List of bats by population

This is a list of bat species by global population. While numbers are estimates, they have been made by the experts in their fields. For more information on how these estimates were ascertained, see Wikipedia's articles on population biology and population ecology.

This list is not comprehensive, as not all bats have had their numbers quantified.

Common name Binomial name Population Status Trend Notes Image
Christmas Island pipistrelle Pipistrellus murrayi 0[1] EX[1] Steady[1] Common and widespread until the 1980s. In January 2009, there were 4 individuals left. An immediate capturing project was requested to save the species, and efforts for approval included a personal meeting with then-Australian environment minister Peter Garrett. Due to a potential cost of a few hundred thousand dollars, the government decided against quick action and instead undertook a bureaucratic feasibility study. After its eventual assent in August 2009 a team of experts travelled to Christmas Island to capture the remaining individuals but only one was detected, which managed not to be caught. On August 27, 2009, the last remaining individual disappeared, causing the species to become extinct. Its subsequent disappearance may be one of very few times extinction has been witnessed first-hand. Reasons for the bat's extinction remain unknown.[1][2]
Jamaican greater funnel-eared bat Natalus jamaicensis 50[3] CR[3] Decrease[3] Only found in the St. Clair Cave in Jamaica. Population estimate was done in 1970.[3]
Cuban greater funnel-eared bat Natalus primus 100[4] VU[4] Decrease[4] Maximum estimate. Only found in a single cave.[4]
Seychelles sheath-tailed bat Coleura seychellensis 100[5] CR[5] Decrease[5] Maximum estimate for mature individuals.[5]
Bulmer's fruit bat Aproteles bulmerae 160[6] CR[6] Decrease[6] Only one colony is known to exist.[6]
Jamaican flower bat Phyllonycteris aphylla 250[7] CR[7] Decrease[7] Colonies only at Marta Tick Cave and Stony Hill Cave.[7]
Flat-headed myotis Myotis planiceps 250[8] EN[8] Decrease[8] Maximum estimate for mature individuals.[8]
Bonin flying fox Pteropus pselaphon 300[9] EN[9] Decrease[9] Maximum estimate.[9]
Arnhem leaf-nosed bat Hipposideros inornatus 300[10] VU[10] Steady[11] Maximum estimate for mature individuals.[10]
New Georgian monkey-faced bat Pteralopex taki 500[12] VU[12] Decrease[12] Estimate is for mature individuals.[12]
Canary long-eared bat Plecotus teneriffae 500 – 2000[13] VU[13] Decrease[13]
Livingstone's fruit bat Pteropus livingstonii 1200[14] CR[14] Decrease[14]
Coastal sheath-tailed bat Taphozous australis 1200 - 10 000[15][16] NT[15] Decrease[15]
New Caledonia wattled bat Chalinolobus neocaledonicus 1500[17] EN[17] Decrease[17] Maximum estimate from known colonies.[17]
Azores noctule Nyctalus azoreum 2000 – 5000[18] VU[18] Decrease[18]
Thailand roundleaf bat Hipposideros halophyllus 2500 – 10 000[19] VU[19] Decrease[19]
Rodrigues flying fox Pteropus rodricensis 4000[20] EN[20] Increase[20]
Kitti's hog-nosed bat Craseonycteris thonglongyai 6600[21] NT[21] Decrease[21]
Ghost bat Macroderma gigas 7000 – 9000[22] VU[22] Decrease[22]
Comoro rousette Rousettus obliviosus 7100 – 17 100[23] VU[23] Decrease[23]
Giant golden-crowned flying fox Acerodon jubatus 10 000[24] EN[24] Unknown[24] Rough estimate; probably no more than 20 000.[24]
