MediaWiki talk:Linksearch-text

Latest comment: 7 months ago by Jo-Jo Eumerus in topic Protected edit request on 26 February 2024
This system message in other languages

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This message on this site, depending on the user-specified interface language:

    en (English): A wildcard may be used at the start of the name only, for example, "*". To search for external links to pages on Meta-Wiki, start with

The search pattern is case-sensitive after the first slash (/) after the host- or domain-name. If no protocol is specified, URLs with either the “http://” or “https://” protocol are returned. To search a single protocol or any other protocol, it must be given explicitly. For performance reasons, a limitation to specific namespaces isn't possible.

For more details, see Help:Linksearch and mediawiki:Help:Linksearch.

  • af (Afrikaans / Afrikaans): Patrone soos "*" kan gebruik word.

Benodig ten minste een topvlakdomein, soos byvoorbeeld "*.org".
Ondersteunde protokolle: $1 (http:// word gebruik as niks gespesifiseer is nie)

  • ar (Arabic / العربية): Wildcards مثل "*" يمكن استخدامها.
    البروتوكول المدعوم: $1 (الافتراضي هو http:// و https:// إذا لم يتم تحديد بروتوكول).
  • bg (Bulgarian / Български): Възможна е употребата на заместващи знаци като: „*“.

Поддържани протоколи: $1 (ако не е посочено, по подразбиране се използва http:// или https://).

  • bn (Bengali / বাংলা): ওয়াইল্ডকার্ড যেমন "*" ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে।

সমর্থিত প্রোটোকলসমূহ: $1 (প্রোটোকল উল্লেখ করা না হলে পূর্বনির্ধারিতভাবে http:// অন্যথায় https:// ব্যবহৃত হবে)।

  • da (Danish / Dansk): Wildcards som "*" kan benyttes.

Der skal som minimum angives et topniveau-domæne som f. eks. "*.org".
Understøttede protokoller: $1 (standard er http:// and https:// hvis der ikke er angivet nogen protokol).

  • de (German / Deutsch): Es können Platzhalter, wie beispielsweise *, verwendet werden.

Unterstützte Protokolle: $1 (Standard ist http:// und https://, falls kein Protokoll angegeben ist.)

  • eo (Esperanto / Esperanto): Ajn-literoj kiel ekzemple "*" povas esti uzitaj. Subtenata protokoloj: $1 (defaŭlte al http:// and https:// se neniu specifa protokolo estas petita).
  • es (Spanish / Español): Se pueden usar caracteres comodín como «*».

Protocolos admitidos: $1 (si no se especifica ninguno, el predeterminado es http:// y https://).

  • eu (Basque / Euskara): "*" bezalako izartxoak erabil daitezke.

Gutxienez goi mailako domeinua behar du, adibidez "*.org".
Baimendutako protokoloak: $1 (protokoloa zehazten ez bada http:// hartzen da lehenetsitzat).

  • fr (French / Français): Des caractères jokers comme dans « * » peuvent être utilisés.

Protocoles reconnus : $1 (http:// et https:// par défaut si aucun protocole n'est indiqué).

  • fy (West Frisian / Frysk): Syktekens lykas yn "*" binne tastien.

Stipe protokollen: $1 (standert http:// at der gjin protokol opjûn is).

  • it (Italian / Italiano): È possibile fare uso di metacaratteri, ad esempio "*".

Protocolli supportati: $1 (predefinito http:// e https:// se nessun protocollo è specificato).

  • la (Latin / Latina): Wildcards such as "*" may be used.

Supported protocols: $1 (defaults to http:// and https:// if no protocol is specified).

  • li (Limburgian / Limburgs): Wildcards wie "*" zeen toegestaon.

Haet mèndestes e toepleveldomein, wie beveurbeildj "*.org".
Óngerstäönendje protocolle: $1 (weurt "http://" es gein protocol is opgegaove wore).

  • nl (Dutch / Nederlands): Het jokerteken gebruiken, zoals "*" of "*.org" is toegestaan.

Ondersteunde protocollen: $1 (wordt http:// en https:// als er geen protocol wordt opgegeven).

  • no (Norwegian / ‪Norsk (bokmål)‬): Wildcards such as "*" may be used.

Supported protocols: $1 (defaults to http:// and https:// if no protocol is specified).

  • pl (Polish / Polski): Można użyć symboli wieloznacznych, takich jak „*”.

