List of fictional secret police and intelligence organizations

This is a list of secret police organisations and intelligence agencies which are fictional:

Contemporary world

Agency Info Source Source type
13th Bureau Intelligence and secret police arm of the Yellow Empire Blake and Mortimer Comics
ACME Intelligence agency Carmen Sandiego TV
The Agency Intelligence agency Scarecrow and Mrs. King TV
The Agency Oversight and Sections (including Section One) La Femme Nikita TV
Alliance of Twelve Alias TV
Alpha Protocol A clandestine United States agency which has unlimited resources to conduct covert operations on behalf of the government Alpha Protocol Video game
B613 B613 is a covert government agency formerly run by Rowan, later by Jake Ballard for a while and now run by Olivia Pope. Scandal TV
Carrington Institute Perfect Dark Video game
Canadian National Intelligence Agency (NISA) InSecurity TV
Chapter A secret organization within the US government that carries out assassinations The Long Kiss Goodnight Movie
Chinese Secret Police (CSP) Alpha Protocol Video game
CONTROL Spy agency Get Smart TV
C.O.P.S. Central Organization of Police Specialists C.O.P.S. Animated TV
Counter Terrorist Unit 24 TV
C.O.V.N.E.T Muppets from Space Movie
C.R.A.S.H. (LSPD) A unit of the in-game Los Santos Police Department (LSPD), the Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums is a parody of its real-life counterpart as a unit of the Los Angeles Police Department(LAPD). Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Video game
CURE American intelligence and assassination organization (Although capitalized, the name does not appear to be an acronym) The Destroyer Novels
Cubicle Gestapo Dilbert Comic
CHERUB Intelligence agency that employs children CHERUB Book Series
Division Secret black-ops branch of the government Nikita TV
DXS Department of External Security MacGyver TV
Earth Protection Force Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV
Federal Bureau of Control (FBC) A secret U.S. government agency tasked with containing and studying phenomena which violate the laws of reality Control Video game
Federal Bureau of Intervention (FBI) Parody of the FBI Payday: The Heist and PAYDAY 2 Video game
Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB) Parody of the FBI. Grand Theft Auto IV and V Video game
F.I.R.M. A division of the CIA Airwolf TV
FLAG Foundation for Law and Government Knight Rider TV
United Nations Global Occult Coalition (UNGOC) A clandestine division of the United Nations responsible for locating and eliminating paranormal threats. SCP Foundation Website[1]
G.R.U. Division Psychotronics (GRU-P) A division of the Soviet Union's Main Intelligence Directorate dealing in the research and elimination of paranormal phenomenon. SCP Foundation Website[1]
International Affairs Agency (IAA) Parody of the CIA. Grand Theft Auto V Video game
Immigration and Customs Security The Border TV
IMF Impossible Missions Force Mission Impossible TV & Movies
ISIS International Secret Intelligence Service Archer Animated TV
Kingsman Independent international intelligence agency Kingsman Franchise
Ministry of Alien Detection A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon Movie
Ministry of Top Secret Information (TSI) UK Government Department The Avengers TV
N.O.O.S.E. National Office Of Security Enforcement. Parody of the SWAT, NSA and USBP. Grand Theft Auto IV and V Video game
ODIN Organization of Democratic Intelligence Networks Archer Animated TV
Omega Sector Counter-terrorism task force True Lies Movie
Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) The Six Million Dollar Man
The Bionic Woman
Rainbow Multi-national counter-terrorism task force Rainbow Six Novel, Video game[1]
Section 13 Jackie Chan Adventures TV
Sheriff's Secret Police Welcome to Night Vale Podcast
SMERSH James Bond Novels and films
S.T.A.R.S. A police task-force similar to SWAT Resident Evil Video game
SSS State Security Service. Secret Police operating in fictional country of Ostania. Parody of the Stasi. Spy x Family Manga and anime
Strategic Homeland Division (SHD) A semi-autonomous network of sleeper agents tasked with preserving continuity of government in the event of a major catastrophe. Tom Clancy's The Division Video game
The Division Marathon Man Novel and film
Third Echelon Splinter Cell Video game
The Patriots
The Philosophers
Metal Gear Video game
The Tribunal Also called The Council Metalocalypse TV
T.H.R.U.S.H. Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity The Man from U.N.C.L.E. TV
T.I.A. Técnicos de Investigación Aeroterráquea ("Aeroterrestrial Investigation Technicians") Mort & Phil Comics
U.N.C.L.E. United Network Command for Law and Enforcement The Man from U.N.C.L.E. TV
United Liberty Paper Possibly a division of the IAA Grand Theft Auto IV Video game
V.S.S.E. Vital Situation Swift Execution Time Crisis Video game
WOOHP World Organization Of Human Protection Totally Spies Animation
XXX xXx Movie
ZEP Secret police of Taschist Borduria The Adventures of Tintin Comics
Z.O.W.I.E. Zonal Organization of World Intelligence and Espionage Derek Flint spy sendups Franchise