Banana bat Musonycteris harrisoni 10 000[25] VU[25] Decrease[25]
Pemba flying fox Pteropus voeltzkowi 19 000[26] VU[26] Increase[26] Increase from a few hundred in the early 1990s.[26]
Mauritian flying fox Pteropus niger 25 000[11] EN[11] Decrease[11] Minimum estimate.[11]
New Zealand lesser short-tailed bat Mystacina tuberculata 30 000[27] VU[27] Decrease[27] Minimum estimate.[27]
Madagascan flying fox Pteropus rufus 300 000[28] VU[28] Decrease[28]
Grey-headed flying fox Pteropus poliocephalus 320 000 - 674 000[29] VU[30] Decrease [30] Estimates are based on incomplete knowledge of camp location and use.[29]
Indiana bat Myotis sodalis 387 300[31] NT[31] Decrease[31] Though numbers are large compared to other bats classified as endangered, this species is listed as such due to a >50% decline over the past decade.[31]
Straw-coloured fruit bat Eidolon helvum 1.14 billion[32]= NT [33]
Pallas's long-tongued bat Glossophaga soricina 1.03 billion[34]= LC [35]
Angolan rousette Lissonycteris angolensis 823 million[36]= LC [37]
Heller's broad-nosed bat Lissonycteris angolensis 733 million[38]= LC [39]
Trident bat Asellia tridens 740 million[40]= LC [41]
Great stripe-faced bat Vampyrodes caraccioli 664 million[42]= LC [43]
Franquet's epauletted fruit bat epomops franqueti 609 million[44]= LC [45]
Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat Epomophorus wahlbergi' '597 million[46]= LC [47]
Lesser mouse-tailed bat Rhinopoma hardwickii 600 million[48]= LC [49]
Hairy big-eyed bat Chiroderma villosum 536 million[50]= LC [51]
Tilda's yellow-shouldered bat Sturnira tildae 516 million[52]= LC [53]
Southern red bat Lasiurus blossevillii 526 million[54]= LC [55]
Brown fruit-eating bat Artibeus concolor 488 million[56]= LC [57]
Greater bulldog bat Noctilio leporinus 511 million[58]= LC [59]
Egyptian slit-faced bat Nycteris thebaica 503 million[60]= LC [61]
MacConnell's bat Mesophylla macconnelli 473 million[62]= LC [63]
Egyptian fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus 489 million[64]= LC [65]
Little big-eyed bat Chiroderma trinitatum 459 million[66]= LC [67]
Gambian epauletted fruit bat Epomophorus gambianus 466 million[68]= LC [69]
Leschenault's rousette Rousettus leschenaultii 446 million[70]= NT [71]
Serotine Eptesicus serotinus 438 million[72]= LC [73]
Geoffroy's rousette Rousettus amplexicaudatus 431 million[74]= LC [75]
Short-headed broad-nosed bat Platyrrhinus brachycephalus 406 million[76]= LC [77]
Large-eared slit-faced bat Nycteris macrotis 421 million[78]= LC [79]
Hairy slit-faced bat Nycteris hispida 401 million[80]= LC [81]
Greater spear-nosed bat Phyllostomus hastatus 402 million[82]= LC [83]
Black myotis Myotis nigricans 376 million[84]= LC [85]
Dawn bat Eonycteris spelaea 357 million[86]= LC [87]
Black bonneted bat Eumops auripendulus 351 million[88]= LC [89]
Lander's horseshoe bat Rhinolophus landeri 346 million[90]= LC [91]
Greater short-nosed fruit bat Cynopterus sphinx 341 million[92]= LC [93]
Black mastiff bat Molossus rufus 345 million[94]= LC [95]
Lesser long-eared bat Nyctophilus geoffroyi 336 million[96]= LC [97]
Long-tongued nectar bat Macroglossus minimus 318 million[98]= LC [99]
Fischer's little fruit bat Rhinophylla fischerae 310 million[100]= LC [101]
Fischer's little fruit bat Myodes rutilus 328 million[102]= LC [103]
Pale spear-nosed bat Phyllostomus discolor 315 million[104]= LC [105]
