This is a list of unincorporated communities in Illinois, arranged in alphabetical order:
edit- Adair
- Adams
- Aden
- Adenmoor
- Adrian
- Afolkey
- Afton Center
- Agnew
- Ahern
- Aiken
- Akin
- Alden
- Alexander
- Allens Corners
- Allentown
- Allright
- Alta
- Altmar 41°08′31″N 88°53′33″W / 41.14194°N 88.89250°W[1]
- Alworth 42°14′37″N 89°14′44″W / 42.24361°N 89.24556°W[2]
- America
- Ames
- Ancona
- Anderson, Cass County
- Andres
- Andrew 39°53′44″N 89°38′24″W / 39.89556°N 89.64000°W[3]
- Annapolis
- Appleton
- Aptakisic
- Arcadia
- Archer 39°46′53″N 89°44′09″W / 39.78139°N 89.73583°W[4]
- Argo Fay
- Argyle
- Armstrong
- Arnold, Carroll County
- Arnold, Morgan County
- Ashdale Junction
- Atlas
- Atterberry
- Attila 37°46′11″N 88°46′16″W / 37.76972°N 88.77111°W[5]
- Atwater
- Augerville
- Augsburg
- Avena
- Ayers, Bond County
- Ayers, Carroll County
edit- Babcock
- Babylon
- Bader
- Baileyville
- Baker
- Bakerville, Jefferson County
- Bakerville, Logan County
- Balcom
- Bald Mound
- Ballou
- Barclay
- Bargerville
- Barnes
- Barnhill
- Barr, Macoupin County
- Barr, Sangamon County
- Barrow
- Barstow
- Bates
- Batestown
- Bay City, Pope County
- Bayle City
- Bearsdale
- Beason
- Beaty
- Beaucoup
- Beaver Creek
- Beaverton Crossroads
- Beechville
- Belmont
- Bell
- Bellair
- Belleview
- Belltown
- Beltrees
- Bennington
- Bentown
- Benville
- Bernadotte
- Berryville
- Berwick
- Beulah Heights
- Beverly
- Bible Grove
- Big Bay
- Big Foot Prairie
- Biggs
- Bigneck
- Billings
- Billett
- Binghampton
- Birds
- Birkbeck
- Bishop
- Bissell
- Black
- Blackhawk
- Blacks
- Blackstone
- Blaine
- Blair, Livingston County
- Blair, Randolph County
- Blairsville, Hamilton County
- Blairsville, Williamson County
- Blakes 41°27′31″N 88°45′10″W / 41.45861°N 88.75278°W[6]
- Blanding
- Block
- Bloomfield, Adams County
- Bloomfield, Johnson County
- Bloomfield, Scott County
- Bloomington Heights
- Blue Point
- Blue Ridge
- Bluff City, Fayette County
- Bluff City, Schuyler County
- Bluff Hall
- Bluff Springs
- Blyton
- Boaz
- Bobtown
- Boden
- Boggsville
- Bogota
- Boles
- Bolivia
- Bolton
- Bongard
- Boody
- Boos
- Borton
- Boskydell
- Boulder
- Boulder Hill
- Bourbon
- Bowes
- Boyd
- Boyleston
- Bradbury
- Bradfordton
- Breckenridge, Hancock County
- Breckenridge, Sangamon County
- Breeds
- Bremen, Jo Daviess County
- Bremen, Randolph County
- Brereton
- Briar Bluff
- Briarwood
- Bristol
- Broadmoor
- Brooklyn, Schuyler County
- Brooks Isle
- Brookville
- Brownfield
- Brownsville
- Bruce
- Brush Hill
- Bryce
- Buckhart
- Buckhorn
- Buckhorn Corners
- Bucks
- Buena Vista
- Buffalo Grove, Ogle County
- Buffalo Hart
- Buffalo Prairie
- Bungay
- Bunje
- Burgess
- Burke
- Burksville
- Burksville Station
- Burlingame
- Burnett
- Burnside
- Burt
- Burton
- Burtons Bridge
- Burton View
- Bushton
- Byron Hills
edit- Cable
- Cache
- Cadiz
- Calvin
- Cameron
- Camp Epworth
- Camp Ground
- Camp Grove