1.^ Rainbow originates from the novel, however it is much more widely known from the video games loosely based on the novel.


Agency Info Source Source type
A.R.G.U.S. Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans (comics)
Advanced Research Group United Support (TV)
Sub-agency of U.S. Homeland Security
DC Universe (New 52)
DC Extended Universe
TV series
Canadian International Security Organization (CISO) Captain Canuck Comic series
Checkmate DC Universe Comics
Department of Affairs Mutants United States executive department in charge of controlling mutant activity which is led by mutant scientist Hank McCoy. X-Men Cinematic Universe Movie
Department of Damage Control United States executive department in charge of contain enhanced damage. Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie
Department H Fictional superhuman affairs branch of Canada's Department of National Defence Marvel Universe
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Green Lantern Corps Galactic military parapolice who protect the universe from various threats using power rings fueled by the emotion of valor. DC Universe
Green Lantern
DC Extended Universe
TV series Movies

Video game

I.O. International Operations Wildstorm Comics
Nova Corps Marvel Universe
Marvel Cinematic Universe

TV series Movies Video game

Science Police DC Universe Comics
Time Variance Authority Bureaucratic agency that protects the timelines of the multiverse from its own alterations. Marvel Universe
Marvel Cinematic Universe
TV series
Hatut Zeraze Wakandan Secret police composed of assassins and covert operations. Known for using vibranium based habits similar the Black Panther's habit and for advanced science and mysticism to enhance cloaking abilities Marvel Comics Comics
Q.I.A. Quinpar Intelligence Agency Sign Gene Movie
S.H.I.E.L.D. Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate (comics)
Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division (Cinematic)
Fictional espionage, law-enforcement, and counter-terrorism agency
Marvel Universe
Marvel Cinematic Universe
S.T.R.I.K.E. Special Tactical Reserve for International Key Emergencies
Fictional comic book counter-terrorism and intelligence agency that often deals with superhuman threats
Marvel Universe
Marvel Cinematic Universe
S.W.O.R.D. Sentient World Observation and Response Department
A fictional counterterrorism and intelligence agency to deal with extraterrestrial threats to world security.
Marvel Universe Marvel Cinematic Universe Comics
TV series
Unit 7 Of Progressive Allied Canadian Technologies (PACT) Corporation Northguard Comic book
D.E.O Department of Extranormal Operations Arrowverse
DC Universe

