Partidos of Buenos Aires

A partido is the second-level administrative subdivision only in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. They are formally considered to be a single administrative unit, usually contain one or more population centers (i.e., towns and cities), and are divided into localidades. The subdivision in partidos in Buenos Aires Province is distinct from all other provinces of Argentina, which call their second-level subdivisions departamento and are further subdivided into distinct municipalities.

Political division of the province



By the end of 18th century the town council (cabildo) of Buenos Aires established the first partidos in the countryside: San Isidro del Pago de la Costa (San Isidro) in 1779 and San Vicente, Quilmes, Magdalena, La Matanza, Cañada de Morón (Morón), Las Conchas (Tigre) and San Pedro in 1784.

At the head of every partido, the cabildo appointed a rural judge called Alcalde de la Santa Hermandad. The judge, or alcalde, had the mission to maintain the law and order in the surrounding rural area of Buenos Aires, fighting against cattle raiders. The alcalde was helped by a constabulary called Santa Hermandad (Holy Brotherhood) created in the late 15th century by the Catholic Monarchs and transplanted to the colonies.

In 1821 the Governor Martín Rodríguez and his minister Bernardino Rivadavia dissolved the cabildos and since then was the governor itself who appointed the judges, now called Juez de Paz (Justice of the Peace), his administrative territory was called Partido judicial (Judicial district) hence the name of the subdivision.

In 1856 the office of Juez de Paz was replaced by a Presidente de la Municipalidad, or Municipal President. It was appointed by the Governor from a list of three candidates presented by the Municipales, or councillors, who were elected by the citizens of the different partidos.

Since 1890 the head of the government is called Intendente (Intendant), or Mayor, and is directly elected by the citizens.

On October 24, 1864 the Legislature of the Province of Buenos Aires sanctioned law № 422, dividing the province into 45 partidos: Arrecifes, Baradero, Barrancas al Sud (Avellaneda), Belgrano (Barrio Belgrano), Cañuelas, Carmen de Areco, Chacabuco, Chascomús, Chivilcoy, del Pilar, Ensenada, Exaltación de la Cruz, General las Heras, General San Martín, Giles, Junín, Matanza, Las Conchas (Tigre), Lobos, Lomas de Zamora, Luján, Magdalena, Mercedes, Merlo, Monte, Moreno, Morón, Navarro, Pergamino, Quilmes, Ramallo, Ranchos, Rivadavia, Rojas, Salto, San Antonio, San Fernando, San Isidro, San José de Flores (Barrio Flores), San Nicolás, San Pedro, San Vicente, Suipacha, Viedma and Zárate.


Population Councillors
at most 5,000 6
5,000-10,000 10
10,000-20,000 12
20,000-30,000 14
30,000-40,000 16
40,000-80,000 18
80,000-200,000 20
more than 200,000 24

Every partido is administered by an executive and a legislative branch, respectively, the mayor (intendente) and a council (concejo deliberante), similar to a county council. It is considered a strong mayor-council form of government.

The mayor is elected to four-year terms and can be reelected for a new term. If they have been re-elected, they can not be re-elected in the same position, but with an interval of one period.

The council is a unicameral body, one-half of whose members are elected every two years to serve four-year terms and can be reelected for a new term. If they have been re-elected, they can not be re-elected in the same position, but with an interval of one period.

The number of councillors depends on the population of every partido. According to decret-law 6769/58 the number of councillors varies as follows:

List of partidos


Buenos Aires Province is divided into 135 partidos.