White-winged vampire bat Diaemus youngi 304 million[106]= LC [107]
Tomes's sword-nosed bat Lonchorhina aurita 299 million[108]= LC [109]
Fringe-lipped bat Trachops cirrhosus 293 million[110]= LC [111]
Broad-eared bat Nyctinomops laticaudatus 289 million[112]= LC [113]
Little white-shouldered bat Ametrida centurio 273 million[114]= LC [115]
Visored bat Sphaeronycteris toxophyllum 265 million[116]= LC [117]
Riparian myotis Myotis riparius 276 million[118]= LC [119]
Lesser dog-like bat Peropteryx macrotis 274 million[120]= LC [121]
Southern dog-faced bat Cynomops planirostris 272 million[122]= LC [123]
Southern yellow bat Lasiurus ega 276 million[124]= LC [125]
African yellow bat Scotophilus dinganii 276 million[126]= LC [127]
Rüppell's horseshoe bat Rhinolophus fumigatus 255 million[128]= LC [129]
Silver-tipped myotis Myotis albescens 246 million[130]= LC [131]
Brazilian brown bat Eptesicus brasiliensiss 249 million[132]= LC [133]
Hammer-headed bat Hypsignathus monstrosus 247 million[134]= LC [135]
Greater Asiatic yellow bat Scotophilus heathii 246 million[136]= LC [137]
Western mastiff bat Eumops perotis 229 million[138]= LC [139]
Lesser Asiatic yellow bat Scotophilus kuhlii 229 million[140]= LC [141]
Lesser dog-faced fruit bat Cynopterus brachyotis 228 million[142]= LC [143]
Lesser woolly bat Kerivoula lanosa 230 million[144]= LC [145]
Wagner's bonneted bat Eumops glaucinus 229 million[146]= LC [147]
Variegated butterfly bat Glauconycteris variegata 229 million[148]= LC [149]
Noack's roundleaf bat Hipposideros ruber 227 million[150]= LC [151]
Velvety free-tailed bat molossus molossus 226 million[152]= LC [153]
Sanborn's bonneted bat Eumops hansae 219 million[154]= LC [155]
Kuhl's pipistrelle Pipistrellus kuhlii 215 million[156]= LC [157]
Argentine brown bat Eptesicus furinalis 213 million[158]= LC [159]
Lesser bulldog bat Noctilio albiventris 215 million[160]= LC [161]
Great fruit-eating bat Artibeus lituratus 222 million[162]= LC [163]
Yellow-winged bat Lavia frons 213 million[164]= LC [165]
Lesser sac-winged bat Saccopteryx leptura 208 million[166]= LC [167]
Seba's short-tailed bat Carollia perspicillata 219 million[168]= LC [169]
Northern little yellow-eared bat Vampyressa thyone 199 million[170]= LC [171]
Proboscis bat Rhynchonycteris naso 208 million[172]= LC [173]
Pale-faced bat Phylloderma stenops 219 million[174]= LC [175]
Dark fruit-eating bat Artibeus obscurus 217 million[176]= LC [177]
Spix's disk-winged bat Thyroptera tricolor 201 million[178]= LC [179]
Coiban mastiff bat Molossus coibensis 205 million[180]= LC [181]
Long-legged bat Macrophyllum macrophyllum 199 million[182]= LC [183]
Para dog-faced bat Cynomops paranus 202 million[184]= DD)[185]
Cinnamon dog-faced bat Cynomops abrasus 201 million[186]= DD [187]
Northern ghost bat Diclidurus albus 195 million[188]= LC [189]
Gould's wattled bat Chalinolobus gouldii 193 million[190]= LC[191]
Lesser mouse-eared bat Myotis blythii 191 million[192]= LC[193]
Common pipistrelle Pipistrellus pipistrellus 188 million[194]= LC[195]
Golden bat Mimon bennettii 187 million[196]= LC[197]
Big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus 186 million[198]= LC[199]
Large-eared free-tailed bat Otomops martiensseni 186 million[200]= NT[201]
Thumbless bat Furipterus horrens 185 million[202]= LC[203]
Chestnut sac-winged bat Cormura brevirostris 182 million[204]= LC[205]
Greater dog-like bat Cormura brevirostris 182 million[206]= LC[207]
Horsfield's fruit bat Cynopterus horsfieldii 180 million[208]= LC[209]
Rufous dog-faced bat Molossops neglectus 179 million[210]= DD[211]
Little broad-nosed bat Scotorepens greyii 177 million[212]= LC[213]
Lesser spear-nosed bat Phyllostomus elongatus 176 million[214]= LC[215]
Lesser spear-nosed bat Phyllostomus elongatus 176 million[216]= LC[217]
Ethiopian epauletted fruit bat Epomophorus labiatus 173 million[218]= LC[219]
Natterer's bat Myotis nattereri 172 million[220]= LC[221]
Geoffroy's tailless bat Anoura geoffroyi 171 million[222]= LC[223]
Tricolored big-eared bat Glyphonycteris sylvestris 171 million[224]= LC[225]
Mexican free-tailed bat Tadarida brasiliensis 168 million[226]= LC[227]
Frosted sac-winged bat Saccopteryx canescens 167 million[228]= LC[229]
Silver-haired bat Lasionycteris noctivagans 165 million[230]= LC[231]
Silver-haired bat Lasionycteris noctivagans 165 million[232]= LC[233]
Greater mouse-tailed bat Rhinopoma microphyllum '164 million[234]= LC[235]
Brown tent-making bat Uroderma magnirostrum 164 million[236]= LC[237]
White-bellied big-eared bat Micronycteris minuta 162 million[238]= LC[239]
White-bellied big-eared bat Micronycteris minuta 162 million[240]= LC[241]
Hoary bat Lasiurus cinereus 161 million[242]= LC[243]
Tent-making bat Uroderma bilobatum 160 million[244]= LC[245]
Long-tongued fruit bat Macroglossus sobrinus 159 million[246]= LC[247]
Nepal myotis Myotis nipalensis 159 million[248]= LC[249]
Schmidts's big-eared bat Micronycteris schmidtorum 158 million[250]= LC[251]
Colombian bonneted bat Eumops trumbulli 157 million[252]= LC[253]
Mato Grosso dog-faced bat Neoplatymops mattogrossensis 157 million[254]= LC[255]
Dwarf dog-faced bat Molossops temminckii 157 million[256]= LC[257]
Velvety fruit-eating bat Enchisthenes hartii 155 million[258]= LC[259]
White-winged dog-like bat Peropteryx leucoptera 154 million[260]= LC[261]
Yellow-bellied sheath-tailed bat Saccolaimus flaviventris 154 million[262]= LC[263]
Little brown bat Myotis lucifugus 151 million[264]= EN[265]
Finlayson's cave bat Vespadelus finlaysoni 151 million[266]= LC[267]
Pygmy round-eared bat Lophostoma brasiliense 149 million[268]= LC[269]
Pygmy round-eared bat Scotoecus hirundo 149 million[270]= LC[271]
Big-eared woolly bat Chrotopterus auritus 148 million[272]= LC[273]
Schlieffen's bat Nycticeinops schlieffeni 148 million[274]= LC[275]
Salvin's big-eyed bat Chiroderma salvini 145 million[276]= LC[277]
Little collared fruit bat Myonycteris torquata 147 million[278]= LC[279]
Little big-eared bat Micronycteris megalotis 144 million[280]= LC[281]
Welwitsch's bat Myotis welwitschii 144 million[282]= LC[283]
Wagner's mustached bat Pteronotus personatus 144 million[284]= LC[285]
Shaggy bat Centronycteris maximiliani 144 million[286]= LC[287]
Short-palated fruit bat Casinycteris argynnis 142 million[288]= LC[289]
White-throated round-eared bat Lophostoma silvicolum 142 million[290]= LC[291]
Little red flying fox Pteropus scapulatus 142 million[292]= LC[293]
Hairy-legged vampire bat Diphylla ecaudata 140 million[294]= LC[295]
White-bellied yellow bat Scotophilus leucogaster 141 million[296]= LC[297]
Eastern greenish yellow bat Scotophilus viridis 139 million[298]= LC[299]
Greater yellow-shouldered bat Sturnira magna 139 million[300]= LC[301]
Flat-faced fruit-eating bat Artibeus planirostris 138 million[302]= LC[303]
Peters's Epauletted Fruit Bat Epomophorus crypturus 138 million[304]= LC[305]
Peters's disk-winged bat Thyroptera discifera 135 million[306]= LC[307]
Great woolly horseshoe bat Rhinolophus luctus 134 million[308]= LC[309]
Great woolly horseshoe bat Rhinolophus luctus 134 million[310]= LC[311]
Thomas's nectar bat Lonchophylla thomasi 131 million[312]= LC[313]
Moloney's mimic bat Mimetillus moloneyi 131 million[314]= LC[315]
Large slit-faced bat Nycteris grandis 131 million[316]= LC[317]
Greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum 130 million[318]= LC[319]
Intermediate roundleaf bat Hipposideros larvatus 128 million[320]= LC[321]
Inland broad-nosed bat Scotorepens balstoni 128 million[322]= LC[323]
Dwarf little fruit bat Rhinophylla pumilio 125 million[324]= LC[325]
Stripe-headed round-eared bat Tonatia saurophila 125 million[326]= LC[327]
Ognev's long-eared bat Plecotus ognevi 124 million[328]= LC[329]
Northern bat Plecotus ognevi 121 million[330]= LC[331]
Chestnut long-tongued bat Lionycteris spurrelli 121 million[332]= LC[333]
Greater dawn bat Eonycteris major 119 million[334]= LC[335]
Chestnut short-tailed bat Carollia castanea 117 million[336]= LC[337]
Veldkamp's dwarf epauletted fruit bat Nanonycteris veldkampii 117 million[338]= LC[339]
Bates's slit-faced bat Nycteris arge 115 million[340]= LC[341]
Brown long-eared bat Plecotus auritus 114 million[342]= LC[343]
Pratt's roundleaf bat Hipposideros pratti 113 million[344]= LC[345]
Common blossom bat Syconycteris australis 113 million[346]= LC[347]
Diadem leaf-nosed bat Hipposideros diadema 111 million[348]= LC[349]
Ikonnikov's bat Myotis ikonnikovi 110 million[350]= LC[351]
Ikonnikov's bat Myotis ikonnikovi 110 million[352]= LC[353]
Intermediate horseshoe bat Rhinolophus affinis 110 million[354]= LC[355]
Dusky leaf-nosed bat Hipposideros ater 108 million[356]= LC[357]
Rusty pipistrelle Pipistrellus rusticus 108 million[358]= LC[359]
Woermann's bat Megaloglossus woermanni 106 million[360]= LC[361]
Buettikofer's epauletted fruit bat Epomops Butikofer 105 million[362]= LC[363]
Greenhall's dog-faced bat Cynomops greenhalli 103 million[364]= LC[365]
Davies's big-eared bat Glyphonycteris daviesi 103 million[366]= LC[367]
Wall-roosting mouse-eared bat Myotis muricola 102 million[368]= LC[369]
Grey long-eared bat Plecotus austriacus 102 million[370]= LC[371]
Hairy big-eared bat Micronycteris hirsuta 100 million[372]= LC[373]


  1. ^ a b c d Lumsden, L., Racey, P.A. & Hutson, A.M. (2010). "Pipistrellus murrayi". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2010. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ Tim, Flannery (17 November 2012). "Unmourned death of a sole survivor". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 2012-11-21. In an attempt to avert it I met Peter Garrett, then the environment minister, and warned him of the impending loss. I had brought offers of assistance and expertise from the Australian Mammal Society to his attention. The society was confident the species could be saved - at a cost of perhaps only a few hundred thousand dollars. But Garrett was convinced by the orthodoxy that ecosystems rather than species should be the focus of the national conservation effort, and I got the message that nothing would be done.
  3. ^ a b c d Solari, S. (2016). "Natalus jamaicensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T136824A22043871. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T136824A22043871.en. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
  4. ^ a b c d Dávalos, L. & Mancina, C. (2008). "Natalus primus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.
  5. ^ a b c d Gerlach, J., Mickleburgh, S., Hutson, A.M. & Bergmans, W. (2008). "Coleura seychellensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  6. ^ a b c d Hutson, T., Helgen, K., Flannery, T. & Wright, D. (2008). "Aproteles bulmerae". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  7. ^ a b c d Koenig, S.; Davalos, L. (2015). "Phyllonycteris aphylla". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2015. Retrieved 2016-06-04.
  8. ^ a b c d Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Álvarez-Castañeda, S.T., S., Cuarón, A.D. & de Grammont, P.C. (2008). "Myotis planiceps". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  9. ^ a b c d Ishii, N. & Maeda, K. (2008). "Pteropus pselaphon". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.
  10. ^ a b c Richards, G. & Milne, D. (2008). "Hipposideros inornatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.
  11. ^ a b c d e Jenkins, R.K.B., Tatayah, V. & Racey, P.A. (2008). "Pteropus niger". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  12. ^ a b c d Hamilton, S., Helgen, K., James, R., Fisher, D. & Parnaby, H. (2008). "Pteralopex taki". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  13. ^ a b c Aulagnier, S., Juste, J., Palmeirim, J. & Alcaldé, J.T. (2008). "Plecotus teneriffae". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  14. ^ a b c Mickleburgh, S., Hutson, A.M. & Bergmans, W. (2008). "Pteropus livingstonii". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  15. ^ a b c Hall, L., Thomson, B. & Richards, G. (2008). "Taphozous australis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2014-07-25.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  16. ^ Clague, C., Coles R., Hall, L. & Richards, G. (1999). "Coastal Sheathtail Bat". The Action Plan for Australian Bats, Environment Australia. Australian Government. Retrieved 2014-07-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  17. ^ a b c d Brescia, F. (2008). "Chalinolobus neocaledonicus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.
  18. ^ a b c Hutson, A.M., Aulagnier, S., Rainho, A. & Palmeirim, J. (2008). "Nyctalus azoreum". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  19. ^ a b c Douangboubpha, B; Soisook, P. (2016). "Hipposideros halophyllus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016. Retrieved 3 January 2017.
  20. ^ a b c Mickleburgh, S., Hutson, A.M. & Bergmans, W. (2008). "Pteropus rodricensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  21. ^ a b c Bates, P., Bumrungsri, S. & Francis, C. (2008). "Craseonycteris thonglongyai". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  22. ^ a b c McKenzie, N. & Hall, L. (2008). "Macroderma gigas". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.
  23. ^ a b c Mickleburgh, S., Hutson, A.M. & Bergmans, W. (2008). "Rousettus obliviosus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  24. ^ a b c d Mildenstein, T., Cariño, A., Paul, S., Heaney, L., Alviola, P., Duya, A., Stier, S., Pedregosa, S., Lorica, R., Ingle, N., Balete, D., Garcia, J.J., Gonzalez, J.C., Ong, P., Rosell-Ambal, G. & Tabaranza, B. (2008). "Acerodon jubatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  25. ^ a b c Arroyo-Cabrales, J.; Ospina-Garces, S. (2015). "Musonycteris harrisoni". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2015. Retrieved 2016-06-04.
  26. ^ a b c d Mickleburgh, S., Hutson, A.M., Bergmans, W. & Howell, K. (2008). "Pteropus voeltzkowi". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  27. ^ a b c d O'Donnell, C. (2008). "Mystacina tuberculata". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.
  28. ^ a b c Andriafidison, D, Cardiff, S.G., Goodman, S.M., Hutson, A.M., Jenkins, R.K.B., Kofoky, A.F., Rabearivelo, A., Racey, P.A., Ranivo, J., Ratrimomanarivo, F.H. & Razafimanahaka, H.J. (2008). "Pteropus rufus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  29. ^ a b Department of the Environment (2014). "Pteropus poliocephalus". Species Profile and Threats Database. Department of the Environment, Canberra. Retrieved 2014-07-25.
  30. ^ a b Lunney, D., Richards, G. & Dickman, C. (2008). "Pteropus poliocephalus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2014-07-25.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  31. ^ a b c d Arroyo-Cabrales, J. & Ticul Alvarez Castaneda, S. (2008). "Myotis sodalis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 2012-11-20.
  32. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  33. ^[bare URL]
  34. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  35. ^[bare URL]
  36. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  37. ^[bare URL]
  38. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  39. ^[bare URL]
  40. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  41. ^[bare URL]
  42. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  43. ^[bare URL]
  44. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  46. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  48. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  50. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  52. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  54. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  56. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  58. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  60. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  62. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  64. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  66. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  68. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  70. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  72. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  74. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  76. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  78. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  80. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  82. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  84. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  86. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  88. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  90. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  92. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  94. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  96. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  98. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  100. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  101. ^[bare URL]
  102. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  104. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  105. ^[bare URL]
  106. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  108. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  109. ^[bare URL]
  110. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  112. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  114. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  116. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  118. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  120. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  122. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  124. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  126. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  128. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  130. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  132. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  134. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  136. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  138. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  139. ^[bare URL]
  140. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  142. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  146. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  148. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  150. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  152. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  154. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  156. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  158. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  160. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  162. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  164. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  166. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  168. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  170. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  172. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  174. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  176. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  178. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  180. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  182. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  184. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  186. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  188. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  190. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  192. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  194. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  196. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  198. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  200. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  202. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  204. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  206. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  208. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  210. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  212. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  214. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  216. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  218. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  220. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  222. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  224. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  226. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  228. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  230. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  232. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  234. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  236. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  238. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  240. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  242. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  244. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  246. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  248. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  250. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  252. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  254. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  256. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  258. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  260. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  262. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  264. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  266. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  268. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  270. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  272. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  274. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  276. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  278. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  280. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  282. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  284. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  288. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  290. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  292. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  294. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  296. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  298. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
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  300. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  301. ^ [bare URL]
  302. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  303. ^ [bare URL]
  304. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  305. ^ [bare URL]
  306. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  307. ^ [bare URL]
  308. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  309. ^ [bare URL]
  310. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  311. ^ [bare URL]
  312. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  313. ^ [bare URL]
  314. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  315. ^ [bare URL]
  316. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  317. ^ [bare URL]
  318. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  319. ^ [bare URL]
  320. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  321. ^ [bare URL]
  322. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  323. ^ [bare URL]
  324. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  325. ^ [bare URL]
  326. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  327. ^ [bare URL]
  328. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  329. ^ [bare URL]
  330. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  331. ^ [bare URL]
  332. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  333. ^ [bare URL]
  334. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  335. ^ [bare URL]
  336. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  337. ^ [bare URL]
  338. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  339. ^ [bare URL]
  340. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  341. ^ [bare URL]
  342. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  343. ^ [bare URL]
  344. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  345. ^ [bare URL]
  346. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  347. ^ [bare URL]
  348. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  349. ^ [bare URL]
  350. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  351. ^ [bare URL]
  352. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  353. ^ [bare URL]
  354. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  355. ^ [bare URL]
  356. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  357. ^ [bare URL]
  358. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  359. ^ [bare URL]
  360. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  361. ^ [bare URL]
  362. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  363. ^ [bare URL]
  364. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  365. ^ [bare URL]
  366. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  367. ^ [bare URL]
  368. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  369. ^ [bare URL]
  370. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  371. ^ [bare URL]
  372. ^ "Results/Wild_land_mammal_biomass_inluding_populations.CSV · master · Milo Lab (Public) / Mammal_biomass · GitLab". 26 February 2023.
  373. ^ [bare URL]