List of people granted asylum

This is a list of people granted political asylum for individual and publicly known reasons. They were persecuted because of their actions as individuals, not because they were members of a persecuted group. Individual reasons for persecution can be found in the notes column of the table.

People granted asylum

Year Name Citizenship or Persecuting power or Country refusing protection Country which granted asylum Occupation Notes / References
1849   Karl Marx   Prussia   United Kingdom German philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist In exile in London from 1849.
1929   Leon Trotsky   Soviet Union   Turkey




Soviet politician, and the founder and first leader of the Red Army In exile in Turkey from 1929–1933, in France 1933–1935, in Norway 1935–1937, in Mexico 1937–1940.
1954 Peter Norwood Duberg   United States


   Switzerland United States citizen, United Nations official, employed in Paris at UNESCO For reasons of his early adulthood membership in the Communist Party, Duberg, along with several other U.S. citizens working in international organizations, became the subject of U.S. official investigation in the early 1950s. This led to a loyalty investigation by the U.S. State Department in 1953, also his name being discussed in the U.S. Congress House Committee on un-American Activities.[1] During 1953, while living in France, and working as an official at UNESCO (the United Nations Education and Scientific Organization) Mr. Duberg refused to answer a series of loyalty-related questionnaires. This resulted in decisions taken which led to termination of his professional employment at the United Nations in 1954. France refused to protect the Duberg family, leading to their need for political asylum. They applied for, and were granted asylum in Switzerland.
1956   József Mindszenty   Hungary   United States (embassy)


Cardinal of the Catholic Church as the Archbishop of Esztergom in Hungary [citation needed]
1959   The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso   Tibet   India Head monk of the Gelugpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism (Dalai Lama) In exile in India since 1959.[2] Currently residing in McLeod Ganj, Dharamshala from where he established the Tibetan Government in Exile.
1964-1976   João Goulart   Brazil   Uruguay 24º President of Brazil,[3] deposed by the 1964 Brazilian coup d'état.[4] He sent a letter requesting the right of asylum on 3 April 1964[a] and went in exile on 4 April 1964.[6] On 21 April he was conceded the asylum and only waived it on 9 November 1976, with the goal of returning to his home country, but died on 6 December.[7]
1964-1979   Leonel Brizola   Brazil   Uruguay
  United States
Federal deputy from Guanabara (1963-1964).[8] Part of the opposition against the military dictatorship in Brazil, he had asylum from Uruguay from 3 May 1964[9] until his expulsion in 1977[10] and then had US asylum from 1977-1979.[11]
1967   Svetlana Alliluyeva   Soviet Union   United States Writer and lecturer; daughter of Joseph Stalin [citation needed]
1979 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi   Iran   Egypt




  United States



Shah of Iran [citation needed]
1979-1980   Anastasio Somoza Debayle   Nicaragua   Paraguay President of Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza Debayle [citation needed]
1984   Assata Shakur   United States   Cuba United States citizen, African-American activist, member of the Black Panther Party (BPP) and Black Liberation Army (BLA). Escaped prison escapee in 1979, two years after being convicted in 1977 of the 1973 first degree murder of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster.[12]
1985 Walter Polovchak   Soviet Union   United States Soviet-born Ukrainian youth who in 1980 then at age 12 was the youngest person to announce that he wanted to leave the Communist world and not return with his parents to what was then Soviet Ukraine. In 1985 after five years of court battles on October 3-his 18th birthday-he was able to stay permanently in the U.S. when he was sworn in as a U.S. citizen.
1986   Choi Eun-hee   South Korea   United States South Korean actress [13]
1986 Shin Sang-ok   South Korea   United States South Korean film producer and director [13]
1992 November 1992 Venezuelan coup d'état attempt participants   Venezuela   Peru Military officers After the failure of the November 1992 Venezuelan coup d'état, most of its participants fled to Peru, where they were received by dictator Alberto Fujimori as political asylees. Carlos Andrés Pérez's government had previously severed diplomatic relations with Peru in April after Fujimori carried out a self-coup the same year.[14]
1997 Christoph Meili    Switzerland   United States National of Switzerland, bank-security guard and whistleblowers at the Union Bank of Switzerland (now UBS) Mr. Meili was a security guard at UBS, where he witnessed the destruction of documents related to World War II accounts of Jews. He reported the destruction, and was subjected to prosecution, also death threats. The family fled to the United States and were granted political asylum via a private law passed specifically for the Meili family.[15][16][17][18] Unhappy in the United States, Mr. Meili later returned to Switzerland safely.
1997/8   Nury Turkel   China   United States Graduate student, later Commissioner on the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom [19][20][21][22]
1999–2004, 2007   Alex Konanykhin and his wife   Russia   United States Russian entrepreneur, former banker [citation needed]
2001   Mohamed El Ghanem   Egypt    Switzerland Former officer of the Egyptian Ministry of Interior, lawyer, Doctor of Law and Professor. Several years after receiving refugee status in Switzerland, Dr. El Ghanem later was arbitrarily detained without charge for refusing to collaborate with Swiss Federal Police in a spying project on local Muslim community. He remained detained without trial for six years. He was released into a hospital in Geneva, under control of the Prosecutor's office: He had brain damage from forced drugging in prison. As of 2023, his whereabouts are unknown.
2001 Alexander Litvinenko   Russia   United Kingdom Former officer who served in the Soviet KGB and its Russian successor, the Federal Security Service (FSB) [citation needed]
2002   Pedro Carmona   Venezuela   Colombia Venezuelan businessman, declared interim President of Venezuela during the 2002 Venezuelan coup d'état attempt [23]
2003 Akhmed Zakayev   Russia   United Kingdom Former Deputy Prime Minister and the current Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria [citation needed]
2003 Boris Berezovsky   Russia   United Kingdom Former Russian government official, businessman and mathematician, member of Russian Academy of Sciences [citation needed]
2004 Ilyas Akhmadov   Russia   United States Former politician and foreign minister of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria [24]
2005   Bobby Fischer   United States   Iceland Chess Grandmaster and the 11th World Chess Champion, chess author [25][26]
2007   John Robles   United States

