Rincaleus is a Thracian god, known from a few epigraphic inscriptions found near Krinides, Philippi, Greece.[1] He is identified as a "Great God" in the pantheon of the Sapei, and is presented as a horseman.[2] The dedications were made by Roman citizens. The theonym is written in Latin. Probably Rincaleus is local deity and was syncretized with Apollo.

Dominus Rincaleus

The Latin text of the shown inscription:[3]

D(omino) Rinc(aleo) ex ip[erio] L(ucius) Ac(cius) Venustus



Linguist Vladimir I. Georgiev compared the name Rincaleus to Greek word ριμφαλέος ("rhimphaléos"), meaning 'quick'.[4] Ivan Duridanov [bg] also interpreted the name as 'quick, swift', originating from a Proto-Indo-European stem *wrṇgh or *u̯rṇgh.[5][6] Georgiev assumed the name was the epithet of the Thracian rider god.[7]


  1. ^ Collart & Ducrey 1975, p. 34.
  2. ^ "About the nature of the Great god Rincaleus". ResearchGate.
  3. ^ AE 1923, 00089.
  4. ^ Georgiev, Vladimir I.. "Thrakisch und Dakisch". Band 29/2. Teilband Sprache und Literatur (Sprachen und Schriften [Forts.]), edited by Wolfgang Haase, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1983. p. 1157. doi:10.1515/9783110847031-015
  5. ^ Duridanov, Ivan (1985). Die Sprache der Thraker [The language of the Thracians]. Bulgarische Sammlung (in German). Vol. 5. Hieronymus Verlag. p. 70. ISBN 3-88893-031-6.
  6. ^ Duridanov, Ivan. "Thrakische und dakische Namen". 1. Halbband: Ein internationales Handbuch zur Onomastik. Edited by Ernst Eichler, Gerold Hilty, Heinrich Löffler, Hugo Steger and Ladislav Zgusta. Berlin; New York: De Gruyter Mouton, 1995. p. 830. doi:10.1515/9783110114263.1.8.820
  7. ^ Georgiev, Vladimir I.. "Thrakisch und Dakisch". Band 29/2. Teilband Sprache und Literatur (Sprachen und Schriften [Forts.]), edited by Wolfgang Haase, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1983. p. 1210. doi:10.1515/9783110847031-016

