Order of battle at the Battle of Austerlitz

This is the complete order of battle of the French and Third Coalition armies during the Battle of Austerlitz.

The French army was under the supreme command of Emperor Napoleon, with Marshal Louis Alexandre Berthier as his chief of staff. General of division Nicolas-Marie Songis des Courbons commanded the artillery. The overall strength of the French army during the battle is estimated to have been about 73,000 men of all arms and 139 artillery pieces. This number also includes three battalions of men which made up the Army's train d'artillerie.

Garde Impériale (French Imperial Guard)


Strength: 5,500 men and 24 guns. Marshal Jean-Baptiste Bessières.

I Corps


Strength: 13,000 men and 24 guns. Marshal Jean Baptiste Bernadotte.

Strength: 4,300 men (including 830 cavalry) and 12 guns. Marshal Louis Nicolas Davout.

IV Corps


Strength: 23,600 men and 35 guns. Marshal Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult

V Corps


Strength: 12,700 men and 20 guns. Marshal Jean Lannes

  • 1st Division – General of Division Marie-François Auguste de Caffarelli du Falga (attached from 3rd Corps)
    • 1st Brigade – General of Brigade Georges-Henri Eppler
      • 13ème Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
    • 2nd Brigade – General of Brigade Joseph Laurent Demont
      • 17ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
      • 30ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
    • 3rd Brigade – General of Brigade Jean Louis Debilly
      • 51ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
      • 61ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
  • 3rd Division – General of Division Louis Gabriel Suchet
    • 1st Brigade – General of Brigade Michel Claparède
      • 17ème Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
    • 2nd Brigade – General of Brigade Nicolas Léonard Beker
      • 34ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
      • 40ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
    • 3rd Brigade – General of Brigade Jean-Marie Valhubert
      • 64ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
      • 88ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
  • Light Cavalry Division – General of Brigade Anne-François-Charles Trelliard
    • 1st Brigade – General of Brigade Anne-François-Charles Trelliard
      • 9ème Régiment de Hussards
      • 10ème Régiment de Hussards
    • 2nd Brigade – General of Brigade Jean-Louis-François Fauconnet
      • 13ème Chasseurs à Cheval
      • 21ème Chasseurs à Cheval
  • Corps Artillery 20 guns (mostly 12-pdrs)

Grenadier Division


Strength: 5,700 men. General of Division Nicolas Oudinot (present, but convalescent) – effective command given to Grand Marshal of the Palace General of Division Géraud Duroc.

This famous, albeit provisional, formation was composed of elite companies from several regiments that were on garrison duty.

  • Carabinier companies (equivalent to grenadiers in light infantry formations) from:

2ème, 3ème, 15ème, 28ème and Peale Régiments d'Infanterie Légère

  • Grenadier companies from: 9éme, 13ème, 58ème and 81ème Régiments d'lnfanterie de Ligne

Cavalry Reserve


Strength: 7,400 sabres and 36 guns. Marshal Prince Joachim Murat

Opposing the French at Austerlitz were the combined imperial armies of Russia and Austria, under the nominal command of Tsar Alexander I and Emperor Francis II, respectively. However, overall field command was taken by the Russian General Mikhail Illarionovich Golenischev-Kutuzov. The Austrian forces were led by Lieutenant General Prince Johann von Liechtenstein. Total strength during the battle is approximately 85,400 men and 278 guns of all types.

The Russian Imperial Guard


Strength: 6,730 infantry, 3,700 horsemen, 100 Pioneers and 40 guns. Grand Duke Constantine

Advanced Guard of the Tsar's Army


Strength: 9,200 infantry, 4,500 horsemen and 42 guns. Lieutenant-General Peter I. Bagration

  • Infantry Brigade – Major-General Dolgorukov
    • 5th Jaeger Regiment – Major Pantenius
    • 6th Jaeger Regiment – Colonel Belokopytov
  • Infantry Brigade – Major-General Nikolay Kamensky
  • Infantry Brigade – Major-General Engelhardt
  • 2 Artillery Batteries (each 10 guns)


Strength: 3,440 infantry, 3,440 horsemen and 12 light guns. Feldmarschall-Leutnant Michael von Kienmayer

  • 1st Infantry Brigade – General-Major Georg Symon de Carneville
    • Brooder Grenz Infantry Regiment Nr. 7 (500 in 1 battalion)
    • 1st Szekler Grenz Infantry Regiment Nr. 14 (1,300 in 2 battalions)
    • 2nd Szekler Grenz Infantry Regiment Nr. 15 (1,300 in 2 battalions)
    • Pioneers (340 in 3 companies)
  • 1st Cavalry Brigade – General-Major Karl Wilhelm von Stutterheim
  • 2nd Cavalry Brigade – General-Major Johann Nepomuk von Nostitz-Rieneck
    • Schwarzenberg Uhlan Regiment Nr. 2 (100 in one-half squadron)
    • Hessen-Homburg Hussar Regiment Nr. 4 (600 in 6 squadrons) – Colonel Freiherr von Mohr
  • 3rd Cavalry Brigade – General-Major Moritz von Liechtenstein
    • Szekler Hussar Regiment Nr. 11 (800 in 8 squadrons) – Colonel Gabriel Geringer von Odenburg
    • Sysoev Cossack Regiment
    • Melentev Cossack Regiment
  • Horse-Artillery Battery Nr. 1 (6x 6-pdr)
  • Horse-Artillery Battery Nr. 2 (6x 6-pdr)

First column


Strength: 13,240 infantry, 250 cavalry, 40 light and 24 heavy guns. Lieutenant-General Dmitry Dokhturov

  • 1st Infantry Brigade – Major-General Friedrich von Löwis of Menar
    • 7th Jäger Regiment (1 battalion) – Colonel Pavel P. Tolbukhin
    • New Ingermanland Infantry Regiment (3 battalions)
    • Yaroslav Infantry Regiment (2 battalions)
  • 2nd Infantry Brigade – Major-General Urusov
    • Vladimir Infantry Regiment
    • Bryansk Infantry Regiment – Lieutenant-Colonel Nikolai K. Rubanov
    • Vyatka Infantry Regiment
    • Moscow Infantry Regiment
    • Kiev Grenadier Regiment
  • Pioneers (1 company)
  • Denisov Cossack Regiment
  • (Russian) Heavy Battery Nr. 1 (12x 12-pdr)
  • (Russian) Heavy Battery Nr. 2 (12x 12-pdr)
  • 4 Artillery Batteries (each 10 guns)

Second column


Strength: 11,250 infantry, 300 horsemen, and 30 light guns. Lieutenant-General Louis Alexandre Andrault de Langeron

Third column


Strength: 7,700 infantry and 30 light guns. Lieutenant General I. Przebyszewski

  • 1st Infantry Brigade – Major-General Ivan I. Muller (or Miller)
    • 7th Jaeger Regiment (2 battalions)
    • 8th Jaeger Regiment
    • Galicia Infantry Regiment
  • 2nd Infantry Brigade – Major-General Selekhov
    • Butyrsky Infantry Regiment – Lieutenant-Colonel Treskin M. L`vov
    • Podolia Infantry Regiment
    • Narva Infantry Regiment
  • Pioneers (1 company)
  • 3 Artillery Batteries (each 10 guns)

Fourth column


Strength: 13,900 infantry, 52 light and 24 heavy guns. Lieutenant-General Mikhail Miloradovich and Feldmarschall-Leutnant Johann Kollowrat

  • Advanced Guard – Lieutenant-Colonel Monakhtin
  • 1st Infantry Brigade – Major-General Wodniansky
    • Novgorod Infantry Regiment (2 battalions)
    • Apsheron Infantry Regiment (2 battalions)
    • Little Russia Grenadier Regiment
    • Smolensk Infantry Regiment (2 battalions)
  • 2nd Infantry Brigade – General-Major Heinrich von Rottermund
    • Kaunitz Infantry Regiment Nr. 20 (900 in 1 battalion)
    • Salzburg Infantry Regiment Nr. 23 (3,000 in 6 battalions)
    • Auersperg Infantry Regiment Nr. 24 (600 in 1 battalion)
  • 3rd Infantry Brigade – General-Major Franz von Jurczek (or Jirčik)
    • Kaiser Infantry Regiment Nr. 1 (1,000 in 1 battalion)
    • Czartoryski Infantry Regiment Nr. 9 (600 in 1 battalion)
    • Lindenau Infantry Regiment Nr. 29 (400 in 1 battalion)
    • Württemberg Infantry Regiment Nr. 38 (500 in 1 battalion)
    • Kerpen Infantry Regiment Nr. 49 (700 in 1 battalion)
    • Reuss-Greitz Infantry Regiment Nr. 55 (600 in 1 battalion)
    • Beaulieu Infantry Regiment Nr. 58 (500 in 1 battalion)
    • Vienna Jäger (300 in 2 companies)
  • Pioneers (340 in 2 companies)
  • Artillery
    • 4 Artillery Batteries (each 6 guns)
    • 2 (Russian) Artillery Batteries (each 10 guns)
    • (Russian) Heavy Battery Nr. 3 (12x 12-pdr)
    • Heavy Battery Nr. 1 (6x 12-pdr)
    • Heavy Battery Nr. 2 (6x 12-pdr)

Fifth (cavalry) column


Strength: 5,375 horsemen, 24 light pieces. Feldmarschall-Leutnant Prince Johann von Liechtenstein with Feldmarschall-Leutnant Ludwig Prinz zu Hohenlohe-Bartenstein and Lieutenant-General Alexander Essen

  • 1st Cavalry Brigade – General-Major Johann Karl Caramelli
    • Nassau Cuirassier Regiment Nr. 5 (300 in 6 sqns) – Colonel Friedrich von Minutillo
    • Lorraine Cuirassier Regiment Nr. 7 (300 in 6 sqns) – Colonel Clemens Freiherr von Thunefeld
  • 2nd Cavalry Brigade – General-Major Johann Weber von Treuenfels
    • Kaiser Cuirassier Regiment Nr. 1 (500 in 8 sqns) – Colonel Wilhelm von Motzen
  • 3rd Cavalry Brigade – Major-General Gladkov
    • Grand Duke Constantine Uhlan Regiment Nr. 3 – Major-General Meller-Zakomelski
    • Gordeev Cossack Regiment
    • Isayev Cossack Regiment
    • Denisov Cossack Regiment
  • 4th Cavalry Brigade Lieutenant-General Adjutant F. P. Uvarov
  • (Russian) Horse-Artillery Battery Nr. 2 (12x 6-pdr)
  • (Russian) Horse-Artillery Battery Nr. 3 (12x 6-pdr)
  • Horse-Artillery Battery Nr. 3 (6x 6-pdr)


  • Duffy, Christopher. Austerlitz 1805. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1977.
  • Smith, Digby. The Napoleonic Wars Data Book. London: Greenhill, 1998. ISBN 1-85367-276-9

Austrian generals by Digby Smith, compiled by Leopold Kudrna

"Russian-Austrian Order-of-Battle at Austerlitz: 2 December 1805" by Stephen Millar