Name Capital Area (km2) Population Flag Coat of
Arms / Logos
Adolfo Alsina Carhué 5,882 17,552  
Adolfo Gonzáles Chaves Adolfo Gonzales Chaves 3,789 12.914    
Alberti Alberti 1,123 12,982  
Almirante Brown Adrogué 129 584,827      
Arrecifes Arrecifes 1,244 32,215  
Avellaneda Avellaneda 56 367.554  
Ayacucho Ayacucho 6,756 21,977  
Azul Azul 6,638 75,905      
Bahía Blanca Bahía Blanca 2,240 336,574      
Balcarce Balcarce 4,120 48,982    
Baradero Baradero 1,530 40,002    
Benito Juárez Benito Juárez 5,336 22,292  
Berazategui Berazategui 220 358,712  
Berisso Berisso 145 100,930    
Bolívar San Carlos de Bolívar 4,935 37,594  
Bragado Bragado 2,199 46,504    
Brandsen Brandsen 1,114 32,448    
Campana Campana 986 110,566    
Cañuelas Cañuelas 1,186 70,684  
Capitán Sarmiento Capitán Sarmiento 549 15,965  
Carlos Casares Carlos Casares 2,532 23,100      
Carlos Tejedor Carlos Tejedor 3,912 14,079  
Carmen de Areco Carmen de Areco 1,061 17,499  
Castelli Castelli 2,113 9,594  
Chacabuco Chacabuco 2,290 52,731    
Chascomús Chascomús 3,159 42,452  
Chivilcoy Chivilcoy 2,059 70,839  
Colón Colón 1,001 27,504  
Coronel Dorrego Coronel Dorrego 5,845 15,968    
Coronel Pringles Coronel Pringles 5,257 24,420  
Coronel Rosales Punta Alta 1,290 67,503    
Coronel Suárez Coronel Suárez 5,984 42,110  
Daireaux Daireaux 3,823 18,422    
Dolores Dolores 1,978 32,032    
Ensenada Ensenada 114 63,997      
Escobar Belén de Escobar 301 256,268  
Esteban Echeverría Monte Grande 121 338,480  
Exaltación de la Cruz Capilla del Señor 637 40,159      
Ezeiza Ezeiza 238 201,511    
Florencio Varela Florencio Varela 190 496,433  
Florentino Ameghino Florentino Ameghino 1,813 10,790    
General Alvarado Miramar 1,628 45,526  
General Alvear General Alvear 3,366 13,031  
General Arenales General Arenales 1,486 16,350  
General Belgrano General Belgrano 1,858 20,791  
General Guido General Guido 2,326 3,174  
General La Madrid General La Madrid 4,814 11,618    
General Las Heras General Las Heras 751 18,022  
General Lavalle General Lavalle 2,705 4.870  
General Madariaga General Juan Madariaga 2,982 22,624  
General Paz Ranchos 1,200 14,207  
General Pinto General Pinto 2,558 12,941    
General Pueyrredón Mar de Plata 1,462 667,082    
General Rodríguez General Rodríguez 367 142,709  
General San Martín San Martín 57 450,575    
General Viamonte Los Toldos 2,140 22,649  
General Villegas General Villegas 7,262 35,251    
Guaminí Guaminí 4,824 11,801  
Hipólito Yrigoyen Henderson 1,645 10,661    
Hurlingham Hurlingham 36 185,641  
Ituzaingó Ituzaingó 38 180,232  
José C. Paz José C. Paz 50 326,992  
Junín Junín 2,255 103,787  
La Costa Mar del Tuyú 234 100,689  
La Matanza San Justo 327 1,841,247      
La Plata La Plata 893 768,470    
Lanús Lanús 50 461,267    
Laprida Laprida 3,448 11,646    
Las Flores Las Flores 3,341 27,239    
Leandro N. Alem Vedia 1,606 17,266  
Lezama Lezama 1,047 6,221  
Lincoln Lincoln 5,778 45,506  
Lobería Lobería 4,720 18,243    
Lobos Lobos 1,726 41,760  
Lomas de Zamora Lomas de Zamora 89 690,323  
Luján Luján 771 111,008    
Magdalena Magdalena 1,850 26,830  
Maipú Maipú 2,604 11,323  
Malvinas Argentinas Los Polvorines 63 350,674    
Mar Chiquita Coronel Vidal 3,089 33,110  
Marcos Paz Marcos Paz 422 67,011  
Mercedes Mercedes 1,050 72,980    
Merlo Merlo 174 582,486    
Monte San Miguel del Monte 1,876 24,868  
Monte Hermoso Monte Hermoso 200 8,465  
Moreno Moreno 186 576,632  
Morón Morón 55 331,183  
Navarro Navarro 1,620 19,899      
Necochea Necochea 4,566 102,110    
Nueve de Julio Nueve de Julio 4,291 52,607  
Olavarría Olavarría 7,666 125,751      
Patagones Carmen de Patagones 13,564 37,646    
Pehuajó Pehuajó 4,523 44,783  
Pellegrini Pellegrini 1,821 7,143      
Pergamino Pergamino 3,005 115,340    
Pila Pila 3,449 4,642  
Pilar Pilar 385 394,754      
Pinamar Pinamar 66 39,449    
Presidente Perón Guernica 122 102,106  
Puan Puan 6,376 16,613  
Punta Indio Verónica 1,605 12,297  
Quilmes Quilmes 92 633,391    
Ramallo Ramallo 1,048 39,730    
Rauch Rauch 4,313 16,635    
Rivadavia América 3,955 19,849  
Rojas Rojas 2,060 25.627      
Roque Pérez Roque Pérez 1,556 13,977  
Saavedra Pigüé 3,546 22,537    
Saladillo Saladillo 2,706 35,656  
Salliqueló Salliqueló 796 9,427    
Salto Salto 1,611 39,425  
San Andrés de Giles San Andrés de Giles 1,129 26,510  
San Antonio de Areco San Antonio de Areco 862 26,897    
San Cayetano San Cayetano 2,997 8,994    
San Fernando San Fernando de la Buena Vista 993 171,616    
San Isidro San Isidro 52 297,282    
San Miguel San Miguel 83 328,835  
San Nicolás San Nicolás de los Arroyos 681 167,824  
San Pedro San Pedro 1,357 68,613    
San Vicente San Vicente 661 98,215  
Suipacha Suipacha 943 11,786  
Tandil Tandil 4.855 145,575  
Tapalqué Tapalqué 4.169 10,783  
Tigre Tigre 394 446,949    
Tordillo General Conesa 1,334 2,542  
Tornquist Tornquist 4.160 14,810  
Trenque Lauquen Trenque Lauquen 5,498 49,309  
Tres Arroyos Tres Arroyos 5,927 62,426  
Tres de Febrero Caseros 45 364,176  
Tres Lomas Tres Lomas 1,252 9,164  
Veinticinco de Mayo Veinticinco de Mayo 4,789 35,563    
Vicente López Olivos 35 282,281      
Villa Gesell Villa Gesell 164 37,463  
Villarino Médanos 10,399 32,717  
Zárate Zárate 1,185 132,221    

See also


Spanish language page has more data on more of the partidos:
