SHARE-Israel is the Israeli component of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, a multidisciplinary and cross-national panel database of micro data on health, socio-economic status as well as social and family networks of individuals aged 50 or over.

About SHARE-Israel


Israel joined the SHARE framework in 2004, being the first country in the Middle East to initiate a systematic study of its aging population. SHARE-Israel encompasses two waves of data collected thus far. All SHARE data, including the Israeli component, are available to the entire research community free of charge, and can be obtained through the SHARE website [1] or the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging.

SHARE-Israel is coordinated by the Israel Gerontological Data Center (IGDC)[2], at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Israel Gerontological Data Center was established with funds from the Ministry of Science and Technology, and is supported by the Ministry for Senior Citizens. SHARE-Israel is directed by Prof. Howard Litwin, with assistance from a multidisciplinary team of expert consultants from the United States, Europe and Israel.

The instrument


The survey instrument addresses demographic details, physical health, grip strength, walking speed, behavioral risks, cognitive function, mental health, health care, employment and pensions, children, social support, financial transfers, housing, household income, consumption, assets and future expectations.[1] [2] In addition, the Israeli questionnaire includes two domains not yet addressed in SHARE: [3]

  • Measure of life-long trauma. Respondents were asked to indicate difficult life events that they experienced and the degree to which they were affected by them. Respondents also reported their personal experiences during the Holocaust.
  • Examination of reactions to pension reform. This section addresses awareness of forthcoming delays in the age of eligibility for retirement pension in Israel, and respondents` preparations towards it.

Data collection


In order to obtain a representative sample of Israelis aged 50 or over, Israel's population was divided into three sections:

Wave 1


Executed in Israel in 2005–2006, the first wave encompassed 2,598 respondents residing in 1,771 households.

Wave 2


Executed in Israel in 2009–2010, the second wave encompassed 2,464 respondents.

Wave 3


Data has been collected during 2013, and the results will be published around March 2015.



The Israel Gerontological Data Center holds an up-to-date list of all publications based on SHARE-Israel results.[3]



SHARE-Israel has been supported by:


  1. ^ Börsch-Supan, A.; Brugiavini, A.; Jürges, H.; Mackenbach, J.; Siegrist, J.; Weber, G. (eds.) (2005): Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe – First Results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging, University of Mannheim.
  2. ^ Börsch-Supan, A.; Jürges, H. (eds.) (2005): The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe - Methodology, Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging, University of Mannheim.
  3. ^ Litwin, H., Sapir, E.V. (2008): The SHARE-Israel Methodology. Social Security - Journal of Welfare and Social Security Studies, 76, 25-41. [in Hebrew]