- Camp Travis
- Campbell
- Campbell's Island
- Candlewick Lake
- Carle Springs
- Carman
- Carriers Mills
- Carthage Lake
- Cartter
- Castle Fin
- Castleton
- Catharine 41°31′23″N 88°43′09″W / 41.52306°N 88.71917°W[7]
- Cayuga
- Center Hill
- Centerville, Calhoun County
- Centerville, Knox County
- Centerville, White County
- Chalfin Bridge
- Chambersburg
- Chamnesstown
- Champlin
- Chana
- Chapman
- Charter Grove
- Chatton
- Chauncey
- Chautauqua
- Checkrow
- Cheneyville
- Chesney Shores
- Chestervale
- Chesterville
- Chestline
- Chicken Bristle
- Chili
- Chittyville
- Choctaw
- Cimic
- Clank
- Clare
- Clarence
- Clarion
- Clark Center
- Clarksburg
- Clarksdale
- Clarksville
- Clarmin
- Claytonville
- Clear Lake, Cass County
- Cleburne
- Clements
- Cleone
- Cliffdale
- Clifford
- Cloverdale
- Coal Hollow
- Coldbrook
- Coles
- College Heights
- Collins
- Collison
- Colmar
- Columbia Heights
- Colusa
- Colvin Park
- Comer
- Conant
- Confidence
- Conrad
- Cooks Mills
- Cooper
- Cooperstown
- Coral
- Corinth
- Cornerville
- Cottage Grove
- Cottage Hills
- Cottonwood
- Country Meadows, Adams County
- Covell
- Cowling
- Coyne Center
- Crab Orchard Estates
- Crain
- Cramers
- Cravat
- Crenshaw Crossing
- Crestview Terrace
- Crisp
- Croft
- Cropsey
- Cruse
- Culver
- Cumberland
- Cumberland Heights
- Curtis
- Custer Park
edit- Daggetts
- Dahinda
- Dailey
- Dale
- Dallasania
- Damascus
- Damon
- Danway
- Darwin
- Dawleys
- Daysville
- Dayton, Henry County
- Decorra
- Deer Plain
- Deering
- Deers
- Dees
- Delafield
- Delhi
- Delong
- Delta
- Denmark
- Dennison
- Denny
- Denrock
- Denver
- Depler Springs
- Depue Junction
- Derby, Ford County
- Derby, Saline County
- Derinda Center
- Dewey
- Dewmaine
- Diamond City
- Diamond Lake
- Dickerson
- Dillsburg
- Dimmick
- Diona
- Disco
- Diswood
- Divide
- Dixon Springs
- Doddsville
- Dogwood
- Dollville
- Dorans
- Dorsey
- Douglas, Knox County
- Douglas, St. Clair County
- Douglas Park
- Dow
- Downey
- Doyles
- Dozaville
- Drake
- Dressor
- Drivers
- Dubois
- Dudleyville
- Duncan
- Duncan Mills
- Duncanville
- Dundas
- Dunkel
- Durham
- Durley
- Duvall
- Dykersburg
edit- Eagle
- Eagle Lake
- Eagle Park
- Eagle Point Bay
- East Clinton
- East Fulton
- East Hannibal
- East Hardin
- East Lynn
- East Newbern
- East Paw Paw
- Ebner
- Echo Lake
- Eckard
- Edelstein
- Eden, Peoria County
- Eden, Randolph County
- Edgewater Terrace
- Edgewood, Boone County
- Edgington
- Edwards
- Egan
- Egyptian Hills
- Egyptian Shores
- Eichorn
- Eileen
- El Vista
- Elba
- Elco
- Eldena
- Eleanor
- Eleroy
- Eliza
- Elkhorn Grove
- Elkton
- Ellery
- Elliottstown
- Ellis
- Elmira
- Elmore
- Elva
- Elvira
- Elwin
- Embarrass
- Emerson
- Emma
- Englemann
- Enion
- Enos
- Enterprise
- Eola
- Epworth
- Ernst
- Esmond
- Etherton
- Etna
- Evans
- Evarts
- Ewbanks
- Eylar
- Ezra
edit- Fair Haven
- Fairbank
- Fairdale
- Fairgrange
- Fairland
- Fairman
- Fall Creek
- Fancher
