Mirela Roznoveanu (born 10 April 1947)[1] is a literary critic, writer, and journalist who has published novels, literary criticism, essays, and poetry. She was a noted dissident journalist during the turbulent period of communist Romania's late eighties.[2]

Roznoveanu was born in Tulcea.[1] She holds an MA in Romance Languages from the University of Bucharest (1970), a master's degree in Library and Information Sciences from the Pratt Institute (1996), and a Certificate in Internet Technologies from New York University (1997).

She was fired in 1974 from the literary and cultural magazine "Tomis" in Constanța where she had been a senior columnist [1] because she refused to enroll in the Romanian Communist Academy Stefan Gheorghiu. In 1975 she moved to Bucharest. Between 1978 and 1989 she worked as a senior columnist for the cultural magazine "Magazin" published by the "România liberă" newspaper; in April 1989, during the process of the journalists from the "Bacanu Group", she had been investigated by the Securitate, banned to enter the premises of her workplace, her name forbidden in the media, and sent to work to the newsletter of the Health Ministry; her books and writing were banned (5. Grupul "România liberă" bulverseaza Securitatea si Sectia de presa a CC al PCR). She had been part of the dissident group of journalists who took over the "România liberă" newspaper from the hands of the Communist government on 23 December 1989, making it the first independent and anti-communist newspaper in Romania. She became a senior columnist, member in the board of directors, and a founder member of the "R" Company SRL. https://s18798.pcdn.co/mroznoveanu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1928/2018/01/Rege_Romania-Libera_Bacanu_Disidenta.pdf She had been also a founder member of Alianta Civica,the most important post-revolution pro-democracy group.[3]

In 1991, she moved to the United States, where she has continued her writing career. She was a tenured foreign, comparative and international law librarian at the NYU School of Law (Associate Curator:[4] International and Foreign Law Librarian, 1996–2013). From 2005-2015 she was the Founder and the Editor of Globalex as Adjunct Associate Curator with the NYU Hauser Global Law School Program and the Honorary Editor of Globalex (2015-). Globalex was awarded the American Society of International Law Jus Gentium Research Award on 13 May 2020.

In December 2000, Mirela Roznoveanu was honored by outgoing President of Romania Emil Constantinescu, for exceptional contributions from abroad in the service of Romanian culture and democracy. Mirela has been named an Officer of the National Order of Faithful Service.[5] [See also https://lege5.ro/Gratuit/gm4tanbzhe/drepturile-persoanelor-decorate-lege-29-2000?dp=gy3tanrvgmzta Art. 44. -Onoruri militare se dau, de asemenea, membrilor civili ai ordinelor naţionale, în conformitate cu asimilările cu gradele militare prevăzute la art. 43.- gradul de Ofiţer al ordinului este asimilat gradului de colonel]

Her book The Civilization of the Novel: A History of Fiction Writing from Ramayana to Don Quixote received the 2008 Award of the Romanian Society of Comparative Literature https://www.algcr.ro/premiile-algcr/ and the 2008 Award of the Romanian Academy.https://acad.ro/premiileAR/liste/2008.pdf Read more on her personal web page https://wp.nyu.edu/mroznoveanu/

Interview: Mirela Roznoveanu's Four Decades of Professional Writing: A Dialog with Vladimir Wertsman for Multicultural Review https://archive.today/20130416134745/http://vetiver.weblog.ro/2011/11/29/mirela-roznoveanu%E2%80%99s-four-decades-of-professional-writing-a-dialog-with-vladimir-wertsman-for-multicultural-review/%23axzz1fzZVzDe0


  • Modern Readings, essays, Bucharest, Cartea Românească Publishing House, 1978
  • D.R.Popescu. Critical monograph, Bucharest, Albatros Publishing House, 1983
  • Civilizatia Romanului (The Civilization of the Novel: A History of Fiction Writing from Ramayana to Don Quixote). An essay on comparative literature, Albatros Publishing House, vol.I −1983, Bucharest; Cartea Românească Publishing House vol. II – 1991, Bucharest
  • Totdeauna Toamna (Always in the Autumn), novel, Bucharest, Cartea Românească Publishing House, 1988
  • Viata pe Fuga (Life on the Run), novel, Bucharest, Sirius Publishing House, 1997;
  • Invatarea Lumii (Apprehending the World), poetry, Bucharest, Luceafărul Foundation Publishing House, 1998
  • Platonia, novel, Bucharest, Cartea Românească Publishing House, 1999
  • Timpul celor Alesi (The Time of the Chosen), novel, Bucharest, Univers Publishing House, 1999
  • Toward a Cyberlegal Culture, essays, New York, Transnational Publishers 2001, 2002 second ed.
  • Born again—in Exile, poetry, New York, iUniverse, 2004
  • The Life Manager and Other Stories, novellas, New York, iUniverse, 2004
  • The Poems and the Poet. A multimedia companion to Born Again – in Exile. Eastern Shore Productions, 2007;
  • Elegies from New York City, New York, Koja Press, 2008
  • Civilizatia Romanului (The Civilization of the Novel: A History of Fiction Writing from Ramayana to Don Quixote.) An essay on comparative literature,Cartex Publishing House,Bucharest 2008 (2nd edition)
  • Old Romanian Fairy Tales. Xlibris 2012; 2nd revised edition 2013.
  • Life on the Run. A novel. Xlibris, 2018. Translation from the Romanian of Viata pe Fuga.
  • A Magic Journey to Things Past. Memoir. Xlibris, 2019.
  • Epic Stories. Xlibris, 2020.
  • Vlachica: Mountaintops above a Stormy Sea of Contending Empires. Xlibris, 2021.


  1. ^ a b c "Roznoveanu Mirela". tulcealibrary.ro (in Romanian). Archived from the original on 2 March 2016. Retrieved 14 August 2021.
  2. ^ Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu: http://romanialibera.ro/aldine/history/zece-ani-de-la-plecarea-lui-anton-uncu-130400
  3. ^ Dan Pavel. Putem reusi doar impreuna. CAPITOLUL III: MISCARI DE REZISTENTA SI DE DIZIDENTA p. 522 Grupul de initiativa al Aliantei Civice (6 noiembrie 1990) https://www.scribd.com/doc/55574705/Dan-Pavel-Putem-Reusi-Doar-Impreuna-2#scribd
  4. ^ Faculty Titles - NYU : https://www.nyu.edu/faculty/governance-policies-and-procedures/faculty-handbook/the-faculty/faculty-membership-meetings-and-titles/faculty-titles.html "Associate Curators and Assistant Curators (…) are appointed on the same terms and conditions as Associate Professors and Assistant Professors on the tenure track at the University…" "Curators and Associate Curators in the Division of the Libraries and in the School of Law (…) are granted tenure rights under conditions similar to those applicable to tenured Professors and Associate Professors. Only full-time Curators and Associate Curators may achieve permanent or continuous tenure at the University."
  5. ^ "Decretul 604 din 14 decembrie 2000 (Decretul 604/2000)" (in Romanian). Retrieved 26 March 2020.
  6. ^ "Law librarian Mirela Roznovschi wins AALL award".
  7. ^ "Reynolds & Flores Publication Award".

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP & ACTIVITIES:American Association of Law Libraries; American Society of International Law; Beta Phi Mu Honor Society – Chapter Theta; Member of the Romanian Writers Guild (1990–); Member of the Academy of American Poets. More bibliographical data see also https://ro.wiki.x.io/wiki/Mirela_Roznoveanu: Marcel Cornis-Pope about The Civilization of the Novel; Civilizatia romanului comentata de Paul Cornea; Mihaela Ursa- Civilizatia romanului, Romanul – „a message in a bottle” Șerban Axinte—O istorie a romanului de la Ramayana la Don Quijote https://www.observatorcultural.ro/articol/o-istorie-a-romanului-de-la-ramayana-la-don-quijote-2/print/ ; Jean Parvulesco about Les temp de ceux qui sont elus - The Life Manager and Other Stories (Annie Gottlieb); Timpul celor alesi (Constantin Eretescu); Platonia (Andrei Codrescu, Dan Cristea); Platonia (C. Eretescu); Al. Piru despre Timpul celor alesi, 1988 ; Gabriela Negreanu despre Timpul celor alesi, 1988; Civilizatia romanului, Editura Cartex, 2008 Premiul Lucian Blaga ; Mircea Iorgulescu, România liberã, 18 iunie 1979 • Mircea Iorgulescu, România literarã, nr. 38/1981 • Liviu Petrescu, Tribuna, nr. 20/1983 • Gheorghe Grigurcu, Între critici, vol. II, 1983 • Mihai Ungheanu, Luceafãrul, nr. 22/1984 • Ioana Bot, Tribuna, nr.27/1988 • Dan Cristea, Lumea liberã româneascã, 5 iunie 1999 • Constantin Eretescu, rev. Origini (S.U.A.), octombrie 1999, Dan Stanca, Luceafãrul, 15 martie 2000 • Jean Parvulesco, Contrelitterature (Paris), septembrie 2000.

References in Books