TV series


Agency Info Source Source type
Black Priests Kzin Larry Niven's Known Space series Book
Blue Rose Top secret joint task force of the U. S. military and Federal Bureau of Investigation that investigates cases of a paranormal nature, including doppelgangers, mysterious disappearances and the Black and White Lodges.[2][3] Twin Peaks TV series and film
Bureau of Grossology Secret organization entrusted with the prevention of gross or disgusting crimes Grossology Animated TV
Civil Protection Armed police force dedicated to enforcing the Combine's rule over Earth. Half-Life 2 Videogame
Confederate Secret Service Captain Confederacy Comic series
Decepticon Justice Division Division of Decepticon armed forces tasked with punishing desertion and enforcing Megatron's directives and ideology. The Transformers: More than Meets the Eye Comic series
The Forge Doctor Who audio plays
GOTT ES Members Kiddy Grade Anime
Imperial Inquisition Jedi hunters during much of the Imperial Era. Star Wars TV series, videogame and comics
ImpSec Imperial intelligence, counterintelligence, and paramilitary police of the Barrayaran Imperium. An acronym of "Imperial Security." Employer of the primary protagonist, Miles Vorkosigan. Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga Books
Imperial Interstellar Scout Service Originally an exploratory agency, also has some espionage, military, police, diplomatic, and internal communications functions in the Third Imperium. Notable for carrying out operations in undiscovered or unsettled regions. Traveller Role playing game
NID National Intelligence Department Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis
Nightwatch Earth Alliance secret police Babylon 5 TV
Office of Homeworld Security/Homeworld Command Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis
Obsidian Order Secret police of the Cardassian Union Star Trek TV
Office of Naval Intelligence Halo Videogame
Office of State Security (StateSec or SS) An arm of the People's Republic of Haven David Weber's Honorverse Book
The Office of Unspecified Services Infinite Jest Book
Psi Corps Earth Alliance secret police composed of telepaths, often working in tandem with the Nightwatch. Babylon 5 TV
Public Security Section 9 Federal Security agency and armed branch of the Ministry of Home Affairs Ghost in the Shell Manga & Anime
SHADO Supreme Headquarters, Alien Defence Organisation UFO TV
Special Circumstances Iain M. Banks's Culture Book
Special Tactics and Reconnaissance ("Spectres") Autonomous agents of the Citadel Council with extraordinary authority and leeway Mass Effect Videogame
Special Tasks Group (STG) Special forces of the Salarian Union; organizational structure likely inspired the Citadel Council's Spectre unit Mass Effect Videogame
Section 7 An intelligence organization run by the UEO. Captain Oliver Hudson referred to them as "Gestapo bastards.". The older patches read "Sector 7" instead of "Section 7", leading some to believe this to be their original name. seaQuest DSV TV
Sector 7 Intelligence organization. They discovered the All Spark and built the Hoover Dam around it to mask the energy emitted by the Cube Transformers Movie
Time Enforcement Commission A law enforcement organisation that regulates time travel Timecop Franchise
TENET A secret organization that uses time inversion to perform temporal pincer movements. Tenet Movie
Torchwood Institute A secret organization set up by Queen Victoria in 1879 to combat alien threat Doctor Who
UNIT Unified Intelligence Taskforce. A military organization operating under the auspices of the United Nations, its purpose is to investigate and combat Paranormal and Extraterrestrial threats to the Earth. Doctor Who
The Sarah Jane Adventures

Dystopian futures

Agency Info Source Source type
The Dogs Fictional representation of the KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti) personified by a pack of vicious dogs George Orwell's Animal Farm Book
The Finger Secret police of Norsefire, the fascist government of England V for Vendetta comic and film adaption Comic and movie
Grammaton Clerics Equilibrium Movie
Inquisition Imperial secret police of the Imperium of Man similar to the Spanish Inquisition Warhammer 40,000 Miniature wargame
Majestic 12 Deus Ex Video game
Officio Assassinorum Imperial organization of assassins dispatched to remove both internal and external threats of the Imperium of Man Warhammer 40,000 Miniature wargame
Special Circumstances Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series Book
Thought Police Police that monitor people's body language and expressions, and kidnap them if they seem to be traitorous George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four Book
UNATCO United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition Deus Ex Video game
  • Tal Shiar – Romulan secret police and intelligence agency
  • Obsidian Order – Cardassian secret police and intelligence agency
  • Starfleet Intelligence – Federation intelligence agency
  • Section 31 – Rogue and officially nonexistent Federation intelligence organization
  • V'Shar – The Vulcan Intelligence & Security agency
  • Imperial Intelligence – intelligence arm of the Galactic Empire
  • Imperial/Sith Intelligence – intelligence arm of the reborn Sith Empire
  • Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) – secret police of the Galactic Empire
  • Imperial Inquisition - Jedi hunters of the Galactic Empire
  • Republic Intelligence – intelligence service of the Galactic Republic
  • New Republic Intelligence (NRI) – intelligence service of the New Republic
  • Bothan Spynet – intelligence service of the Bothans, affiliated with the Rebel Alliance and its successor states the New Republic and the Galactic Alliance
  • Public Safety Service (PSS) – the successor of the Corellian Security Force, after the Imperial government turns the latter from a regular police force into a secret police.
  • Galactic Alliance Guard (GAG) – the secret police of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances during the Second Galactic Civil War (fate after the war unknown).
  • Rakatan-run Force Hounds – from the Star Wars expanded universe


Agency Info Source Source type
Abteilung KDA "Die Abteilung KDA (Komplexe und Diffuse Angelegenheiten)", or "Department for Complex and Unspecific Matters".
Modern agency responsible for dealing with magic and supernatural entities in Germany
Rivers of London (book series). Books/Comics
The Academy "La Académie Royale de Philosophie Occulte", or "The Royal Academy of Occult Philosophy/Theory".
Agency responsible for dealing with magic and supernatural entities in France. Was closed down by the French Revolution before being reconstituted by Napoleon in 1804. Membership was divided between supporting and opposing the Vichy government during the Second World War. Was "reorganized" out of existence in 1965 after making the wrong choice on the Algerian Referendum. Is rumored to have reopened in 2015.
Rivers of London (book series). Books/Comics
Algemene Inlichtingen en Veiligheidsdienst (AIVD) "General Intelligence and Security Service".
Agency responsible for dealing with magic and supernatural entities in the Netherlands.
Rivers of London (book series). Books/Comics
Auror Office Various branches of various magic law enforcement departments specializing in the arrest of dark wizards. Harry Potter Books/Movies
Besondere Umstände "Special Circumstances", also known as the "Fire Brigade" and/or "Reality control".
Rapid Response team for the Abteilung KDA. Reduced from roughly six teams across Germany in the 1950s and 1960s to a single team based in Wiesbaden.
Rivers of London (book series). Books/Comics
Black Chamber The Atrocity Archives
The Jennifer Morgue
Bureau 13 Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic Role playing game
Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (B.P.R.D.) Hellboy
Hellboy (film)
Comics & Movie
Cable Street Particulars Ankh-Morpork secret police (under Captain Swing), and later merely the "plainclothes" division (under Samuel Vimes). Terry Pratchett's Discworld Book
Cipher Pol The main intelligence agency of the World Government, Cipher Pol cells are located throughout the world. They investigate for the World Government and, in contrast to the Marines, handle political threats to the World Government. There are eight official Cipher Pols numbered from CP1 to CP8 as well as two unofficial units, CP9, whose members specialize in assassinations, and CP0, the personal guard of the Celestial Dragons. One Piece Comics/Television
Department of Magical Law Enforcement It is the department of the British Ministry of Magic that enforces magical law for the citizens of the magical community in Great Britain, it also has different branches such as the Auror Office, specializing in dark wizards. Harry Potter Literature/Movies
Delta Green Intelligence unit dedicated to combating the supernatural and the Cthulhu Mythos. Existed in various incarnations: From 1928 to 1942 was part of the ONI until its transference into the OSS, it is disbanded in 1968 after a failed operation but its agents keep acting illegally until its recreation in 2001, nominally under the NSA as a counter-terror program, but recruiting agents all over the military, USIC and federal law enforcement. Delta Green Role playing game
Die Deutsche Akademie der Höheren Einsichten zu Weimar "Die Weimarer Akademie der Höheren Einsichten", or "The Weimar Academy of Higher Insights".
Original agency responsible for dealing with magic and supernatural entities in Germany. Was the center for German magic after the French closed the University of Cologne in 1789, until the Nazis closed it in the 1930s in preference of their own organizations. Its successor is the Abteilung KDA.
Rivers of London (book series). Books/Comics
Death Eaters Voldemort's terroristic and power-hungry elite of paramilitary death squads consisting of upper-class dark wizards and witches whose deadly agenda is to wipe out and kill all muggle-born people and establish a new society of pure-blood race. Harry Potter and it's 8-part film saga Books And Film Adaptations
Dai Li Earth Kingdom capital of Ba Sing Se Avatar: The Last Airbender and "The Legend of Korra Animated TV
F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon
Paranormal investigation agency
F.E.A.R. Videogame
The Folly "Specialist Crime Directorate 9", later "Special Assessment Unit, SAU".
Agency responsible for dealing with magic and supernatural entities in the United Kingdom
Rivers of London (book series). Books/Comics
Gale Force Wicked Musical
General Oblation Board Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials Trilogy Book
G.R.U. Division Psychotronics (GRU-P) A division of the Soviet Union's Main Intelligence Directorate dealing in the research and elimination of paranormal phenomenon. SCP Foundation Website[1]
The Laundry The Atrocity Archives
The Jennifer Morgue
LEPRecon The Lower Elements Police Reconnaissance, known as LEP or Recon, is the agency of the underworld fairies who maintain reconnaissance on the upper world of humans, commonly called "Mud Men" or "Mud People". Artemis Fowl series Books/Graphic novels
The Librarians "New York Libraries Association", or "The Association".
Wing of the New York Public Library Services that sees itself as the foremost authority on magic in the New York area, and which actively works to contain magical threats therein. It is suggested that as a part of their work they actively seek out magical items and tomes across the world in order to lock them away in their special collections stacks.
Rivers of London (book series). Books/Comics
Order of Mata Nui Bionicle
Penitus Oculatus Secret security and special operations branch of the Imperial Guards The Elder Scrolls
Shinra Electric Power Company Final Fantasy VII Video game
Owsla The rabbit army/police and the Owslafa, secret police, especially of Efrafa Watership Down
Samoyed Guards Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials Trilogy Book
SCP Foundation An international organization responsible for the research and containment of anomalous phenomenon. SCP Foundation Website[1]
Secret Police Headed by the wolf, Maugrim The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Book
Shinra Namco x Capcom Videogame
S.H.U.S.H. Darkwing Duck Animated TV
SI:7 Secret service for human faction of Stormwind World of Warcraft
Special Operations Network consisting of numbered divisions each dealing with a different secret threat Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next novels Book
The Virginia Gentleman's Company "The Virgins", or "Alderman Technical Solutions".
Private magical military contractor organization based out of Charlottesville, Virginia. While it is not clear if they ever held any official government position, the VGC have a history of working for the US government which goes back to at least the War of 1812 where they fought against the British and Tecumseh. They carry a deep animosity for the Folly due to that organization sharing their Newtonian magical methods with Tecumseh's people which caused the VGC to suffer severe casualties. This animosity was most evident during the Second World War when they withheld information from the Folly which led to the majority of Folly membership dying.
Rivers of London (book series). Books/Comics
The Virtuous Men "The Printer's Men".
Group of around 100 men from the University of Pennsylvania who fought alongside the Folly during the Second World War. They were said to not get along with many of their fellow American practitioners due to philosophical differences, most notably the Virginia Gentleman's Company (most likely due to their closeness with the Folly).
Rivers of London (book series). Books/Comics
The Midnighters The secret police of Camorr under Duke Nicovante. Headed by an agent with the code name 'The Spider', revealed to be Dona Angiavesta Vorchenza, later passed on to Don and Dona Salvara The Lies of Locke Lamora Book
United Nations Global Occult Coalition (UNGOC) A clandestine division of the United Nations responsible for locating and eliminating paranormal threats. SCP Foundation Website[1]
Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU) A division of the FBI tasked with monitoring and responding to paranormal threats. SCP Foundation Website[1]

See also



  1. ^ a b c d e f "SCP Foundation". Retrieved May 21, 2020.
  2. ^ Cotter, Padraig (February 20, 2020). "Twin Peaks: The Return - Major Briggs Role & Blue Rose Explained". ScreenRant.
  3. ^ Murray, Noel (July 6, 2017). "9 Ways 'Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me' Connects to the Series Revival" – via