- Fancy Prairie
- Fandon
- Fargo
- Farm Ridge 41°13′30″N 88°54′47″W / 41.22500°N 88.91306°W[8]
- Farmingdale
- Farrington
- Fay
- Fayville
- Fenton
- Ferges
- Fergestown
- Ferrin
- Fiatt
- Ficklin
- Filson
- Finney Heights
- Finneyville
- Fishhook
- Fitchmoor
- Five Points
- Flagg
- Flagg Center
- Flatville
- Fletcher
- Florence Station
- Florid
- Flowerfield
- Fogarty
- Forest Lake
- Fort Sheridan
- Fosterburg
- Fountain
- Fountain Creek
- Fountain Green
- Fowler
- Fox Lake Hills
- Franklinville
- Franks
- Frederick
- Fremont Center
- Friendsville
- Frisco
- Frogtown
- Fuller
- Fullerton
- Fulls
- Funkhouser
- Future City
edit- Gages Lake
- Gale
- Galena Knolls
- Galesville
- Galt
- Galton
- Ganntown
- Garber
- Garden Prairie
- Garfield
- Georgetown, Carroll County
- Gerald
- Gerlaw
- Giblin
- Gila
- Gilbirds
- Gilchrist, Fulton County
- Gilchrist, Mercer County
- Gilead
- Gillum
- Gilmer
- Gilmore, Bond County
- Gilmore, Effingham County
- Ginger Hill
- Glen Avon
- Glen Ridge
- Glenarm
- Glendale
- Glenn
- Glover
- Golden Eagle
- Golden Lily
- Golf Lakes
- Goodenow
- Goodwine
- Gordon
- Gossett
- Grand Oaks
- Grantsburg
- Grass Lake
- Graymont
- Green Brier
- Green Creek
- Green River
- Greenbush
- Greendale
- Greenoak
- Grigg
- Grimes Addition
- Grimsby
- Gross
- Grove City
- Groveland
edit- Hafer
- Hagaman
- Hagarstown
- Hagener
- Haldane
- Hallidayboro
- Hallsville
- Hamburg, Bond County
- Hamlet
- Hamletsburg
- Harbor Light Bay
- Harco
- Harding
- Hardinville
- Harmony, Jefferson County
- Harmony, McHenry County
- Harness
- Harper
- Harrison, Winnebago County
- Harrisonville
- Hartland
- Hartshorn
- Hayes
- Hazel Dell
- Hazelhurst
- Heartville
- Heathsville
- Hegeler, Vermillion County
- Helena
- Helm
- Helmar
- Heman
- Henderson Grove
- Henton
- Herald
- Herbert
- Herborn
- Hermon
- Herod
- Hersman
- Hervey City
- Hewittsville
- Hickory Grove, Adams County
- Hickory Grove, Carroll County
- Hicks
- High Meadows
- Hill Top
- Hillcrest, Douglas County
- Hillerman
- Hillery
- Hilltop
- Hines
- Hinton
- Hitt, Carroll County
- Hitt, LaSalle County
- Hogue Town
- Holcomb
- Holder
- Hollywood Heights
- Holmes Center
- Homberg
- Honey Bend
- Hononegah Heights
- Hookdale
- Hoosier
- Hopper
- Hord
- Hornsby
- Horseshoe
- Howardton
- Howe
- Hubly
- Huegely
- Hugo
- Humm Wye
- Hunt City
- Hunter
- Huntsville
- Hutchins Park
- Hutton
edit- L'Erable
- La Clede
- La Crosse
- La Fox
- La Grange, Brown County
- La Grange Highlands
- La Hogue
- La Place
- La Prairie Center
- Lace
- Lake City
- Lake Crest
- Lake Fork
- Lake of the Woods, Peoria County
- Lakeview
- Lakewood, DuPage County
- Lakewood, Mason County
- Lakewood, Shelby County
- Lamb
- Lancaster
- Landes
- Lane
- Langley
- Larchland
- Latham Park
- Laura
- Lawn Ridge
- Lawrence
- Leanderville
- Ledford
- Lee Center
- Leeds
- Leesburg
- Leon Corners
- Leverett
- Lewisburg
- Liberty, Saline County
- Liberty Hill
- Lick Creek