  Puerto Rico

  Russia Leak site owner, English teacher, investigative journalist, writer, US foreign policy critic, publisher. John Anthony Robles II is a Taino Indian born in Puerto Rico. In 2007 under false pretenses his US Passport was revoked and he was left stateless in Russia. John worked for the Russian Government and was granted asylum along with his two US born American children. John left the US in 1995 after attempting to expose CPS child trafficking and initiating the formation of a Grand Jury. On the day the Grand Jury was to convene with Robles providing testimony John was detained but not charged and accused of working for the KGB and the Russians. He was forced to leave the US with his children of whom he had full custody and to seek asylum.[27] Robles was a correspondent, newsreader and political commentator for the Voice of Russia and quoted worldwide "Romney and his promise of 'Republican hell'". Foreign Policy.
2007   Irakli Okruashvili   Georgia   France Georgian politician [citation needed]
2008 Chere Lyn Tomayko   United States   Costa Rica United States citizen Chere Lyn Tomayko, wanted in the United States for parental kidnapping, was granted asylum in June 2008 by Costa Rica. Tomayko's claims that her actions were justified by domestic violence she suffered were taken into account by the Costa Rican authorities.[28]
2008 Nixon Moreno   Venezuela   Holy See [29]
2009   Manuel Rosales   Venezuela   Peru Venezuelan educator and politician [30]
2010   Virginia Vallejo   Colombia   United States Colombian writer, journalist, columnist, media personality, television anchorwoman,[31] and socialite Biography of the political asylee[32]
2011 Savva Terentyev   Russia   Estonia Russian blogger and musician [citation needed]
2011 Al-Saadi Gaddafi   Libya   Niger Third son of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi; Libyan former association football player
2012   Julian Assange   Australia