Obsługiwane protokoły: $1 (jeśli nie podano, domyślny to http:// oraz https://).

  • pt (Portuguese / Português): Podem ser usados caracteres de substituição como em "*".

Protocolos suportados: $1 (por omissão, serão usados http:// e https:// se não for especificado nenhum protocolo).

  • ru (Russian / Русский): Можно использовать подстановочные символы, например, «*».

Поддерживаемые протоколы: $1 (если протокол явно не задан, по умолчанию подставляется http:// и https://).

  • sv (Swedish / Svenska): Jokertecken (wildcards) som t.ex. "*" kan användas.

Det krävs åtminstone en toppdomän, t.ex. "*.org".
Protokollen som stöds: $1 (sätts till http:// och https:// om inget protokoll anges).

Pages in the MediaWiki namespace regarding this message

See also Template:ml (backlinks edit).

Tools: prefix


{{editprotect}} Since we have a tools: prefix lets use it, change the following code

From: <span class="plainlinks">[ Crosswiki linksearch]</span>
To  : [[Tools:~eagle/linksearch|Crosswiki linksearch]]

Which changes Crosswiki linksearch to Crosswiki linksearch. —Dispenser (talk) 05:31, 19 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

I don't anticipate any objections to this; implemented and double-checked, seems to work fine. Please let me know if any problems come up. And thanks, Dispenser. – Luna Santin (talk) 12:20, 19 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

{{editprotected}} (per Wikipedia:Village pump (technical)#"Crosswiki linksearch" link on Special:Linksearch)

The toolserver link in the text here needs to be changed to tools:~eagle/crosswiki.php. The current link is invalid, and returns a 404.

Cheers! haz (talk) 15:34, 12 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

  Done EVula // talk // // 15:42, 12 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

protected edit request



Replace "To search links to pages on this site" with "To search for external links to pages on this site", to clarify that this does not find internal links to pages -- Gurch (talk) 11:29, 26 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

  Done — {{Nihiltres|talk|log}} 00:27, 27 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

Help page


{{editprotected}} Please add:

See also [[Meta:Help:Linksearch]].

Meta:Help:Linksearch is the only page talking about this tool. Thanks. Mosca (talk) 16:30, 17 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

  Added — Martin (MSGJ · talk) 09:04, 18 January 2010 (UTC)Reply



This was added in May 2007, is this statement obsolete? I do not observe this to be case-sensitive. — AlexSm 21:37, 14 July 2010 (UTC)Reply gives no results, five. What did you try?--Patrick (talk) 16:28, 15 July 2010 (UTC)Reply
Well, I have to admit I only tested the donain part, because that's what people search most often. I think it would be nice to rephrase this, stating that only the URL "path" is case-sensitive. If you decide to do that, please also fix "" part, it looks very strange on two lines. — AlexSm 16:36, 15 July 2010 (UTC)Reply
I added "after the first slash (/)", because Linksearch is also case-sensitive w.r.t. a query string. "" is on a separate line for easy copying to the input box.--Patrick (talk) 07:42, 16 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

see [1], m:MediaWiki:Linksearch-text--YFdyh000 (talk) 22:42, 18 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Can the spelling of "specification" be fixed please. The first c is missing at the moment. --Prh47bridge (talk) 07:53, 28 August 2017 (UTC)Reply

  Done Thanks for catching my goof. DMacks (talk) 08:02, 28 August 2017 (UTC)Reply

Protected edit request on 26 January 2022


Per mw:Help:Linksearch#Links in external link style to the same wiki, searching for the site you're on gives you incomplete results, so this example is confusing and inappropriate:

for example, “*”. To search for external links to pages on this site, start with

Change it to e.g.

for example, "*". To search for external links to pages on Meta-Wiki, start with

(Also the capital "MW:" in the last interlink gives me shivers, but that may be just me.) Nardog (talk) 13:21, 26 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

  Donexaosflux Talk 01:49, 10 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Protected edit request on 26 February 2024


The sentence ”This functionality is, however, provided by toolforge:linksearch.“ should be (temporarily) removed. The service returns HTTP/503 Service Unavailable; I wrote to the maintainer User:Giftpflanze but they seem to be inactive. The link to the service was already removed in German language Wikipedia almost a year ago. Thanks, Killarnee (talk) 02:24, 26 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Removed the link and pulled the "no longer" part since there is no reference time where it did work. Jo-Jo Eumerus (talk) 07:40, 27 February 2024 (UTC)Reply