- Lilly
- Lillyville
- Limerick
- Lindenwood
- Lipsey
- Literberry
- Little America
- Little Indian
- Little Rock
- Lively Grove
- Livingston, Clark County
- Lodge
- Logan, Edgar County
- Lombardville
- Lone Tree
- Lone Tree Corners
- Long Lake
- Loogootee
- Loon Lake
- Lorenzo
- Lotus
- Loves Corner
- Low Point
- Lowder
- Lowell
- Loxa
- Loyd
- Lucas
- Lumaghi Heights
- Luther
- Lynn Center
- Lyttleville
edit- Madonnaville
- Magnet
- Malvern
- Manley
- Mannon
- Manville
- Maple Grove
- Maple Lane
- Maple Point
- Maples Mill
- Marblehead
- Marbletown
- Marcelline
- Marcoe
- Marcus
- Mardell Manor
- Marion, Edwards County
- Marlow
- Marquette
- Marshall Landing
- Marston
- Marydale
- Massbach
- Matanzas Beach
- Maud
- Mayberry
- Mayfair
- Maytown
- Mayview
- Mazonia
- Mboro
- McCall
- McClusky
- McConnell
- McCormick
- McDowell
- McGaw Park
- McGirr
- McKeen
- McVey
- Meadows
- Medinah
- Meersman
- Melrose
- Menard
- Meppen
- Meriden
- Meridian Heights
- Mermet
- Merna
- Merriam
- Merrimac
- Merritt
- Merry Oaks
- Mesa Lake
- Meyer
- Michael
- Middlegrove
- Middlesworth
- Midland City
- Midland Hills
- Midway, Christian County
- Midway, Madison County
- Midway, Massac County
- Midway, Tazewell County
- Midway, Vermilion County
- Miles Station
- Milla 41°08′29″N 88°59′00″W / 41.14139°N 88.98333°W[9]
- Millburn
- Miller City
- Miller Lake
- Millersburg
- Millersville
- Milmine
- Milo
- Mineral Springs
- Mira
- Missal
- Mitchellsville
- Mobet Meadows
- Mode
- Modena
- Modoc
- Monaville
- Monica
- Monroe City
- Monterey
- Moonshine
- Mooseheart
- Morea
- Morehaven
- Moriah
- Moro
- Moronts
- Morrelville
- Morristown
- Morse
- Morseville
- Mossville
- Mount Carbon
- Mount Fulcher
- Mount Palatine
- Mountjoy
- Mozier
- Mozier Landing
- Munger, DuPage County
- Munger, Pike County
- Munster
- Murdock
edit- Nachusa
- Narita
- National City
- Neadmore
- Neal
- Nekoma
- Nettle Creek
- Neunert
- Nevins
- New Bush
- New Camp
- New Castle
- New City
- New Columbia
- New Delhi
- New Diggins
- New Hanover
- New Hebron
- New Hope
- New Lebanon
- New Liberty
- New Memphis
- New Memphis Station
- New Salem
- Newbern
- Newby
- Newcastle
- Newmansville
- Newtown
- Niota
- No. 9
- Normandale
- Normandy
- North Dixon
- North Dupo
- North Glen Ellyn
- North Hampton
- North Harbor
- North Mounds
- North Prairie Acres
- North Quincy
- North Suburban
- Northern Oaks
- Northmore Heights
- Northville 41°33′48″N 88°42′19″W / 41.56333°N 88.70528°W[10]
- Northwoods
- Nortonville
- Norway
- Nottingham Woods
- Nutwood
edit- Oak Hill
- Oak Point
- Oak Ridge
- Oakcrest
- Oakley
- Ocoya
- Ogden
- Oil Center
- Oil Grove
- Oilfield
- Old Camp
- Old Gilchrist
- Old Kane
- Old Princeton
- Old Salem Chautauqua
- Old Stonington
- Olena
- Oliver
- Oneco
- Ophiem
- Orange
- Oraville
- Orchard Heights
- Orchard Mines
- Orchardville
- Ormonde
- Osbernville
- Osco
- Oskaloosa
- Ospur
- Ossami Lake
- Ottville
- Oxville
