michael Wex, Richard Chess, Nahma Sandrow, Tony Kushner, Irena Klepfisz, Aaron Lansky, Paul Buhle, Deborah Dash Moore, Peter Cole and Sherwin Wine.

Past issues

  • Secular Jewish Pioneers, March 2010
  • Jewish Studies, March 2010
  • New Books, December 2010
  • Expressions of Jewish Secularisms, November 2008
  • Back-to-School, September 2008
  • Jewish Languages, June 2008
  • Sephardic and Mizrahi Secularisms, January 2008
  • Memoirs, November 2007
  • Making Judaism Modern, September 2007
  • Renaissance of Yiddish, June 2007

Topics of interest

  • Roots of Secularisms
  • Secular Thinkers
  • Contemporary Topics
  • Literature & Arts
  • Holidays & Life-Cycle

See also




Further reading