  United Kingdom

  United States

  Ecuador (embassy) Australian editor, activist, publisher and journalist Until 11 April 2019, he was in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.[33] Ecuador rescinded Assange's asylum status and citizenship in 2019.[34] Since 2019, Assange has been imprisoned in HMP Belmarsh prison fighting against extradition to the United States. His last appeal is in February 2024.
2012 Alexander Barankov   Belarus   Ecuador Belarusian former policeman or army captain [35][36][37]
2012 Safia Farkash   Libya   Oman Widow of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and former First Lady of Libya
2012 Muhammad Gaddafi   Libya   Oman Eldest son of the former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi; chairman of the General Posts and Telecommunications Company
2012 Ayesha Gaddafi   Libya   Oman Fifth child and only daughter of former Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi; Libyan mediator and military official, former UN Goodwill Ambassador, and lawyer
2012 Hannibal Muammar Gaddafi   Libya   Oman Fifth son of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi; first consultant to the Management Committee of the General National Maritime Transport Company (GNMTC) of Libya
2013   Edward Snowden   United States   Russia United States citizen; CIA Officer. Former Booz Allen Hamilton employee worked as a system administrator under an NSA contract. Granted temporary asylum in Russia.[38] Granted Russian citizenship in 2022.[39]
2014 Denise Harvey   United States   Canada United States citizen Granted asylum in Canada after being sentenced to 30 years in prison by a Florida court for having consensual sex with a 16-year-old teenage boy. The crime she was convicted of is not a crime in Canada (i.e., consensual sex between a 16-year-old and an adult not in a position of authority with respect to the teen) and the Canadian Immigration and Review Board ruled that the 30-year sentence was "cruel and unusual punishment".[40][41][42]
2014 Suren Gazaryan   Russia   Estonia Russian citizen, Green activist Goldman Prize recipient in 2014[43]
2014 Ali Abd Jalil   Malaysia   Sweden Malaysian citizen, student activist Granted asylum in Sweden after being detained by Royal Malaysia Police and served 22 days in prison for insulting royalty.[44]
2014   Tamara Sujú   Venezuela   Czech Republic Venezuelan lawyer and human rights activist Granted international protection status for a period of ten renewable years.[45]
2017 Amos Yee   Singapore   United States Singaporean blogger Charged by the State Courts of Singapore after posting videos critical of religious communities in Singapore, and of Lee Kuan Yew. Later granted asylum in the United States.[46]
2018   Nikola Gruevski   Macedonia   Hungary Macedonian citizen, former Prime minister of Macedonia [47]
2018 Rosmit Mantilla   Venezuela   France National Assembly deputy [48]
2019   Evo Morales   Bolivia   Mexico Bolivian citizen, former President of Bolivia [49]
2020 Christopher Mark Doyon aka Commander X   United States   Mexico US Citizen, Activist/Author First US citizen in history to receive political asylum in Mexico. Granted refugee status for acts associated with Anonymous, and his support of Julian Assange & WikiLeaks.[50] Doyen was granted humanitarian protection status, but Mexico did not provide real protection from U.S. removal-requests for Doyen: In 2021, a multi-agency team of American, Mexican and intergovernmental authorities (including the Mexican National Police, the U.S. FBI, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the US State Department and Interpol)[51] stormed the compound in which he resided in Mexico city and deported him without a hearing. He was presented to U.S. authorities in Northern California, where he pled guilty (via plea-deal) to hacking the city of Santa Cruz, was imprisoned for about a year; he was released, in 2022.[52]
2021   Nathan Law   China (  Hong Kong resident)   United Kingdom Hong Kong resident, Politician and Activist Self Exiled in United Kingdom after China's increasing control over Hong Kong.[53]
2021   Tuhin Das   Bangladesh   United States Bengali Writer, Activist Exiled in 2016 for speaking out against Islamic fundamentalism. Granted Asylum in the United States.[54][55]
2022   Rafael Correa   Ecuador   Belgium Former President of Ecuador In 2022, Ecuador's Court President began extradition request seeking the return of former President Rafael Correa, who lives in Belgium and in 2020 was sentenced in absentia to eight years in prison on bribery allegations.. extradition was refused and he was granted asylum in Belgium.[56][57]
2024   Jorge Glas   Ecuador   Mexico Former Vice President of Ecuador Jorge Glas was granted political asylum by Mexico just hours before authorities in Ecuador raided their embassy and took Glas into custody. This event triggered a diplomatic crisis which was condemned by other countries in the Americas.

See also



  1. ^ "Full text of "Scope of Soviet activity in the United States. Hearing before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, second session–Eighty-fifth Congress, first session .."". Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off. Retrieved 17 August 2012.
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  6. ^ Kenny Braga; João Borges de Souza; Cleber Dioni; Elmar Bones. Parlamentares Gaúchos: João Goulart (in Brazilian Portuguese). p. 127. ISBN 978-85-66054-09-5. Archived from the original on 29 November 2020. Retrieved 26 November 2020. Alt URL
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  9. ^ Jorge Ferreira (2011). João Goulart (in Brazilian Portuguese) (3 ed.). Civilização Brasileira. pp. 544–545. ISBN 978-85-200-1056-3.
  10. ^ Leite, Maria Cláudia Moraes (2019). "Leonel Brizola e os últimos anos de exílio" [Leonel Brizola and the last years of exile]. Tempo e Argumento (in Brazilian Portuguese). 11 (26): 358. doi:10.5965/2175180311262019353. Archived from the original on 4 September 2020. Retrieved 26 November 2020.
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  14. ^ Márquez, Laureano; Eduardo, Sanabria (2018). "La democracia pierde energía". Historieta de Venezuela: De Macuro a Maduro (1st ed.). Gráficas Pedrazas. p. 142. ISBN 978-1-7328777-1-9.
  15. ^ U.S. Congress: Bill S. 768: A bill for the relief of Michel Christopher Meili, Giuseppina Meili, Mirjam Naomi Meili, and Davide Meili, private bill sponsored by New York Senator Alphonse D'Amato (R-NY), signed into Private Law 105-1 by President Bill Clinton on 29 July 1997; accessed 30 October 2006.
  16. ^ Swiss parliament, Summer session 1997
  17. ^ Question Schlüer
  18. ^ Response of Federal Councillor Flavio Cotti, who claimed the United States was not granting the Meili family "asylum", but rather a facilitated fast-track immigration. Accessed 30 October 2006.
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  1. ^ His wife, Maria Thereza Goulart, and his son João Vicente Goulart and his daughter Denize, were sent to Uruguay on 3 April with a letter asking for asylum. With that, the first-lady Maria Thereza Goulart became the first exiled Brazilian during the Military Dictatorship.[5]