- Ozark
edit- Padua
- Paineville
- Paisley Corners
- Palisades
- Palm Beach
- Palmerton
- Paloma
- Palsgrove
- Pankeyville
- Panorama Hills
- Paradise
- Park Hills
- Parkland
- Parkville
- Parnell
- Parrish
- Passport
- Patterson Springs
- Patton
- Pattonsburg
- Pauline
- Paulton
- Paynes Point
- Paytonville
- Pekin Heights
- Pekin Mall
- Penrose
- Perks
- Perryville
- Peters Creek
- Peterstown
- Petersville
- Petrolia
- Philadelphia
- Piasa
- Pierceburg
- Pierson
- Piety Hill
- Pike
- Pinkstaff
- Piopolis
- Pisgah
- Pittsburg, Fayette County
- Pittwood
- Plainview
- Plato Center
- Pleasant Grove
- Pleasant Mound
- Plum Hill
- Plumfield
- Polk
- Polsgrove
- Pomona
- Ponemah
- Poplar City
- Port Jackson
- Porterville
- Portland Corners
- Posey
- Pottstown
- Poverty Ridge
- Prairie
- Prairie Center
- Prairie View, Boone County
- Prairie View, Lake County
- Prairietown
- Prairieville
- Preemption
- Prentice
- Prospect
- Providence
- Pulleys Mill
- Putnam
- Pyatts
- Pyramid
edit- Raddle
- Radford
- Rapatee
- Rardin
- Raven
- Rawalts
- Ray
- Reader
- Red Oak
- Red Top
- Red Town
- Reeds Station
- Rees
- Reevesville
- Renault
- Renchville
- Rend City
- Reno
- Reynoldsburg
- Reynoldsville
- Richards 41°10′43″N 88°50′10″W / 41.17861°N 88.83611°W[11]
- Richfield
- Richwoods
- Riddle Hill
- Riddleville
- Ridgefield
- Riffle
- Riggston
- Riley
- Rinard
- Rising
- Rising Sun, Pope County
- Rising Sun, White County
- Ritchie
- Riverview
- Roaches
- Robbs
- Robein
- Roby
- Rochester, Wabash County
- Rock Creek, Adams County
- Rock Creek, Hardin County
- Rock Grove
- Rockport
- Rockwell
- Rodden
- Rollo
- Rome Heights
- Rondout
- Rosamond
- Rosebud
- Rosecrans
- Roslyn
- Roth
- Round Knob
- Rowe
- Rowell
- Roxbury
- Royal Lake Resort
- Rudement
- Rugby
- Russell
- Russellville, Boone County
- Rutherford
- Ryan
edit- Sabina
- Saint George
- Saint James
- St. Joe
- Saint Rose
- Saline Landing
- Salisbury
- Samoth
- Samsville
- Sand Barrens
- Sandusky
- Sangamon
- Saratoga Center
- Scarboro
- Schaeferville
- Schapville
- Scheller
- Schuline
- Scioto Mills
- Scottland
- Scovel
- Seehorn
- Sellers
- Sepo
- Serena
- Seville
- Seward
- Shabbona Grove
- Shady Grove
- Shakerag
- Shale City
- Shanghai City
- Sharpsburg
- Shattuc
- Shaws
- Sheldons Grove
- Sheridan Estates
- Shetlerville
- Shiloh Hill
- Shirland
- Shirley
- Shobonier
- Shokokon
- Shore Acres
- Sicily
- Signal Hill
- Siloam
- Silver Lake
- Sinclair
- Skelton
- Slap Out
- Smithshire
- Smithville
- Snearlyville
- Snicarte
- Snyder
- Sollitt
- Solomon
- Solon Mills
- Somerset
- South Addison
- South Clinton
- South Elkhorn
- South Elmhurst
- South Rome
- South Standard
- South Streator
- Southport
- Sparks Hill
- Speer
- Spencer Heights
- Spires
- Spring Valley, Adams County
- Staley
- Stanton Point
- Star City
- Stark
- Starks
- State Park Place
- State Road
- Stateville
- Stavanger
- Steel City
- Steelton
- Stelle
- Stillwell
- Stiritz
- Stockland
- Stone Church
- Stoneyville
- Stottletown
- Stratford
- Straut
- Stringtown
- Stubblefield
- Suburban Heights
- Sugar Grove, Schuyler County
- Sugar Island
- Sulphur Springs
- Summer Hill
- Summersville
- Summerville
- Summum
- Sunbeam
- Sunfield
- Sunny Hill Estates
- Sunny Hill
- Sunnyland
- Sunnyside
- Sutter, Hancock County
- Sutter, Tazewell County
- Sutton, Cook County
- Swan Creek
- Swanwick
- Swedona
- Sweet Water
- Swift
- Swissville
- Swygert
- Sylvan Lake
edit- Tabor
- Talbott
- Tamalco
- Tankville
- Tatumville
- Taylor Ridge
- Teheran
- Temple Hill
- Terre Haute
- Texas City
- Texico
- Thackeray
- The Burg
- The Crossroads
- Thomas
- Tice
- Ticona 41°13′27″N 89°03′09″W / 41.22417°N 89.05250°W[12]
- Timothy
- Tioga
- Tipton, Champaign County
- Tipton, Monroe County
- Todds Mill
- Tomahawk Bluff
- Tomlinson
- Tonti
- Toronto
- Towne Oaks
- Trenton Corners
- Trilla
- Trimble
- Triumph
- Trivoli
- Trowbridge
- Tunbridge
- Tunnel Hill
- Turner Landing
- Tuscarora
- Twelvemile Corner
edit- Wabash Point
- Wacker
- Waddams Grove
- Wakefield
- Walla Walla
- Walnut Grove, Putnam County
- Walnut Prairie
- Walpole
- Walsh
- Waltham
- Walton
- Wanlock
- Ware
- Warner
- Wartburg
- Wartrace
- Wasson
- Watertown
- Watkins
- Wauponsee
- Weaver
- Webster
- Webster Park
- Wedron
- Weedman
- Weir
- Welge
- Welland
- Wendel
- Wendelin
- Wertenberg
- West End
- West Hallock
- West Liberty
- West Miltmore
- West Ridge
- West Rural Hill
- West Vienna
- Weston, McLean County
- Westport
- Westview
- Wetaug
- White Rock
- Whitefield
- Whittington
- Wilbern
- Wilbur Heights
- Wildwood
- Wildwood Valley
- Wilkinson
- Willard
- Willey Station
- Willeys
- Willow
- Wilsman 41°10′16″N 88°55′55″W / 41.17111°N 88.93194°W[13]
- Wilton
- Wilton Center
- Wine Hill
- Wing
- Winkel
- Winkle
- Winneberger
- Winneshiek
- Wisetown
- Woburn
- Wolf Lake
- Womac
- Woodbine
- Woodburn
- Woodbury
- Woodford
- Woodland Addition
- Woodland Shores
- Woodville
- Woodyard
- Woosung
- Wrights
- Wrights Corner
- Wynoose
editSee also
edit- ^ "Altmar, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Alworth, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Andrew, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Archer, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Attila, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Blakes, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Catharine, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Farm Ridge, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Milla, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Northville, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Richards, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Ticona, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Wilsman, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ "Zenith, Illinois". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.